Comunicado do grupo Transexual Portual - Estudos de Género. História da homossexualidade em Portugal
Desde 2006, quando do assassinato da transexual Gisberta Salca Júnior, que se tem vindo a afirmar a luta das pessoas transexuais para uma separação efectiva da transexualidade da Homossexualidade. Com efeito, e embora essa reivindicação da comunidade transexual já existisse, foi desde esse triste caso que se assumiu que homossexualidade tem a ver com a orientação sexual e a transexuaidade tem a ver com identidade de género.
Dentro da comunidade transexual existem pessoas com diferentes orientações sexuais, como em qualquer outra comunidade. E dentro da comunidade homossexual existem pessoas transexuais como de qualquer outra comunidade.
Assim, foi com espanto e profundo pesar que se viu aparecer uma iniciativa do programa Escola de Verão da Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas da Universidade Nova de Lisboa íntitulada Estudos de Género. História da homossexualidade em Portugal.
Esta iniciativa, louvável per si, vem colar novamente a transexualidade à homossexualidade. Logo na relação título/programa se pode ler :"O reconhecimento pelas democracias ocidentais dos direitos individuais das lésbicas, gays, bissexuais, transexuais e trangéneros surge em resposta a uma luta política já com mais de meio século que foi iniciada por pelas comunidades gay que estruturavam a sua identidade em novos moldes, nos Estados Unidos nos anos 50 do século XX, mas que cedo se transportou para a Europa.", portanto impondo de imediato que a transexualidade é parte integrante da homossexualidade, algo que se pensava já ter ficado escarecido como duas partes independentes da complexidade do ser humano (pese-se o facto de se encontrar tudo interligado dentro da mesma complexidade).
O ponto 1 do programa intitula-se Identidade de Género. A explanação do referido ponto refere :"As teorias queer são a destruição última das teorias essencialistas, inclusive das feministas, afirmando o género e a sexualidade como construções sociais e políticas, como espaços plásticos, culturais e não espaços naturais.
As teorias queer questionam o sistema político heterosexista e patriarcal em que vivemos, recusando a falsa colagem do sexo biológico à identidade de género, criticando o binarismo de género homem/mulher e desconstruindo o masculino e o feminismo como conceitos biopolíticos definidos pelo sistema heteronormativo."
Como se pode observar, neste primeiro ponto nem sequer se vai focar a Identidade de Género em si mesma, mas teorias de género, que não são necessariamente a mesma coisa, género não é sinónimo de identidade de género. Muito menos é a identidade de género uma mera construção social (como é definido o género) como o provam a existência de inúmeras crianças transexuais que com idades tão precoces como 4, 5 e 6 anos, já sentem não pertencer ao género que lhes é atribuído à nascença.
Por estas razões, o grupo Transexual Portugal vem por este meio demonstrar o seu repúdio pela descarada colagem feita da transexualidade e da identidade de género à homossexualidade, bem como ao uso do termo identidade de género como sinónimo ou termo aglutinador de teorias de género e teorias queer.
Estas situações, infelizmente não pouco usuais, servem unicamente para confundir a população, pois orientação sexual e identidade de género são distintas e identidade de género não é sinónimo de género nem de teorias queer.
Pelo Grupo Transexual Portugal,
Eduarda Santos e Lara Crespo
Anemia força Lea T. a adiar cirurgia de readequação sexual
Top trans Lea T. adia cirurgia de readequação sexual depois de descobrir anemia
Travestis e transexuais da Região Sul reúnem-se em Porto Alegre
Porto Alegre vai sediar o 8º Encontro Regional Sul para Travestis e Transexuais entre os dias 16 a 19 de junho, no Hotel Umbu (av. Farrapos, 45) sob a coordenação da Igualdade - Associação de Travestis e Transexuais do Rio Grande do Sul.
Porto Alegre sedia encontro regional de pessoas trans
Este pasado martes recogió el acta como diputada, Antonelli, colectivos FELGTB y COGAM felicitan
La ya diputada del PSM a la Asamblea de Madrid ha prometido su cargo, durante el acto de constitución de la cámara madrileña. El 7 de junio de 2011, Antonelli ha firmado algo más que su compromiso con los madrileños, rubricando también una página de la historia de España, convirtiéndose en la primera mujer transexual diputada autonómica.
Colectivo Errespetuz de Euskadi denuncia que mujer transexual es agredida en Gasteiz
Errespetuz convocó una concentración el jueves 9 de junio a las 11:30 frente a los juzgados de Gasteiz para manifestar nuestra repulsa a las agresiones transfóbicas.
