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segunda-feira, setembro 28, 2009

El filme vasco 'Ander' y su protagonista triunfan en festival gay de Lisboa
La cinta española "Ander" (2009), de Roberto Castón, fue proclamada mejor largometraje y su protagonista Josean Bengoetxea ganó el premio al mejor actor, en el XIII festival de cine gay Queer Lisboa, que concluyó hoy en la capital portuguesa.

EHGAM apoya a una transexual en huelga de hambre que pide un cambio de sexo
El colectivo vasco de defensa del reconocimiento social de los homosexuales EHGAM ha expresado hoy su apoyo y solidaridad a Andrea Muñoz, una transexual que lleva desde el pasado martes en huelga de hambre parcial para reclamar una operación de cambio de sexo y otra de aumento de pecho.
Sanidad escuchará las demandas de Muñiz, la transexual en huelga dehambre desde el martes

(Trans)formando el trabajo
COGAM organiza varios encuentros para reflexionar sobre la realidad transexual y las dificultades de este colectivo para integrarse en el mundo laboral.

Vida de una transexual
Las transexuales inmigrantes en situación irregular no tienen otra salida que ejercer la prostitución

Muchos transexuales siguen teniendo problemas para encontrar trabajo
Como profesores de escuela, como enfermeros en residencias, hasta en el ejército. Cada vez es más común ver a personas transexuales desempeñando cargos de gran responsabiliadad. Pero 9 de cada 10 tiene problemas para encontrar trabajo y muchos reconocen sentirse discriminados.
Las personas transexuales ya pueden enrolarse en el Ejército.

TV ban for sex swap Harries
Sex swap antiques guru Lauren Harries has been banned from This Morning after bizarrely impersonating a Little Britain character.

[UK] [Blog/Commentary]
Trans-misogyny? There’s an app for that
It’s always hurtful when cis people make trans-misogynistic attacks on trans women’s gender expression, and I doubt I shall ever understand why they think they are entitled to do so. The barbs are bad enough when they’re aimed specifically at me as an individual, but when they target my entire community they inevitably seem only to add insult to injury.

[Reino Unido]
Aos 75 anos, transexual mais velha do Reino Unido passou por três casamentos héteros
A trans Rachel Fleetwood virou notícia no Reino Unido. Aos 75 anos, ela é considerada a transexual com mais idade do local, de acordo com o site The Star. Mas sua transição de gênero é recente: há apenas cinco anos.

[South Africa] [Commentary/Religion]
Caster Semenya: Why, God, why?
The reality of God's child, Caster Semenya, presents us with many questions. Why should God allow an unpopular, uncommon human being to be born in a world that discriminates against those who are 'different'?
Caster Semenya, l’incroyable athlète qui bouleverse l’éthique sportive
Caster Semenya, questions sur une championne

[USA] [Blog/Commentary]
Legal issues in ENDA 2009 version, Round 1
Wednesday's hearing before the House Education and Labor Committee probably could not have gone better for supporters of ENDA. You can watch it and access copies of all the written testimony at the Committee's website. Special cheers to witnesses Vandy Beth Glenn, Bill Eskridge and Brad Sears. (See other Bilerico posts for a detailed summary and Jillian Weiss's excellent call to take action.)

[USA] [Blog/Commentary]
Trans Woman Murdered in Hollywood
Via Queen Emily, reports came in last week of yet another trans woman being murdered. Her name was Paulina Ibarra, she was 24-years-old, and she died in her apartment from stab wounds on August 28th. But her murder only made the news last week, when police identified a person of interest, named Jesus Catalan.

[USA] [Film]
Jude Law plays transsexual in 'Rage'
Jude Law underwent perhaps the most startling onscreen transformation ever for the new Sally Potter movie, Rage.

New Voice for Sexual Minorities
A monthly magazine published by an Argentine umbrella group of some thirty organisations of lesbians, gays, bisexuals and trans (LGBTs) seeks to become a major communications channel for the community and an instrument for disseminating the actions that sexual minorities undertake to defend their rights.