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quinta-feira, julho 13, 2006

Julgamento do caso Gisberta - 7º dia: revista de imprensa

Jornal de Notícias: Psicólogo e socióloga explicam a violência dos menores

O Primeiro de Janeiro: Concluída audição de testemunhas no caso da morte de Gisberta

Público: Médico pode voltar a ser ouvido para explicar lesões de Gisberta

aguardam-se os novos desenvolvimentos de amanhã

Making the transition
Pressures challenge transgender lifestyle; groups confront university's policy

Who Gets to Decide a Child’s Gender?
At what age are hormone treatments an option?

Transgender child to enter Florida school
A transgender child in Florida, genetically a boy, will be admitted to kindergarten this fall as a girl, the Miami Herald reported.

Investigation Under Way Over Officer's Sex-Change Story
An investigation is under way after KPRC Local 2 aired a story about Houston Police Sgt. Jack Oliver's decision to have a sex change operation.

Article needs clarification, transgender not "lifestyle"
I am writing in regards to the recent article "Making the Transition," <>(SN 7/10)

Transgender man's name change denied
He must show medical proof to legally become Evan, judge rules

[South Korea]
Sexual Change in Korean Society
Ms. Harisu was reborn last year.

FR [Portugal]
Gay Pride : 200 manifestants pour une première à Porto
Quelque 200 personnes, certaines masquées, ont défilé samedi 8 juillet pour la première Gay Pride jamais organisée à Porto, dans le nord du Portugal, afin de commémorer le meurtre sauvage d'un transsexuel dans cette ville, ont annoncé les organisateurs.