Chloe Sevigny Plays Transgender In UK Drama 'Hit And Miss'
Actress Chloe Sevigny is returning to familiar territory in playing transgender in the upcoming UK drama Hit and Miss, Nikki Finke's Deadline Hollywood reported.
Valentijn de Hingh: Transgender Model to Watch
Valentijn de Hingh is a transgender model who was followed by a documentary film crew from the age of 8 to 17. At first, when filming began, the footage was supposed to be used in a television documentary about children questioning their gender identity. But then filmmaker Hetty Niesch got the idea to follow de Hingh and stuck with her for nine years, until she was 17 years old; that documentary finally aired on Dutch television in 2007.
WATCH: Meet Dutch Transgender Model Valentijn de Hingh
Sweden mistreating Russian trans asylum seeker, says she is actually a gay man
Sweden has told a trans Russia woman she's really a gay man and they can safely return her to Russia.
In December 2010, a Russian transgender woman, Lydia, from Arkhangelsk in North-Eastern Russia, and her partner Anton Schteinberg applied for asylum in Sweden. (Photo: Lydia)
Yasar is free! asylum case of Turkis trans woman in Austria will be re-opened
With great relief have we learnt that Yasar was granted protection from deportation and that her asylum case will be re-opened. The decision came not even 24h before she was meant to be deported back to Turkey. The manifold protest in solidarity with her from within Austria and internationally have been successful.
The midnight cowboys of Tel Aviv
They come to Tel Aviv from all over the country − teens and young men who were thrown out of their homes because they’re gay; in the area around the old central bus station, they turn to prostitution to survive.
No further jail for man who tried to steal from dying assault victim
A transgender man will serve no further time in jail for trying to rob a dying assault victim as he lay on a city sidewalk.
LGBT News: Transgender prom queen Andi Viveros makes PSA
The It Gets Better campaign aims to promote awareness among the teens in the gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender community. Teens faced by bullying often consider suicide as a viable option for ending their personal sexual identity stresses. One teen, Andrew Viveros (AKA Andi Viveros), a transgender teen crowned queen of the McFatter Technical High School in Florida school prom, is speaking out to teens that have faced the trials she has lived through, including bullying in her own high school.
CNN documentary reveals tragic consequences of ‘experimental therapy’ designed to make young boys ‘more masculine’
CNN are to screen a three-part documentary about a form of ‘experimental therapy’ designed to make ‘feminine’ boys more masculine.
The documentary, entitled The Sissy Boy Experiment, tells the story of Kirk Andrew Murphy who despite success in school, the Air Force and his subsequent career, took his own life in 2003 at the age of 38.
[Commentary] Reparative Therapy for Trans Youth: Kenneth Zucker is Different from George Rekers How?
Family which abused boy now blames gender identity therapy for his suicide decades later
[Commentary] More Sissy Boys
[USA] [Film/Television]
“TWO SPIRITS”, Story of Murdered Navajo Teen, to Air Nationally on PBS: Independent Lens
TWO SPIRITS is a film about Fred Martinez, a Navajo teen who didn’t want to have to choose between being a boy or a girl– he wanted to be both. According to the ancient Navaho culture, it was a gift to be born with a male body and a feminine nature. In an earlier era, he would have been revered. Instead, he was brutally murdered at the age of sixteen for embracing his identity and living the life he was born to live.
[USA] [Commentary]
Tula: "I Am A Woman"- not 3rd gender, not transvestite, not gay male drag queen, not gender queer activist, not transgender
Caroline (Tula was her modeling name) fought very hard for women born with a transsexual medical condition to be recognized as women, and have the same rights as any other woman. She never sought to be “othered and misgendered” or marginalized in a 3rd gender/Transgender box, yet that is precisely what many cross dressing males and gender queer activists, backed by Gay Inc, and some in the religious far right, are trying to do in the newer transgender/transgenderist movement.
Both Sides Of Transgender Bill Debate Speak Out
Measure Proposed By Assemblywoman Toni Atkins Would Amend State Non-Discrimination Laws
VA tells hospitals transgender veterans are eligible for hormones, care and counseling
The Veterans Health Administration has informed its hospitals and clinics that transgender veterans are eligible for hormones, care before and after gender change surgery, and mental health counseling as part of their regular benefits.
In a directive issued Thursday, the VA reiterated that its facilities are not permitted to perform genital or breast surgeries on veterans in the process of changing genders.
Transgender prom queen from Davie riding media wave
DAVIE— Andrew Viveros. Transgender prom queen. Instant celebrity.
The interview requests have been pouring in since Viveros, 17, became one of the nation's few transgender prom queens on May 27 at McFatter Technical High School in Davie.
