Quinta-feira, dia 24, o Queer Lisboa 13, Festival de Cinema Gay e Lésbico de Lisboa vai exibir Strella, a Woman`s Way.
Le commissaire aux droits de l’homme du Conseil de l’Europe appelle les États à s’attaquer “vigoureusement” à la transphobie
La Asociación de Transexualidad Clínica pide que López medie en el caso Muñiz
Lakua elaborará un borrador de ley integral sobre transexualidad
[Spain] [News/Health/Medicine]
Surgeons perform first hysterectomy in Spain via the belly button
[Reino Unido]
Una niña de 12 años, la mas joven del mundo en cambiar de sexo
Les associations dénoncent les centres de référence sur le «transsexualisme»
Building a Trans*Network in Switzerland
Caso Semenya: al parecer, Sudáfrica sabía que era hermafrodita y lo ocultó
Algo más que un cromosoma
Comité investigará el caso Semenya
[Blog/News] ENDA Hearings on Wednesday @ 10 AM ET; here's the list of witnesses
House hears ENDA testimony
[NY, USA] [PR/Events]
Special Event - Transgender Hate Crimes: Victims, Their Families & Advocates Speak Out
Uruguayan Legislators Approve Gender Change as a "Right" (Anti-gay site: LifeSite)
Quinta-feira, dia 24, o Queer Lisboa 13, Festival de Cinema Gay e Lésbico de Lisboa vai exibir Strella, a Woman`s Way.
A longa-metragem Strella, a Woman`s Way, centra-se na história de Yiorgos que, libertado da prisão após 14 anos a cumprir pena por um crime que cometera na sua aldeia natal, conhece em Atenas, Strella, uma jovem prostituta transsexual por quem se apaixona perdidamente. Uma extraordinária e fascinante relação, contada ao final de uma noite, em jeito de tragédia grega, realizada este ano pelo grego Panos H. Koutras.
Sobre Panos H. Koutras: Nascido em Atenas, Grécia, estudou na International Film School de Londres e depois na Sorbonne, em Paris. De 1985 a 1995, viveu entre estas duas cidades, tendo realizado diversas curtas-metragens. Em 1995, fundou a companhia 100% Synthetic Films, em Atenas, tendo começado a trabalhar na sua primeira longa-metragem The Attack of the Giant Mousaka (1999). A sua segunda longa-metragem, Real Life (2004), vence o Prémio da Crítica Nacional da Grécia, em 2004. Strella (2009) é a sua terceira longa-metragem de ficção.
Le commissaire aux droits de l’homme du Conseil de l’Europe appelle les États à s’attaquer “vigoureusement” à la transphobie
Thomas Hammarberg, le commissaire aux droits de l’homme du Conseil de l’Europe, vient de publier un des textes les plus favorables aux trans’ écrits par une autorité européenne.
La Asociación de Transexualidad Clínica pide que López medie en el caso Muñiz
La Asociación de Transexualidad Clínica de España ha rogado hoy al lehendakari, Patxi López, que actúe personalmente en el caso de Andrea Muñiz, una transexual que lleva casi dos días de huelga de hambre parcial para reclamar una operación de cambio de sexo y otra de aumento de pecho.
Lakua elaborará un borrador de ley integral sobre transexualidad
El Departamento de Empleo y Asuntos Sociales del Gobierno Vasco ha anunciado hoy que en breve elaborará un borrador de Proyecto de Ley Integral sobre Transexualidad, con el fin de "facilitar un mejor ejercicio de sus derechos por parte de las personas transexuales".
El departamento de Asuntos Sociales del Gobierno vasco elaborará enbreve una ley sobre transexualidad[Spain] [News/Health/Medicine]
Surgeons perform first hysterectomy in Spain via the belly button
The procedure was performed on a transsexual awaiting a sex change operation
[Reino Unido]
Una niña de 12 años, la mas joven del mundo en cambiar de sexo
Una niña transexual de doce años de edad se sometió a una operación de reasignación de sexo durante las vacaciones escolares en el Reino Unido. La adolescente, cuyo nombre no ha sido revelado, fue apoyada por sus padres en todo momento
Swap 'man' lured girl, 15
A woman having treatment to become a man pretended she already was one to start a relationship with a 15-year-old girl.
