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quinta-feira, outubro 16, 2014

Suposto serial killer assume assassinato de oito mulheres em Goiânia
Em depoimento à polícia, o suspeito de ser o serial killer de mulheres em Goiânia disse que se sentia angustiado e matava para aliviar essa angústia. Tiago Henrique Gomes da Rocha, de 26 anos, assumiu também o assassinato da jovem Ana Lídia Sousa, ocorrido no dia 2 de agosto em um ponto de ônibus do Conjunto Morada Nova, próximo à Cidade Jardim, em Goiânia. Além de Ana Lídia, ele teria confessado a morte de outras sete mulheres.

With Decisive Vote, Kyrgyzstan Moves to Adopt Russia-Style Anti-Gay Law
Lawmakers in Kyrgyzstan have voted overwhelmingly to adopt a tougher version of Russia’s so-called “gay propaganda” law. The Kyrgyz version mandates jail terms for gay-rights activists and others, including journalists, who create “a positive attitude toward non-traditional sexual relations.”

Malaysia increasingly unsafe for trans people
Malaysian Islamic-purity enforcing police are making it increasingly difficult for transgender men and women to live a life without fear of arrest and harassment in a country where Islam is the official religion.

Remembering 'Ganda': The tragedy of Jennifer Laude
Jeffrey Laude – Jennifer to friends – was beautiful inside out, says her family and friends, and confident about her sexuality
Death of Trans Filipina Prompts Calls to End Military Pact with U.S.
U.S. Marine in custody after killing of transgender Filipino he met at disco: report
US marine detained in slaying of Philippines trans woman
Philippines: Trans woman found murdered in Olongapo
US marine detained in slay of Olongapo transgender
US warships in Subic locked down for transgender slay probe
Marine detained in Filipino's killing: Navy memo
Police hunt down foreigner for slay of transgender in Olongapo

Community divided over Victorian Government’s LGBTI health achievements
The Victorian Government's LGBTI health and wellbeing advisory committee is wrapping up as the state heads into next month's election, but the community is divided over what it actually achieved.

Bill to repeal sexual reassignment laws launched in SA
South Australian Greens upper house MP Tammy Franks has this afternoon introduced a bill to repeal the Sexual Reassignment Act 1988.
Franks pointed out that the current legislation had never been reviewed in 26 years, despite community and scientific attitudes having advanced significantly in that period.

Sarah Silverman denies that ‘sex-change’ pay inequality video is transphobic
Comedian Sarah Silverman has denied that a video as part of a campaign against gender pay inequality, in which she said she would get a “sex change” to earn as much as men do, was “transphobic”.

Education Dept. reaches settlement in trans student harassment case
A California school district will be required to ensure all students are protected from discrimination or harassment on the basis of their gender identity as a result of a voluntary agreement reached with the Department of Education.
California school district settles transgender discrimination complaint

LAPD Offers $50K Reward for Leads in L.A. Trans Woman's Murder
Authorities are offering $50,000 for information leading to the arrest of as many as three men suspected of killing Aniya Parker in an early morning robbery this month in East Hollywood.

Rogers Park trans woman alleges landlord discrimination
A Rogers Park woman has filed a complaint with the Chicago Commission on Human Relations, alleging that her landlord is trying to illegally evict her from her apartment because she is transgender and her fiance is Black.

Honor for trans activist sparks controversy
The Montgomery County Human Rights Hall of Fame on Sunday inducted Dana Beyer into its ranks amid criticism from two prominent LGBT advocates in the state.

Rally held after transgender woman attacked in Bushwick
The NYPD has released new video showing suspects in a vicious attack that left a transgender woman who is now fighting for her life.
Video Shows Suspects Who Attacked Transgender Woman With Plexiglas: NYPD
Transgender woman in critical condition after apparent Brooklyn hate crime

Ordenan protocolo para cambio de sexo
Corte Constitucional amparó derechos de un menor que nació hermafrodita y le ordenó a una EPS que, si el niño lo desea, le realice una operación de cambio de sexo.

Una pasarela sin estereotipos
La segunda edición del Concurso Mujer T fue el escenario para reivindicar la lucha por la igualdad y premiar las mejores iniciativas sociales, que intentan mejorar la calidad de vida de la población trans.

Luisa Revilla, primera mujer transexual elegida concejala en Perú
Luisa Revilla Urcia se ha convertido este 5 de octubre en la primera mujer transexual de Perú en ser elegida regidora (concejala), en concreto en el distrito de La Esperanza de Trujillo. Una excelente noticia en un país en el que la transfobia social sigue siendo muy importante.

Las mujeres transexuales discriminadas del empleo
Generar oportunidades de inclusión y educación fueron las demandas en un taller sobre diversidad sexual que se hizo en la escuela Victorino de la Plaza.