Diane Sawyer's team called. So did "The View," Univision and Telemundo. Even Gloria Estefan phoned just to say, "You go girl."
Bill to prohibit workplace LGBT discrimination dies in committee
A bill to prohibit state agencies from workplace discrimination against gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered workers failed to clear a Louisiana Senate committee Thursday and is dead for the session.
Transgender-rights bill hearing, moving ahead
The Legislature's Joint Committee on the Judiciary heard public testimony, Wednesday, June 8, on a transgender-rights bill, which, if enacted, would ban discrimination on the basis of "gender identity" and "gender expression" in employment, housing, education, credit, and access to public accommodations. The bill would also add gender identity and expression to the state's existing hate crimes statutes.
Massachusetts Committee Hears Testimony on Trans Nondiscrimination Bill
Massachusetts Lawmaker Asks If Transgender People Change Genders ‘On A Day-To-Day Basis’
Update on the hearing on the Transgender Equal Rights Bill
Defendant in Transgender Homicide Pleads to Lesser Charge
Marquise Foster pleads to hindering the apprehension of his co-defendant in the murder of Victoria Carmen White in Maplewood on Sept. 12, 2010.
Police: Man Sought Fake Death, Sex Change To Avoid Warrants
A man who, police said, attempted to fake his own death is expected to be court Thursday.
Stillwater police said William Davis wanted to fake his own death, then get a sex change operation to avoid warrants.
Wanted man attempts ultimate disguise: Fake death and sex change
Portland Adopts Trans-Inclusive Health Care for City Workers
The Portland, Ore., City Council Wednesday unanimously passed an ordinance introduced by Mayor Sam Adams that adds comprehensive transgender health care benefits to one of the available plans for city employees.
Exigen justicia en homicidios de personas de la comunidad LGBTT (El Nuevo Dia)
Al menos 18 integrantes de la comunidad lésbica, gay, bisexual, transgénero y transexual han sido asesinados en la Isla.
Puerto Rico activists demand hate crime charges amid series of gay, transgender killings
Activists Want Answers on LGBT Murders in Puerto Rico
Man found shot in head in north Houston
A man was found shot to death behind a dumpster at an apartment complex in north Houston overnight.
Sketch released of suspect in transgender's murder
Transgender victim's death sparks outrage
Another trans person murdered in Houston
Va. groups condemn anti-trans attack in Fredericksburg
Three anti-violence groups and an AIDS organization in Virginia issued a joint statement on Tuesday condemning the May 21 beating of a 32-year-old transgender woman outside a 7-Eleven store in Fredericksburg, Va.
Dentro da comunidade transexual existem pessoas com diferentes orientações sexuais, como em qualquer outra comunidade. E dentro da comunidade homossexual existem pessoas transexuais como de qualquer outra comunidade.
Assim, foi com espanto e profundo pesar que se viu aparecer uma iniciativa do programa Escola de Verão da Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas da Universidade Nova de Lisboa íntitulada Estudos de Género. História da homossexualidade em Portugal.
Esta iniciativa, louvável per si, vem colar novamente a transexualidade à homossexualidade. Logo na relação título/programa se pode ler :"O reconhecimento pelas democracias ocidentais dos direitos individuais das lésbicas, gays, bissexuais, transexuais e trangéneros surge em resposta a uma luta política já com mais de meio século que foi iniciada por pelas comunidades gay que estruturavam a sua identidade em novos moldes, nos Estados Unidos nos anos 50 do século XX, mas que cedo se transportou para a Europa.", portanto impondo de imediato que a transexualidade é parte integrante da homossexualidade, algo que se pensava já ter ficado escarecido como duas partes independentes da complexidade do ser humano (pese-se o facto de se encontrar tudo interligado dentro da mesma complexidade).
O ponto 1 do programa intitula-se Identidade de Género. A explanação do referido ponto refere :"As teorias queer são a destruição última das teorias essencialistas, inclusive das feministas, afirmando o género e a sexualidade como construções sociais e políticas, como espaços plásticos, culturais e não espaços naturais.
As teorias queer questionam o sistema político heterosexista e patriarcal em que vivemos, recusando a falsa colagem do sexo biológico à identidade de género, criticando o binarismo de género homem/mulher e desconstruindo o masculino e o feminismo como conceitos biopolíticos definidos pelo sistema heteronormativo."
Como se pode observar, neste primeiro ponto nem sequer se vai focar a Identidade de Género em si mesma, mas teorias de género, que não são necessariamente a mesma coisa, género não é sinónimo de identidade de género. Muito menos é a identidade de género uma mera construção social (como é definido o género) como o provam a existência de inúmeras crianças transexuais que com idades tão precoces como 4, 5 e 6 anos, já sentem não pertencer ao género que lhes é atribuído à nascença.
