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quinta-feira, maio 17, 2007

Une transsexuelle candidate aux législatives, présentée par le parti communiste
L'élection de Nicolas Sarkozy et sa vision politique ultra libérale pour la France doivent nous conduire à poursuivre sans relâche notre combat pour une société plus juste, plus solidaire, qui n'oublie personne sur le bord de la route.
Photo: Camille Barré

[New Zealand]
Beyer won’t stand for capital mayor
Contrary to speculative media reports at the time Georgina Beyer left Parliament recently, the ex-Rainbow Labour MP has now revealed she is not planning to stand for Mayor of Wellington in the upcoming local body elections.

Transgender groups lobby for protection
More than 100 transgendered people lobbied Congress for protection from being fired because of gender. Susan Stanton, who is in Washington for the event, stayed away from some of the media circus early in the day when the group began the lobby effort.

[MA, USa]
Protecting transgendered Massachusetts
Activists supporting civil rights legislation for transgendered persons swarmed the Statehouse yesterday in what organizers called the first transgendered lobbying day.

Intersex Activist Discusses Recent Controversy
Intersex activist Emi Koyama made an appearance at the University of Chicago on May 11 to discuss a controversy within the community regarding new medical terminology.
Photo: Emi Koyama

Freak List
Transsexual punk rocker Jayne (formerly Wayne) County has, over the span of more than 30 years, worked as a singer, actress, stripper, journalist and prostitute.

American Idol Castoff Sanjaya Malakar Caught on Transsexual Video
Somewhere I'm guessing this is not exactly what American Idol castoff Sanjaya Malakar had in mind after being eliminated from American Idol just a few short weeks ago. This year has produced some embarrassing photos - Antonella Barba comes to mind - but in a very odd video the one time darling of American Idol is caught on video performing in a trannyshow. Wait- what?

Police Searching For Murder Suspect
Police are searching for a suspect in the May 4 murder of 51-year-old Frank Johnson.