Christine Walker, 20, who is having gender reassignment, hid her breasts and called herself Chris, a court heard yesterday.
[UK] [Blog/People]
Crazy tranny Lauren Harries "banned" after This Morning appearance
Remember freaky fake child prodigy James Harries from Wogan in the 80s? Well he chopped his cock off in 2001 and became the beautiful creature we see before us today - Lauren Harries!
Celebrating diversity
A colourful parade featuring everything from giant teacups to transvestites showcased the city's diversity.
Starting at Campbell Park and ending in Station Square, the Celebr8 diversity march, which marks the start of the FringeMK festival, attracted even more people than its inaugural event last year.
Queens Wanted to Guard the Queen
No, it’s not the plot of a Sasha Baron Cohen movie. Scotland Yard really is looking to recruit queer cops to serve as guards for Her Majesty, the Queen of England.
[Blog/Commentary] UK Seeks Homosexuals To Guard Queen
Swap 'man' lured girl, 15
A woman having treatment to become a man pretended she already was one to start a relationship with a 15-year-old girl.
Christine Walker, 20, who is having gender reassignment, hid her breasts and called herself Chris, a court heard yesterday.
[UK] [Blog/People]
Crazy tranny Lauren Harries "banned" after This Morning appearance
Remember freaky fake child prodigy James Harries from Wogan in the 80s? Well he chopped his cock off in 2001 and became the beautiful creature we see before us today - Lauren Harries!
Celebrating diversity
A colourful parade featuring everything from giant teacups to transvestites showcased the city's diversity.
Starting at Campbell Park and ending in Station Square, the Celebr8 diversity march, which marks the start of the FringeMK festival, attracted even more people than its inaugural event last year.
Queens Wanted to Guard the Queen
No, it’s not the plot of a Sasha Baron Cohen movie. Scotland Yard really is looking to recruit queer cops to serve as guards for Her Majesty, the Queen of England.
[Blog/Commentary] UK Seeks Homosexuals To Guard Queen
Les associations dénoncent les centres de référence sur le «transsexualisme»
Communiqué de presse inter-associatif Chrysalide (Lyon), OUTrans (Paris), Pink Freak’X (Montpellier), la Lesbian and Gay Pride de Lyon et la LGP de Montpellier - 22/9/2009
Chrysalide (Lyon), OUTrans (Paris), Pink Freak’X (Montpellier), la Lesbian and Gay Pride de Lyon et la LGP de Montpellier s’interrogent sur les avancées réelles présentées par la ministre de la santé concernant la prise en charge des personnes trans.
Chrysalide (Lyon), OUTrans (Paris), Pink Freak’X (Montpellier), la Lesbian and Gay Pride de Lyon et la LGP de Montpellier s’interrogent sur les avancées réelles présentées par la ministre de la santé concernant la prise en charge des personnes trans.
Building a Trans*Network in Switzerland
Dear all,
Tell your swiss friends: It's time for building a trans* network in Switzerland! Together we want to make our political, medical and legal situation advance.
I'm happy to invite all trans* and/or queer people living in Switzerland - no matter how you define your gender, which of the four official languages you speak, how experienced you are in networking and lobbying - to our first national meeting.
We meet Saturday, 24th of octobre 2009, 3 pm @ "Quartier-Hof", 3013 Bern. Closest station is "Lorraine". Take bus nr 20 from central station.
Looking 4ward to see a lot of motivated people,
Tell your swiss friends: It's time for building a trans* network in Switzerland! Together we want to make our political, medical and legal situation advance.
I'm happy to invite all trans* and/or queer people living in Switzerland - no matter how you define your gender, which of the four official languages you speak, how experienced you are in networking and lobbying - to our first national meeting.
We meet Saturday, 24th of octobre 2009, 3 pm @ "Quartier-Hof", 3013 Bern. Closest station is "Lorraine". Take bus nr 20 from central station.
