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domingo, setembro 20, 2009

MG: Trans e travestis de Alfenas ganham entidade própria
Travestis e transexuais de Alfenas já têm uma entidade de representação. A Associação de Travestis e Transexuais de Alfenas - ASSTTRAL teve seu estatuto e ata de fundação registrados nesta semana no Cartório de Registro de Documentos das Pessoas Jurídicas do município.

El Parlamento Europeo condena la ley lituana que prohíbe 'explicar' la homosexualidad
El Parlamento Europeo ha aprobado una resolución en la que condena la ley de menores lituana. Esta norma considera un delito "promover la homosexualidad", entendiendo como tal explicar lo que es en clase, indicar que es una orientación sexual más, abrir locales para gays y lesbianas u organizar manifestaciones o actos por la visibilidad de las minorías. Vulnerar estas normas podría acarrear detenciones, condenas a trabajos públicos y multas de hasta 1.500 euros.

Boy, 12, turns up for school as a girl after sex swap during the summer holidays
A boy of 12 has started living as a girl and is preparing to become the world's youngest person to have a sex swap operation.
Criança britânica de 12 anos começa processo de readequação sexual e gera polêmica na escola
Boy, 12, turns into girl
Schoolchild youngest in country to have sex change
Sex change for children guidelines under review
Boy of 12 set to be youngest transsexual in the UK
Boy, 12, turns up for school as a girl after gender swap, parents say school mishandled announcement
Boy, 12, turns up for school as a girl after sex swap during the summer holidays
Sex-change boy 'faces crucial time'
Sex swap children: gender dysphoria at a young age

Family's despair at rape verdict
The family of a Llanelli student convicted of the oral rape of a male awaiting a sex change operation have vowed to stand by him and help him fight to clear his name.
Kiran Singh Chand carried out the sex attack after beating up his victim in a lane in Llanelli, a jury ruled.

Les deux visages du troisième sexe
Dans « Claudette », la réalisatrice Sylvie Cachin brosse le portrait d’une hermaphrodite prostituée et père de famille. Un film sensible et nécessaire, entre destinée multiple et plaidoyer social.Ses parents la nomment Claude. Pour lui laisser le choix, puisque Claude, en venant au monde, est fille et garçon à la fois. Plus tard, elle deviendra Claudette, travailleuse du sexe, artisane de l’amour, père de famille et passionnée de cyclisme. De l’Afrique du Nord aux nuits des Pâquis, du cloisonnement identitaire à l’épanouissement, la caméra de Sylvie Cachin a capté ce témoignage hors norme, et façonné un premier long-métrage remarqué. Après avoir reçu le prix du meilleur film au Berlin Pornfilmfestival et le prix Ida Feldman du Mixbrazil, « Claudette » sort dans les salles romandes (au Spoutnik de Genève et au Zinema de Lausanne

Suspenden desfile gay en Serbia por falta de seguridad
Los activistas homosexuales y de derechos humanos en Serbia suspendieron su Desfile del Orgullo Gay programado para el 20 de septiembre después de que se les pidiera trasladar sus lugares de reunión por razones de seguridad, indicaron el sábado los organizadores. (Foto)

[Afrique du Sud]
Carl Lewis défend Semenya
Carl Lewis, neuf fois champion olympique entre 1984 et 1996, a apporté son soutien à Caster Semenya, la championne du monde du 800m, soupçonnée d'être hermaphrodite, et a violemment mis en cause la Fédération sud-africaine.
Sexualidade de atleta posta em causa - Caster Semenya sujeita a fotografias íntimas
Confirmados testes de género a Semenya
Worries grow over S.A. runner's mental state
TV show pulls segment on Caster
Caster saga goes on - ASA to explain role before Parliament
She’s no freak; merely different
South Africa complains to UN over Caster Semenya row
Gender identification isn’t rocket science – federation
[Blog/Commentary] Caster Semenya: Its Time to Stop!
[Blog/Commentary] Caster is not “Transgender”
Media blasted for humiliating the innocent
Sport's gender bender question: X and Y chromosones
Intersexuality quite common
'I prize myself as being a human being'
South African officials withhold findings of Caster Semenya's gender test
[Law/Commentary] Intersex and the law
Boy or girl? The baffle of the sexes
[Commentary] Intersex disorder doesn’t make a woman less of a woman
IAAF Official Wants to Sweep the Caster Semenyas Under the Rug

[South Korea]
S.Korea to ease conscription rules for transsexuals
Korea will lift its requirement for transsexuals to undergo group physical examinations before they are exempted from conscription, an official said Thursday, Yonhap News reported.
Conscription Rules for Transsexuals Eased
Female-to-Male Transsexuals to Be Spared Draft
Transsexuals to be exempted from conscription

[New Zealand]
Rachael's story: A minority within a minority
A change in gender identity can mean a loss of sexual identity, even total invisibility. Racheal McGonigal explains...

