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sexta-feira, agosto 08, 2014

Lithuanian Parliament Refuses to Consider a Bill Establishing Procedure of Legal Gender Recognition
On July 8th, 2014 the Lithuanian Parliament Seimas considered the bill amendment to the Law on Public Registry No. XIP-2017(3). Despite the fact that the bill consists of multiple amendments to the law in question, i.e. seeking to simplify the functioning of the public registry by enabling residents to submit inquires and to fill in forms on-line, the whole package was blocked because it bears the provision on legal gender recognition. The Parliament returned the bill to the Committee on Legal Affairs requesting to ‘fix it’ through removing the provision on establishing the procedure of legal gender recognition.

Man charged in trans stabbing to undergo mental screening
A Beltsville, Md. man arrested last week for allegedly stabbing a 15-year-old transgender woman in the back on a Metro train arriving at the Fort Totten Station was scheduled to undergo a preliminary mental health evaluation on Thursday at the request of his attorney.

Paula Overby, first transgender congressional candidate, leaves DFL in protest
Last summer, Paula Overby told us about her plans to become the first transgender person to represent Minnesota in the U.S. House. She spoke of social justice and inclusion and made it known that the DFL best encompassed those ideals.
But at the district convention, on April 26, she withdrew her nomination before the first ballots were announced. Five weeks later, she resigned from the party in protest.

Movilh acusa "homofobia" tras crimen de transexual que ejercía el comercio sexual
La organización defensora de la diversidad explicó que el asesinato de Zaconi Orellana ocurrió el lunes en La Cisterna, en medio de "extrañas circunstancias"
El Movimiento de Integración y Liberación Homosexual (Movilh) denunció que un crimen ocurrido ayer lunes en La Cisterna pudo haber estado motivado "por la homofobia", motivo por el cual solicitarán que se investigue el caso.

UN Human Rights Committee Identifies Gaps in Protections for Trans and Intersex Persons
The United Nations Human Rights Committee ended its dialogue with the Chilean government today about the country’s fulfillment of its human rights obligations in areas related to civil rights, political participation, and judicial guarantees. The committee, which monitors implementation of the key human rights convention on civil and political rights, spent one and a half days in dialogue with government officials on issues of concern, based in part on information received from civil society, the so-called shadow reports.