Por estas razões, o grupo Transexual Portugal vem por este meio demonstrar o seu repúdio pela descarada colagem feita da transexualidade e da identidade de género à homossexualidade, bem como ao uso do termo identidade de género como sinónimo ou termo aglutinador de teorias de género e teorias queer.
Estas situações, infelizmente não pouco usuais, servem unicamente para confundir a população, pois orientação sexual e identidade de género são distintas e identidade de género não é sinónimo de género nem de teorias queer.
Pelo Grupo Transexual Portugal,
Eduarda Santos e Lara Crespo
Anemia força Lea T. a adiar cirurgia de readequação sexual
Top trans Lea T. adia cirurgia de readequação sexual depois de descobrir anemia
Travestis e transexuais da Região Sul reúnem-se em Porto Alegre
Porto Alegre vai sediar o 8º Encontro Regional Sul para Travestis e Transexuais entre os dias 16 a 19 de junho, no Hotel Umbu (av. Farrapos, 45) sob a coordenação da Igualdade - Associação de Travestis e Transexuais do Rio Grande do Sul.
Porto Alegre sedia encontro regional de pessoas trans
Este pasado martes recogió el acta como diputada, Antonelli, colectivos FELGTB y COGAM felicitan
La ya diputada del PSM a la Asamblea de Madrid ha prometido su cargo, durante el acto de constitución de la cámara madrileña. El 7 de junio de 2011, Antonelli ha firmado algo más que su compromiso con los madrileños, rubricando también una página de la historia de España, convirtiéndose en la primera mujer transexual diputada autonómica.
Colectivo Errespetuz de Euskadi denuncia que mujer transexual es agredida en Gasteiz
Errespetuz convocó una concentración el jueves 9 de junio a las 11:30 frente a los juzgados de Gasteiz para manifestar nuestra repulsa a las agresiones transfóbicas.
Chloe Sevigny Plays Transgender In UK Drama 'Hit And Miss'
Actress Chloe Sevigny is returning to familiar territory in playing transgender in the upcoming UK drama Hit and Miss, Nikki Finke's Deadline Hollywood reported.
Valentijn de Hingh: Transgender Model to Watch
Valentijn de Hingh is a transgender model who was followed by a documentary film crew from the age of 8 to 17. At first, when filming began, the footage was supposed to be used in a television documentary about children questioning their gender identity. But then filmmaker Hetty Niesch got the idea to follow de Hingh and stuck with her for nine years, until she was 17 years old; that documentary finally aired on Dutch television in 2007.
WATCH: Meet Dutch Transgender Model Valentijn de Hingh

Sweden mistreating Russian trans asylum seeker, says she is actually a gay man
Sweden has told a trans Russia woman she's really a gay man and they can safely return her to Russia.
In December 2010, a Russian transgender woman, Lydia, from Arkhangelsk in North-Eastern Russia, and her partner Anton Schteinberg applied for asylum in Sweden. (Photo: Lydia)
Yasar is free! asylum case of Turkis trans woman in Austria will be re-opened
With great relief have we learnt that Yasar was granted protection from deportation and that her asylum case will be re-opened. The decision came not even 24h before she was meant to be deported back to Turkey. The manifold protest in solidarity with her from within Austria and internationally have been successful.
The midnight cowboys of Tel Aviv
They come to Tel Aviv from all over the country − teens and young men who were thrown out of their homes because they’re gay; in the area around the old central bus station, they turn to prostitution to survive.
No further jail for man who tried to steal from dying assault victim
A transgender man will serve no further time in jail for trying to rob a dying assault victim as he lay on a city sidewalk.
LGBT News: Transgender prom queen Andi Viveros makes PSA
The It Gets Better campaign aims to promote awareness among the teens in the gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender community. Teens faced by bullying often consider suicide as a viable option for ending their personal sexual identity stresses. One teen, Andrew Viveros (AKA Andi Viveros), a transgender teen crowned queen of the McFatter Technical High School in Florida school prom, is speaking out to teens that have faced the trials she has lived through, including bullying in her own high school.
CNN documentary reveals tragic consequences of ‘experimental therapy’ designed to make young boys ‘more masculine’
CNN are to screen a three-part documentary about a form of ‘experimental therapy’ designed to make ‘feminine’ boys more masculine.
The documentary, entitled The Sissy Boy Experiment, tells the story of Kirk Andrew Murphy who despite success in school, the Air Force and his subsequent career, took his own life in 2003 at the age of 38.
[Commentary] Reparative Therapy for Trans Youth: Kenneth Zucker is Different from George Rekers How?