Breaking down the myth of two sexes
Nicky Phillips says gender is not either/or

Kidman, transexual en su próxima película
'La Chica Danesa' será la película que convierta a Nicole Kidman en transexual. La actriz australiana dará vida a Einar Wegener, un hombre que a principios del siglo XX comenzó a vestirse de mujer, hasta someterse a varias operaciones de cambio de sexo que le costaron la vida.

De niños vampiro a artistas transexuales

[USA] [News/Health/Medicine]
New rules for gender identity
The nation's oldest and largest organization of endocrinologists has recommended that physicians treating children with gender identity disorder intervene to delay puberty at its first signs and wait until a child is at least age 16 before offering hormonal therapy that would begin his or her gender transition.

Treating transsexual kids: wait for, then delay puberty to treat

DNC governing body gets first trans member
N.J. activist among committee’s six new LGBT nominees

[USA] [PR/Film]
Transgender Founder of Sirius XM Satellite Radio Interviewed in Movie Produced by Mohr Productions, Inc.
When director Sandra Mohr decided to make a film about the recent economic meltdown she had no idea she would soon meet one of the most unique and brilliant individuals on the planet.

[USA] [Blog/Commentary]
An old brawl at McDonalds. Who is at fault?
I don't know how to feel about this clip. The incident happened two years ago and I couldn't find anything else on the situation.This is what I think happened. Some of our transgendered sisters went to McDonalds to get a snack. Some employees may have laughed at them and boom, it was on.

'Person of interest' sought in transgender murder
A 24-year-old man was being sought Thursday as a "person of interest" in the murder of a transgender person in east Hollywood, according to police.
Paulina Ibarra was found dead on the floor of her apartment at 939 N. Mariposa Ave. around 8 p.m. Aug. 28, and police were asking the public's help to locate Jesus Catalan regarding her murder, according to the Los Angeles Police Department.

Parolee sought in transgender murder
Man sought in east Hollywood transgender murder

[CA, USA] [Commentary]
Separate imprisoned gays
Gov. Schwarzenegger should sign AB 382, which would require the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation to consider the sexual orientation and/or gender identity of prisoners so as to prevent sexual violence and to promote inmate and ward safety.

Toxicology report doesn't resolve voodoo-ritual death
Authorities in Camden County have received Lucie Marie Hamilton's toxicology reports, but say they still don't know how the Arkansas woman died during a voodoo ritual in July.

Oregon killing of transgendered woman unsolved 8 years later
Sgt. Mike O'Connell is waiting for a clue. A tip. A missing piece.
For eight years, the Washington County Sheriff's detective has been investigating the county's only known hate-crime killing.

No surgical sex change? No problem at BMV to alter gender on licenses
Those wishing a change need only a doctor’s statement to verify gender identity.

[El Salvador]
¿Homofobia o delincuencia común? (III entrega)
Alrededor de 20 homosexuales han sido asesinados en El Salvador en lo que va del año, la mayoría de ellos se prostituían. Algunos dicen que es producto del crimen organizado promovido por algunos sectores intolerantes, pero la PNC, la Fiscalía y muchos homosexuales trasvestidos creen que es producto de la delincuencia común y del grave riesgo que corren al y trabajar en un oficio peligroso

Exigen investigación de ataques contra mujer transgénero
Una organización en defensa de los derechos LGBT exigió al Ministro de Justicia, Seguridad y Derechos Humanos del país, que indague a fondo los ataques contra una mujer trans, víctima de graves ataques físicos.

Travestis: la tercera edad es casi una utopía
Irene Castro es psicóloga y se especializa en temas de género. Hace un tiempo comenzó a preguntarse cómo es y cómo será el envejecimiento de quienes quisieron cambiar su identidad.