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sábado, junho 20, 2009

Orgulho LGBT - Desfile sábado em Lisboa contra discriminação
A já tradicional Marcha do Orgulho LGBT (Lésbicas, Gays, Bissexuais e Transgéneros) vai animar sábado à tarde a cidade de Lisboa, em mais uma iniciativa contra a discriminação.

Vereadora transexual quer representar Clodovil
A dançarina e travesti ‘Leo Kret do Brasil’ (PR), que foi uma das campeãs de votos para a Câmara de Vereadores de Salvador, declarou para amigos íntimos que será candidata a Deputada Federal para ocupar o lugar de Clodovil. (Foto)

Carlos Tufvesson "culpa" políticos pelos ataques homofóbicos pós-Parada de São Paulo
O estilista-ativista carioca Carlos Tufvesson, que está em São Paulo para conferir os desfiles do São Paulo Fashion Week, acabou acompanhando de perto os notíciarios e comentários sobre os ataques homofóbicos que aconteceram após a Parada do Orgulho LGBT no domingo, dia 14 de junho.
SP: Secretário de Justiça promete segurança nos atos anti-homofobia
Família e amigos de vítima da homofobia na Parada farão protesto nesta sexta-feira na Vila Madalena
40 anos depois da batalha do bar Stonewall Inn, NYC, um homossexual é morto na Parada Gay paulistana
Serra abre seu Twitter. Segurança para evento contra homofobia é assunto de primeiros posts

Exigen gays poblanos castigo para asesino de travesti
Activistas por los derechos LGBT exigieron al gobierno local que no quede impune el asesinato de “Ana Fajardo”, travesti acuchillada el pasado martes. Pidieron a legisladores que saquen de la congeladora la Ley Contra la Discriminación.

Homophobic law passed in Lithuania
The Lithuanian parliament has passed a law that prohibits the discussion of homosexuality in schools and bans any reference to it in public information that can be viewed by children.

Chinese gays step quietly toward progress
The first time director and movie buff Cui Zi'en tried to hold a gay and lesbian film festival in 2001, it was shut down by police before it even opened. When he tried to organize a gay cultural festival in 2005, five dozen police officers swarmed the venue, closing it.

[Philippines] [Blog/Commentary]
Supporting Leona
Leona Lo, one of Singapore's high-profile out transwomen, is set to star in the stage adaptation of her autobiography From Leonard to Leona: A Singapore Transsexual's Journey to Womanhood. The play entitled Ah Kua (a pejorative Hookien term originally ascribed to cross dressers but now also increasingly being used to refer to transgender/transsexual women in Singapore), which runs from August 6, 7 and 8, 2009 at 8 pm at the Substation Theatre, has just encountered its first transphobic opposition from the National Library Board of Singapore no less.

Alexis Arquette: A Proud Transgender Female's Advice to Chaz Bono
"I hope that Chaz can understand that he is not alone and he's never been alone and anyone like him will never be alone," Alexis Arquette offers words of support for Chaz Bono. "It's an important time in his life; a lot of people don't understand that it is very difficult to come out as transgender."

[USA] [News/History]
Trans-cending time
Tracing the modern transgender rights movement from its beginnings in the dress code reform of the 1800s up through Stonewall to today, when Texas A&M has honored trans advocate Phyllis Frye

Remember Ruby Molina
On September 21, 2008, a naked corpse was found floating facedown in the American River just southeast of the Highway 160 bridge. A purple bruise bloomed below the waterlogged corpse’s right eyelid; blood vessels in the eye were ruptured. The maroon nail polish on the victim’s toenails was chipped.

Born into the wrong body
Bill Strange, a Baptist minister, never felt comfortable in a man’s body. So he got out.

Trans woman runs for mayor in Idaho
Melissa Sue Robinson, a trans woman, is running in the mayoral election for Nampa, Idaho.