Looking 4ward to see a lot of motivated people,
Kenyan challenges state over prison facilities
An intersexed Kenyan has applied to Kenya’s constitutional court to be released from Nairobi’s Kamiti Maximum Security Prison on the grounds that he belongs in neither a jail for men nor women.
[South Africa] [Blog/Commentary]
When Gender Isn’t So Clear
Tests on the South African runner Caster Semenya continue, as race officials try to decide whether the 18-year-old athlete — who says she is female — is a man or a woman. Martha Wilson, an American writer living in Canada, is not a runner, and she thinks she is certain of the sex of her daughters. But, as she writes in a guest blog today, the case feels very personal nonetheless, because it raises questions of concern to any parent.
Los surafricanos examinaron a Semenya antes de ir a Berlín[Kenya]
Kenyan challenges state over prison facilities
An intersexed Kenyan has applied to Kenya’s constitutional court to be released from Nairobi’s Kamiti Maximum Security Prison on the grounds that he belongs in neither a jail for men nor women.
[South Africa] [Blog/Commentary]
When Gender Isn’t So Clear
Tests on the South African runner Caster Semenya continue, as race officials try to decide whether the 18-year-old athlete — who says she is female — is a man or a woman. Martha Wilson, an American writer living in Canada, is not a runner, and she thinks she is certain of the sex of her daughters. But, as she writes in a guest blog today, the case feels very personal nonetheless, because it raises questions of concern to any parent.
Caso Semenya: al parecer, Sudáfrica sabía que era hermafrodita y lo ocultó
Algo más que un cromosoma
Comité investigará el caso Semenya
Atleta india hermafrodita apoya en su dolor a Caster Semenya
[Australia] [Commentary]
Deaths and Entrances
There’s no easy to tell family members about transitioning from male to female. Some take the news openly; others not quite so. Author Josephine Emery recalls the moment she told her mother what she had been afraid to say all those years.
The Real Possibility of Joy: A Personal Journey from Man to Woman by Josephine Emery[Australia] [Commentary]
Deaths and Entrances
There’s no easy to tell family members about transitioning from male to female. Some take the news openly; others not quite so. Author Josephine Emery recalls the moment she told her mother what she had been afraid to say all those years.
The real possibility of joy: an interview with Josephine Emery
Pride centre brings together community
Whenever a man makes a belligerent comment about her surgery, Jennifer Tennant relishes in giving them more than they asked for.
A no-holes-barred account of her sex change always leaves him squirming, she laughs.
It’s the kind of confidence she wants to share with others.
You have to be willing to give up your friends, your family and your job, Tennant said. Otherwise, your option is suicide, a route an estimated 50 per cent of transgendered people take.
[USA/UK] [Film]
Nicole Kidman to play trans as ’The Danish Girl’
Nicole Kidman will take on the role of Danish painter Lili Elbe for 2011’s ’The Danish Girl.’ Elbe, formerly known as Einar Wegener, was one of the first known recipients of a sex change surgery (male to female), occurring in the early 1900’s in Denmark.
Pride centre brings together community
Whenever a man makes a belligerent comment about her surgery, Jennifer Tennant relishes in giving them more than they asked for.
A no-holes-barred account of her sex change always leaves him squirming, she laughs.
It’s the kind of confidence she wants to share with others.
You have to be willing to give up your friends, your family and your job, Tennant said. Otherwise, your option is suicide, a route an estimated 50 per cent of transgendered people take.
Nicole Kidman to play trans as ’The Danish Girl’
Nicole Kidman will take on the role of Danish painter Lili Elbe for 2011’s ’The Danish Girl.’ Elbe, formerly known as Einar Wegener, was one of the first known recipients of a sex change surgery (male to female), occurring in the early 1900’s in Denmark.
(Photo: Actress Nicole Kidman (left) will play transgender painter Lili Elbe (right).)
