Transfofa em Blog

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segunda-feira, outubro 05, 2009

[UK] [Blog/Commentary]
Cis Feminism in London 09
Next weekend sees the Feminism in London 09 event. There are various workshops and discussions on a range of subjects: for example, racism and sexism, self-defence and assertiveness training, activism training, etc – and nearly 30 speakers scheduled. Any self-identified woman, whether cis or not, would surely find something of interest there.

[South Africa] [Commentary]
Redeeming Caster Semenya
I saw the women’s 800 meters in Berlin. This young thing was facing the cameras before the race started, pretending to brush a few specks of dust off her shoulders because that’s what the other runners were to her, just dust she was gonna leave behind.

[Malaysia] [Commentary]
My journey
I realized I was “different” when I was six. I hated wearing dresses, I didn’t play with dolls, except to perform surgery on them. Nope, I’m not a psychopath. I have a normal day job, I send money to my mum, and I have a loving partner and a dog named Boo.
Talking straight
‘Sick’ definition
A question of sex

Un enseignant transsexuel licencié porte plainte
Un enseignant canadien, licencié après que son employeur, une école catholique, eut appris qu'il avait changé de sexe, a porté plainte auprès de la Commission des droits de l'Homme de l'Alberta, dans l'est du Canada, a rapporté vendredi la télévision publique CBC.

Teacher's sex change firing 'wrong message': expert

Compelling data at ENDA hearing (Gathering supports trans athletes)
The U.S. House Education and Labor Committee held a full committee hearing Sept. 23 on the Employment Non-Discrimination Act, which would bar workplace discrimination, preferential treatment and retaliation on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity in companies with 15 or more employees.

Legal Analysis of ENDA: Section 3(a)(3) and 3(a)(4): Government Workers

[USA] [Health/Medicine/Commentary]
Trans Health Care Reform - It's About Life and Death
Controversy over the "true" sex of South African 800-meter world champion Caster Semenya displays the anxiety many still have over gender. People that do not line up neatly as male or female face social ostracization, as well as outright hostility or violence. This can become a matter of life and death for those that decide to physically transgress the gender binary, not just due to physical attacks, but from the need for basic medical care. For transsexuals, trying to access health care can be an impossible ordeal, as it can result in being denied assistance by medical professionals, or being written off as having psychological issues. Writer Eleanor Bader looks at one facility, the Feminist Women’s Health Center in Atlanta, that decided to break this trend. The Center offers a model for other medical facilities to proactively care for the trans community and prevent any more needless deaths due to ignorance and fear.

[USA] [Commentary]
Bad Language
Da Vinci Code author Dan Brown has released his latest "Oh my God there's a secret conspiracy and you can find the clues all over the place" book. In this one, The Lost Symbol, his Harvard expert of symbology takes on masons, Washington, D.C., and presumably anything else that he can spin into a story.

[USA] [Blog/People]
Lee Brewster (1943 - 2000) retailer, activist
Lee was raised in the coal mining areas of West Virginia. As a young man he worked in finger-printing for the FBI, but was fired when it was suspected that he might be gay.

[MA, USA] [News/Events]
Saturday, October 3, 2009 Join MTPC at New England Trans United Pride March and Rally in Northampton
We would love for folks to carry signs in support of the legislation that we have! Come by our table or help at the table - volunteers are needed!

[América Latina]
Premian a la RedLacTrans por su labor en Latinoamérica
La REDLACTRANS (la red para personas travestis transexuales y transgeneros de Latinoamérica y Caribe), que preside la reconocida activista Marcela Romero, recibió el Premio Clarence H. Moore (Premio al Servicio Voluntario), por el trabajo en el avance de la aceptación de los derechos de las personas trans en toda la región de América Latina.

Exigen derechos para transexuales y transgéneros
Angie Rueda informó que la nueva versión de los manuales de salud mental aparecerá en el 2012 por lo que consideró necesario “profundizar nuestras acciones y difundir nuestros puntos de vista en un tema trascendental para nosotros y nosotras”.

Convocan a caminata por la reivindicación de los derechos trans
Marvin Mayorga, encargado de capacitación de la Iniciativa Desde la Diversidad Sexual por los Derechos Humanos (IDSDH), informó que se llevará a cabo una caminata en Managua en contra de que la transgeneridad siga siendo considerada un trastorno de la identidad sexual en los manuales de salud mental.

Desfilaron 120 mil personas en Marcha Gay de Curitiba
La 12a edición del Desfile de la Diversidad LGBT en Curitiba, la tarde del pasado domingo, convirtió la Avenida de Cándido Abreu en una gran pista de baile, con música electrónica a todo volumen y mucha diversión.

Denuncian transfobia de fiscalía investigadora
Francisco Esteban Gaete Barra, conocida como “Malva”, y Jonathan Luis Pozo Ramos, alias "Jenny", acusadas de homicidio, así como David Leonardo Parada, alias "Silvia", quien es señalada por presunto abuso sexual a menores de edad, denunciaron ante el ministerio público chileno la conducta homofóbica y transfóbica de la fiscal que dirige la investigación en su contra.