Transfofa em Blog

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segunda-feira, agosto 28, 2006

Coping with transsexualism
Fitting in after man-to-woman transition has not been easy for transsexuals Christina Foxxe and Michelle Plarina...

Rights panel studies `gender identity'
Broward County's Human Rights Board has been considering the addition of 'gender identity' language to the county's human rights ordinance, which already bars discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation.

Transsexual killer to stay in jail
The New South Wales State Parole Authority has revoked its decision to grant early release to transsexual killer Maddison Hall, hours after a court threw out a bid to block her from being freed.

When is it OK for boys to be girls, and girls to be boys
Many kids want to look and act like the other sex. For some, it's a phase; for others, it's not. Parents and schools are adjusting.