Transfofa em Blog

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domingo, fevereiro 24, 2013

Travesti é morta com dez tiros em Manaus
Na madrugada desta sexta-feira (22), uma travesti de 29 anos foi morta a tiros na Avenida Desembargador João Machado, Zona Centro-Oeste de Manaus. O crime aconteceu por volta das 00h30.
Polícia registra morte de travesti com dez tiros em avenida de Manaus

Police accused of humiliating transgender woman during Soho Arrest
Police officers allegedly ripped a wig from a transgender woman's head and emptied the contents of her handbag onto the street.

Intersex people should be recognized, supported and protected from discrimination
Today (Thursday) in Berlin, the German Ethics Council is presenting its Opinion on the situation of intersex people, as commissioned by the Federal Government. The Council takes the view that intersex people, as members of a society that espouses diversity, deserve the respect and support of that society. They must also be protected from undesirable medical developments and from discrimination in the community.

Kerala hounds out its transgender community
“There are no transgenders in Kerala,” says a social welfare officer in the State. Immediately, he clarifies what he was trying to convey through this shocking statement – that transpeople in the State have been oppressed to the point of invisibility. “There are few people in the State who come out openly about their transgender identity. Our society simply does not accept transgenders,” he says.

40-year-old eunuch found murdered in Nand Nagri
A 40-year-old eunuch was found murdered with her throat slit in a house in northeast Delhi's Nand Nagri on Wednesday morning.

Transgender and unemployed for 4 years
Rebecca Juro is just one of thousands of transgender individuals across the country struggling to find and keep a job.

Ven discriminación y transfobia en disposiciones del Sistema Penitenciario
Una circular emitida por la Subdirección Operativa del SP, el 3 de octubre anterior, ordenó a los directores y subdirectores de centros carcelarios que “por antecedentes relacionados a fuga, los privados de libertad homosexuales y lesbianas debían vestir de acuerdo a su género natural”,

Otorgan amparo a homosexuales
La comunidad homosexual logró que el Juzgado Segundo Penal ampare en forma provisional a reclusos para que puedan vestirse como gusten mientras permanecen en prisión.
Travestis guatemaltecos presos podrán vestirse según su identidad de género

La mujer que será hombre por una tutela
La vida para Julián no fue fácil: se sentía en un cuerpo ajeno. Un fallo revertirá tal condición.