Transexuales acusan a jueces de incumplir la Ley y condenarles a ejercer la prostitución
Gender bender upsets Church in Finland
Nepal Maoists to stand up for gay rights in UN
‘We deserve dignity, acceptance’
Up close and personal with transgenders among us
HRC asks Obama to make pro-gay changes
Transsexual sues over discrimination
Transexuales acusan a jueces de incumplir la Ley y condenarles a ejercer la prostitución
Según la legislación actual para que una persona transexual modifique sus datos en el Registro Civil basta con que acredite que no padece ningún trastorno psicológico y que se ha estado hormonando durante al menos dos años. Sin embargo, transexuales denuncian que muchos jueces no aplican la Ley y les obligan a pasar por situaciones humillantes como el tener que desnudarse.
Gender bender upsets Church in Finland
A vicar in Helsinki has joined what appears to be a nationwide rush to change sex in Finland. After more than half a century as a man, Olli Aalto has chosen to become a woman. He’s one of 1,000 Finns who’ve chosen to switch gender.
Nepal Maoists to stand up for gay rights in UN
Nepal’s ruling Maoist party, which till a year ago regarded homosexuality as a perversion threatening to corrupt society, will strike a blow for gay rights at the UN later this month, marking a sea-change in the organisation that took up arms to seize power.
‘We deserve dignity, acceptance’
At a public hearing on discrimination and human rights violations on Wednesday, HIV positive and other marginalised communities, transgenders, gay men, drug users and commercial sex workers came together and shared their difficulties and practical problems in their day to day living.
Up close and personal with transgenders among us
Many of you would remember Fanny Ler. She used to be known as "Freddie" who was a first sergeant with the Singapore navy for 10 years.
The story of how Fanny came to be first made headlines in the Straits Times in September as a exclusive series on transsexuals in Singapore, entitled 'When Papa became Mama'.
Inspired by senior writer Wong Kim Hoh's provocative work, RazorTV journalist Goh Shi Ting, decided that she too, wanted to shed light on the - hush-hush - issue of transgenders in Singapore.
The story of how Fanny came to be first made headlines in the Straits Times in September as a exclusive series on transsexuals in Singapore, entitled 'When Papa became Mama'.
Inspired by senior writer Wong Kim Hoh's provocative work, RazorTV journalist Goh Shi Ting, decided that she too, wanted to shed light on the - hush-hush - issue of transgenders in Singapore.
HRC asks Obama to make pro-gay changes
The Human Rights Campaign is calling on President-elect Barack Obama to implement numerous non-legislative changes to improve the lives of gay and transgender Americans, according to a list of recommendations obtained by the Blade.
Transsexual sues over discrimination
A Milford woman charges that PC Connection refused to hire her for a sales job after learning that she'd applied to the company as a man seven years earlier.
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