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segunda-feira, fevereiro 22, 2010

Transexuales de Andalucía ofrece su sede para exponer obra vetada Granada Circus Christi
Si no es en Granada, será en Sevilla, pero Circus Christi volverá a ser expuesta. La Asociación de Transexuales de Andalucía (ATA) ha puesto a disposición de Bayona su sede en pleno centro de Sevilla. “La muestra no puede estar clausurada por el chantaje de unos integristas”, explicó Mar Cambrollé, presidenta de ATA.

Transsexual singer wins top music school place after switching his voice from baritone to a soprano
When transsexual opera singer Emily De Salvo first applied to one of Italy’s most prestigious music schools, he was rejected as the board was unsure whether to place him among the male or female singers.
This week, after three years’ studying with baritone Maurizio Picconi and soprano Amelia Felle, the 29-year-old has won a place at Bari’s Tito Schipa Conservatory after changing his voice.
De Salvo, formerly Stefano, who has yet to make his gender change complete with surgery, convinced the jury he can handle both sides of the opera spectrum - from male baritones to female sopranos. (Photo)

[Germany] [Blog/News/Film]
Berlin’s Gay Movie Awards: The Kids Are All Right, The Mouth Of The Wolf
Excerpt: The best documentary was Pietro Marcello’s La bocca del lupo / The Mouth of the Wolf, described by Neil Young in The Auteurs as an "impressionistic documentary-fiction hybrid of the kind I usually have limited patience with, but which here works beautifully from beginning to end." Set in the Genoa waterfront, The Mouth of the Wolf chronicles the relationship between a macho ex-con and his lover, a transsexual former junkie. Their relationship is related by way of extracts from their love letters.
Vida mujer transexual musa Warhol –Candy Darling- obtiene buenas criticas Festival Berlín

Nakka! seeks to end discrimination for transsexuals and gays
While activities are continuing at full pace at the !f AFM International Film Festival, ‘Nakka!’ one of the events that helped kick off events on Feb. 11, has many talking.

India's 'third sex' win a measure of public acceptance But despite a beauty pageant and changes to the law, the hijras still fear harassment and abuse
Miss Mumbai has big brown eyes, long lustrous hair, and an unusually strong jaw. Her lips are stained with a dark red lipstick, her gaze frequently drifts to her reflection, captured in a grubby mirror above the cracked sink. Like most beauty queens on the eve of a big competition, she is worrying about her weight, her outfit and that all-important runway walk. Today she will compete for the title of "Super Queen" in India's first transgender beauty pageant; an event seen by some as a sign that the marginalised "third gender" group – eunuchs, transsexuals and transvestites – is finally being welcomed into mainstream society.
(Photo: Atul Loke/Panos - Hijras in India are now allowed to give their gender as 'other' on ballot forms)

Lesbianas, gays, transexuales y bisexuales obligados a ocultar su identidad en China
Luchan a diario contra las tradiciones, la discriminación y la censura del Gobierno. Los homosexuales y transexuales del país más poblado del mundo comienzan a reivindicar su identidad

Frank Says House Passage Of ENDA Likely
According to Rep.Barney Frank (D-Mass.), the passage of theEmployment Non-Discrimination Act in the House is all but a done deal, but its success in the Senate is not so sure.

[Puerto Rico]
Samantha Love pide a los ‘Ñeta’ que asesino confeso de Jorge Steven no reciba privilegios
La transexual Samantha Love reclamó hoy que Juan "Casper" Martínez Matos, imputado por el asesinato del joven homosexual Jorge Steven López Mercado, reciba una dura condena, porque "ese hombre tiene que pagar".

Cambio de nombre y sexo en México DF; un derecho inalcanzable por alto coste económico
El cambio de nombre por reasignación de sexo es un proceso legal y administrativo inalcanzable para la mayoría de los solicitantes, quienes deben esperar, al menos, seis meses. Los costos del trámite rondan los 70 mil pesos y el proceso se encuentra a expensas del criterio moral de algunos funcionarios. Este derecho, incorporado al Código Civil del Distrito Federal en enero de 2009, se gestó desde la comunidad transexual para combatir la discriminación y concitó el apoyo de defensores de los derechos humanos, sociólogos, antropólogos, médicos, abogados, incluso diputados locales

Transexuales reclaman acceso a salud, trabajo e inclusión social en Río Cuarto, Argentina
Realizan el primer Congreso Regional en esa localidad. Analizan la situación de los transexuales en cuanto a salud, trabajo y políticas sociales.
(Foto: la representa de la asociación local Eliana Alcaraz)