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quarta-feira, junho 24, 2009

Deputado Giannazi acredita que crimes pós-Parada foram premeditados por grupos de intolerância
O Deputado Carlos Giannazi, do PSOL, também veio a público falar sobre os atos violentos ocorridos após a 13ª Parada de Orgulho LGBT de São Paulo, realizada no dia 14 de junho.

Man kills girlfriend of 2 years after learning she used to be a man
A Russian man has killed the girlfriend that he lived with for two years after finding out that she once was a man.

Se tiñe Tijuana de arco iris con el Orgullo Gay
Un gran contingente de personas LGBT se reunió este fin de semana en el centro de la ciudad para, además de presumir singulares y llamativos atuendos, exigir sus derechos como personas y próximamente, ante las elecciones, como ciudadanos.

Transfobia en La Nacion
Yo si sé, por eso escribo en respuesta a una
nota escrita por Rolando Hangling para La Nación.
Al leerla nota sentí una especie de compasión, de lastima o como quieran llamarlo. Gente que consideramos culta, con conocimientos, y hasta quizás consideremos que este por encima de nosotros escribiendo una nota sin siquiera interiorizarse por el tema. No quiero entrar en esa bolsa, por eso escribo de lo que se y lo ya demostrado.

Gender dysphoria: from Christine Jorgensen to Chaz Bono
In 1995, Chastity Bono let the world know that she was a lesbian, a woman who is sexually attracted to other women. Recently, the news reported that the former Chastity Bono, who will now go by
Chaz Bono in his new male persona, is taking steps toward physically transitioning from being female to becoming male. If done completely, female to male (FTM) transitioning consists of Sexual Reassignment Surgery (SRS), wherein surgical procedures divest one of all female physical components: a complete hysterectomy to remove the female reproductive system (ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus, and vagina) and use of tissues to create the genitalia of a male, and a bilateral mastectomy to remove breast tissue and mammary glands. These procedures are usually accompanied by the taking of male hormones – testosterone – to induce masculine traits such as the growth of facial hair and heavier body hair, deepening the voice, and increasing muscle mass.