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sexta-feira, janeiro 23, 2009

Estudo garante que temperatura na Antártica está a aumentar
Ao contrário de que algumas correntes de pensamento têm vindo a afirmar, todo o continente austral, Antártica inclusive, tem vindo a registar um aumento de temperatura.
Antártida está a derreter mais do que o esperado

Monárquicos contra casamento entre homossexuais
PPM diz que proposta do PS conduzirá à adopção de crianças por casais do mesmo sexo

Petição - Socialistas católicos vão reclamar consulta popular - Referendo aos casamentos gay

Salas para casais homossexuais em dez prisões
Os reclusos homossexuais terão direito a visitas conjugais nas dez novas prisões que serão construídas até 2013 com a reforma do mapa prisional.

Leo Krett, vereadora trans de Salvador, é destaque na revista francesa Têtu
A vereadora Leo Krett, trans recém empossada na Câmara Municipal de Salvador, é destaque na edição de janeiro da revista Têtu, principal publicação gay da França.

Ex concursante polémica suelta la bomba sobre Julito antes de la final
Excerto: Amor Romeira, que volvió loca la casa de Guadalix en su anteriorconvocatoria por su excéntrico carácter, amén de ser transexual, hoyoperada y oficialmente mujer, la ha vuelto a liar en su tierra. Es unade las once candidatas para convertirse en la Reina del Carnaval deLas Palmas de Gran Canaria y la polémica no se ha hecho esperar.

Leeds transsexual killer will serve minimum 17 years
THE killer of a pre-op transsexual prostitute 10 years ago has been sentenced to life after being trapped by a bloody palm print.
Roofer James Hopkins, 42, of Bawn Drive, Farnley, Leeds, was told he must serve at least 17 years.

Turkish LGBT organization wins appeal against closure
The Turkish lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) solidarity organization, Lambda Istanbul, has won its appeal against the closure of the association. The Supreme Court of Appeal’s decision was communicated to Lambda Istanbul’s lawyers on Tuesday.

Govt neglects transsexuals' rights: lawmaker
Dozens of transsexuals attended a meeting Thursday at the House of Representatives' Health and Manpower Commission to discuss their discriminatory treatment by the government. Photo: Transsexual concern: Merlin Sofyan, a lead member of the Transsexual Communication Forum, held a press briefing Thursday after attending a meeting at the House of Representatives to discuss their discriminatory treatment by the government. JP/Ricky Yudhistira

Parents of gender variant kids get support
A group for parents of children with gender variance is to be established in Sydney, in a joint exercise by psychologist Catherine Wilson and counsellor Elizabeth Riley.

Police looking for men who attacked transgender
Sacramento police are looking for two men who allegedly attacked a 22-year-old transgender woman last week.

Transgender person sues Appleton nightclub
A mixed-race transgender person has filed a civil suit against a downtown nightclub, claiming it discriminated against her on the basis of race and sexual orientation.