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sábado, setembro 16, 2006

Transgender Woman Wins Discrimination Ruling
The Colorado Civil Rights Division has ruled that the firing of a transgender woman was the result of illegal sex discrimination, according to lawyers representing her.
Colo. Worker Wins Transgender Bias Case
A woman who was fired while preparing to undergo sex-change surgery was let go in violation of state anti-discrimination law, the head of Colorado's civil rights agency has ruled.

Advocates Protest Name Change Denial
The Sylvia Rivera Law Project is objecting after a Manhattan Civil Court judge denied name changes to four transgendered women who sought the new names as part of transitioning to their female sex.

Stephanie Loveless helps Green Party embrace trans community
After a fierce and sometimes fiery battle that raged for more than two years, local publisher, performer and trans activist Stephanie Loveless has succeeded in securing a place for herself and other trans women in the National Women's Caucus of the Green Party of the United States.

Batavia gender controversy persists
The first day of school was awkward for David Rees, who walked into his forensic science class knowing that his teacher — who last year dressed as a man — would be dressed as a woman.