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quinta-feira, maio 04, 2006

In southern California, a woman named Sammia Gonzalez is wanted by police because, according to authorities, a transgender woman died from silicone injections the suspect administered in a San Diego apartment.
Dangerously Beautiful: Backroom Plastic Surgery Too Common, Doctor Says
Allegedly Unlicensed Practitioners Arrested Across Country

Chromosomes de femmes, corps d'hommes
Si ce n'est un homme, c'est donc une femme. Élémentaire, mon cher Watson... Hum, pas si simple ! La nature peut aussi prendre des détours curieux et produire des entre-deux. Parfois les chromosomes disent homme, mais le corps dit femme... et viceversa. Bien distincte de la transsexualité, la " réversion sexuelle "est un phénomène purement génétique.

More than Meets the Eye: lady boys in Thailand
As I sat outside a coffee shop in Chiang Mai, I paid close attention to every woman as she walked by.Not enough makeup. Hair too plain. Clothes too ordinary

Transsexual describes female-to-male transformation
What makes a man a man? How much of our sex differences are cultural, how much hard-wired biology? Who better to ask than Max Wolf Valerio — a 49-year-old man who was once a woman?