[South Africa]
South African bank assists on transgender IDs
South Africa's First National Bank has grown the favourite of the nation's small transgender minority after it helped out a Burundian female male-born refugee getting a bank account. As a transgender refugee in South Africa, identity problems may often be a big hurdle to overcome.
[South Korea]
Official report on transgender rights released
According to the report, transgendered individuals first experience shame, frustration, and contempt in the school environment, which reinforces and demands normative gender roles. Female-to-male (FTM) transsexuals, in particular, gave up their studies because of the national standardized school uniform, which includes a skirt. Many ran away from home. They endured psychological conflict and felt shame due to the reactions of their parents and teachers.
South African bank assists on transgender IDs
South Africa's First National Bank has grown the favourite of the nation's small transgender minority after it helped out a Burundian female male-born refugee getting a bank account. As a transgender refugee in South Africa, identity problems may often be a big hurdle to overcome.
[South Korea]
Official report on transgender rights released
According to the report, transgendered individuals first experience shame, frustration, and contempt in the school environment, which reinforces and demands normative gender roles. Female-to-male (FTM) transsexuals, in particular, gave up their studies because of the national standardized school uniform, which includes a skirt. Many ran away from home. They endured psychological conflict and felt shame due to the reactions of their parents and teachers.
Saiu ontem (devido à hora em que costumo postar), dia 05 de Setembro no Pùblico mais um artigo sobre os desenvolvimentos do caso Gisberta, da autoria de Tânia Laranjo.
Não traz nada assim de muito relevante, somente que um dos menores foi entregue à família biológica por "terem sido ultrapassados os seis meses de punição sem que a sentença transitasse em julgado."
De notar unicamente que Tânia se refere a Gisberta como "a transexual", e não como "o", como é hábito no nosso meio jornalístico. De aplaudir.
Nada que já não se esperasse e também nada que espante ninguém, depois do vergonhoso julgamento que foi.
E como o Público é só para assinantes (o online of course) e por não poder ter o espaço que gostaria para fazer o upload do pdf de maneira a que pudessem ter acesso e ler, decidi fazer aqui um resumo (muito resumido mesmo) do seu conteúdo. Jinhos
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