Majority of Workers Still Hide Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity at Work
– A majority – 51 percent – of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender workers continue to hide their identity from most or all co-workers, according to a new report released today from the Human Rights Campaign Foundation that examines the real-life experiences of LGBT workers. The report, “Degrees of Equality: A National Study Examining Workplace Climate for LGBT Employees,” found that, despite significant advances in employment policies at major U.S. corporations, a majority of LGBT workers continue to experience a range of negative consequences because of their sexual orientation and gender identity. Younger workers are even more likely to hide their LGBT identity – only 5 percent of LGBT employees ages 18 to 24 say they are totally open at work, compared to more than 20 percent in older age cohorts. The report is available for download at http://www.degreesofequality.org/.
American Labor Movement Calls for Full Inclusion of LGBT Workers
If there were any doubts that the American labor movement stands strongly in favor of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender ( LGBT ) rights, they were set to rest the minute former United Mine Workers president Richard L. Trumka took the podium last Wednesday as the newly elected President of the AFL-CIO. Speaking at the labor federation's quadrennial national convention, the feisty third-generation coal miner issued a clear call for the full inclusion of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender voices in the labor movement and American life.
[USA] [Blog/News]
Trans woman suing Ga. legislature will testify before Congress
Vandy Beth Glenn to share story of being fired at ENDA hearing
[Blog/Commentary] Today, in Your Hearing[USA]
Majority of Workers Still Hide Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity at Work
– A majority – 51 percent – of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender workers continue to hide their identity from most or all co-workers, according to a new report released today from the Human Rights Campaign Foundation that examines the real-life experiences of LGBT workers. The report, “Degrees of Equality: A National Study Examining Workplace Climate for LGBT Employees,” found that, despite significant advances in employment policies at major U.S. corporations, a majority of LGBT workers continue to experience a range of negative consequences because of their sexual orientation and gender identity. Younger workers are even more likely to hide their LGBT identity – only 5 percent of LGBT employees ages 18 to 24 say they are totally open at work, compared to more than 20 percent in older age cohorts. The report is available for download at http://www.degreesofequality.org/.
American Labor Movement Calls for Full Inclusion of LGBT Workers
If there were any doubts that the American labor movement stands strongly in favor of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender ( LGBT ) rights, they were set to rest the minute former United Mine Workers president Richard L. Trumka took the podium last Wednesday as the newly elected President of the AFL-CIO. Speaking at the labor federation's quadrennial national convention, the feisty third-generation coal miner issued a clear call for the full inclusion of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender voices in the labor movement and American life.
[USA] [Blog/News]
Trans woman suing Ga. legislature will testify before Congress
Vandy Beth Glenn to share story of being fired at ENDA hearing
[Blog/News] ENDA Hearings on Wednesday @ 10 AM ET; here's the list of witnesses
House hears ENDA testimony
Legisladores homosexuales abogan por una ley contra la discriminación laboral
Chaz Bono writing sex change memoir
Cher's daughter Chastity Bono is writing her memoir to document her sex change from a woman to a man.
Chaz Bono to write memoir of sex change
Chaz Bono writing sex change memoir
Cher's daughter Chastity Bono is writing her memoir to document her sex change from a woman to a man.
Chaz Bono to write memoir of sex change
[NY, USA] [PR/Events]
Special Event - Transgender Hate Crimes: Victims, Their Families & Advocates Speak Out
Transgender people face pervasive discrimination, harassment and violence. Leslie Mora and Carmella Etienne—victims of hate crimes in two separate incidents in Queens—are witnesses to the violence that is perpetrated against people because of their gender identity or expression. In its most extreme form, such violence can turn deadly, as it did in the case of Lateisha Green, a young African American woman who was shot and killed, and whose death lead to New York State’s first hate crime trial and conviction stemming from the death of a transgender person.
Uruguayan Legislators Approve Gender Change as a "Right" (Anti-gay site: LifeSite)
Days after the Uruguayan Senate approved a bill that analysts say will legalize adoption by homosexual couples, the nation's Chamber of Deputies (its lower legislative house) has passed a measure to allow people to decide what their gender will be -- regardless of their actual sex.
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