Más de cien personas han cambiado de nombre gracias a la modificación R.Civil
Verka, la drag-queen qui représentera Kiev à l'Eurovision
Dois filmes com personagens transexuais estréiam nos cinemas brasileiros no próximo dia 18
Change Sex Or Die
Mak Nyah Cry For Compassion
Pakistani court orders arrest of transsexual couple
Ripley's host Transsexual Beauty Contest
Nacidos en el cuerpo incorrecto: ABC emite documental sobre niños transgenero
Una niña transgenero de 10 años de edad y su familia hablaron en el programa de Barbara Walters sobre los desafíos que afronta cada día.
Daddy's becoming a woman!
How do I tell our 8-year-old daughter that her dad is having a sex change?
Mutual Transformation
An alumnus reconnects with Dartmouth as an alumna and finds Dartmouth has changed considerably, too.
GLBT Protections Rise Nationwide
More than half of Americans now live in areas where non-discrimination laws that protect gay and lesbian workers and residents are either currently in effect, or are expected to come into effect in the near future, according to an analysis of census data and current laws around the country conducted by the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force.
Dignity for All
Asian American transgender activist Pauline Park considers the push for gender-neutral pronouns in the U.S. "profoundly ahistorical. "
City leaders move toward paying for sex-change operations
The Berkeley City Council took the first step Tuesday night toward including sex change surgery in employee health care benefits. The proposal is modeled after a similar benefit in effect in San Francisco since 2001. The council directed the city manager to create a feasibility study before the measure comes back to the council in six months for consideration.
A Tourist In A Tranny Bar
Not your ordinary 'girls' night out' lands Violet Blue in legendary Tenderloin establishment
Mother courage: portrait of a transgender mom
If you call the GrantSmith household and ask for the missus, one ofthe two teenagers who live there will probably answer. “You wantmom? Just a minute, I’ll get him.”
[FL,USA] [News/Commentary]
Transgender deceiver
Former Largo, Fla., city manager Steve Stanton attended a conference at city expense and dressed as a woman for two seminars without telling the city. Was he deceiving the citizens of Largo or just being incredibly prudent?
Bay State to see first-ever lobby day for trans equality
On May 15 the Massachusetts Transgender Political Coalition (MTPC) and the Gay and Lesbian Labor Activist Network (GALLAN) and their supporters will converge on Beacon Hill to ask lawmakers to support the transgender employment non-discrimination and hate crimes bill.
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