UE ameaça Eslováquia
País quer reactivar central da era soviética
Aborto: petição requer revogação da lei
Vão ser entregues 4500 assinaturas no Parlamento
Bobby Noble (195? - ) academic
Jean Noble came out as a working-class lesbian in 1978. She worked with rape crisis centres, founded a sex-worker advocacy group, organized Take back The Night marches, and Edmonton’s first Gay Pride Parade.
[UK] [Blog/Commentary]
“Discrimination against transgender persons must no longer be tolerated”
That’s not a quote from a trans blog, nor from a trans rights organisation like Press for Change, but a quote by Thomas Hammerberg the Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights and published earlier this week on the Council of Europe website. The full text reads as follows (also available at the Commissioner’s website at www.commissioner.coe.int)
Swiss ordered to reimburse cost of gender reassignment surgery
The European Court of Human Rights has ruled that a 72-year old transsexual will be reimbursed after her country’s health insurance refused to pay the cost of her gender reassignment treatment.
Estrasburgo da la razón a transexual contra aseguradora que no pagó operación
Frais d'opération non remboursés d'une transsexuelle : la Suisse condamnée
Une transsexuelle de 72 ans obtient gain de cause face à la Suisse
“Urge legislar derechos de transexuales”
La familia no es como la pintan
Excerto: A pesar de haberla cuidado con esmero, escuchar sus primeras palabras,enviarla a la escuela y hacer juntas las tareas, las autoridades del Consejo Estatal de la Familia (CEF) separaron a Alondra de su hija por considerar que su condición transexual "no se ajusta a los parámetros elementales de convivencia social para que una menor de edad tenga un punto de referencia moral para su vida adulta".
Transexual condenada en Canadá a purgar condena en cárcel para varones
Tania Veilleux, transexual de 43 años de edad fue condenada en diciembre pasado a purgar condena por agresión sexual a otra mujer en la prisión femenil de Tanguay, en la ciudad de Montreal.
[USA] [Blog/Commentary]
A Truly Stupid Example of Transphobia
Gainesville, Florida, has an ordinance allowing transgender persons to select whichever bathroom they find most appropriate. The haters and the fools have come up with a campaign to overturn this ordinance and to require transgendered persons to… well, I’m not sure exactly.
The Battle for Transgendered Rights Starts in the Bathroom
The Trans Scare
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