Family which abused boy now blames gender identity therapy for his suicide decades later
[Commentary] More Sissy Boys

“TWO SPIRITS”, Story of Murdered Navajo Teen, to Air Nationally on PBS: Independent Lens
TWO SPIRITS is a film about Fred Martinez, a Navajo teen who didn’t want to have to choose between being a boy or a girl– he wanted to be both. According to the ancient Navaho culture, it was a gift to be born with a male body and a feminine nature. In an earlier era, he would have been revered. Instead, he was brutally murdered at the age of sixteen for embracing his identity and living the life he was born to live.
[USA] [Commentary]
Tula: "I Am A Woman"- not 3rd gender, not transvestite, not gay male drag queen, not gender queer activist, not transgender
Caroline (Tula was her modeling name) fought very hard for women born with a transsexual medical condition to be recognized as women, and have the same rights as any other woman. She never sought to be “othered and misgendered” or marginalized in a 3rd gender/Transgender box, yet that is precisely what many cross dressing males and gender queer activists, backed by Gay Inc, and some in the religious far right, are trying to do in the newer transgender/transgenderist movement.
Both Sides Of Transgender Bill Debate Speak Out
Measure Proposed By Assemblywoman Toni Atkins Would Amend State Non-Discrimination Laws
VA tells hospitals transgender veterans are eligible for hormones, care and counseling
The Veterans Health Administration has informed its hospitals and clinics that transgender veterans are eligible for hormones, care before and after gender change surgery, and mental health counseling as part of their regular benefits.
In a directive issued Thursday, the VA reiterated that its facilities are not permitted to perform genital or breast surgeries on veterans in the process of changing genders.
Transgender prom queen from Davie riding media wave
DAVIE— Andrew Viveros. Transgender prom queen. Instant celebrity.
The interview requests have been pouring in since Viveros, 17, became one of the nation's few transgender prom queens on May 27 at McFatter Technical High School in Davie.
Diane Sawyer's team called. So did "The View," Univision and Telemundo. Even Gloria Estefan phoned just to say, "You go girl."
Bill to prohibit workplace LGBT discrimination dies in committee
A bill to prohibit state agencies from workplace discrimination against gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered workers failed to clear a Louisiana Senate committee Thursday and is dead for the session.
Transgender-rights bill hearing, moving ahead
The Legislature's Joint Committee on the Judiciary heard public testimony, Wednesday, June 8, on a transgender-rights bill, which, if enacted, would ban discrimination on the basis of "gender identity" and "gender expression" in employment, housing, education, credit, and access to public accommodations. The bill would also add gender identity and expression to the state's existing hate crimes statutes.
Massachusetts Committee Hears Testimony on Trans Nondiscrimination Bill
Massachusetts Lawmaker Asks If Transgender People Change Genders ‘On A Day-To-Day Basis’
Update on the hearing on the Transgender Equal Rights Bill
Defendant in Transgender Homicide Pleads to Lesser Charge
Marquise Foster pleads to hindering the apprehension of his co-defendant in the murder of Victoria Carmen White in Maplewood on Sept. 12, 2010.
Police: Man Sought Fake Death, Sex Change To Avoid Warrants
A man who, police said, attempted to fake his own death is expected to be court Thursday.
Stillwater police said William Davis wanted to fake his own death, then get a sex change operation to avoid warrants.
Wanted man attempts ultimate disguise: Fake death and sex change
Portland Adopts Trans-Inclusive Health Care for City Workers
The Portland, Ore., City Council Wednesday unanimously passed an ordinance introduced by Mayor Sam Adams that adds comprehensive transgender health care benefits to one of the available plans for city employees.
Exigen justicia en homicidios de personas de la comunidad LGBTT (El Nuevo Dia)
Al menos 18 integrantes de la comunidad lésbica, gay, bisexual, transgénero y transexual han sido asesinados en la Isla.
Puerto Rico activists demand hate crime charges amid series of gay, transgender killings
Activists Want Answers on LGBT Murders in Puerto Rico

Man found shot in head in north Houston
A man was found shot to death behind a dumpster at an apartment complex in north Houston overnight.
Sketch released of suspect in transgender's murder
Transgender victim's death sparks outrage
Another trans person murdered in Houston
Va. groups condemn anti-trans attack in Fredericksburg
Three anti-violence groups and an AIDS organization in Virginia issued a joint statement on Tuesday condemning the May 21 beating of a 32-year-old transgender woman outside a 7-Eleven store in Fredericksburg, Va.
At 20 junho, 2011 12:34,
Anónimo said…
Thanks for the link! Let's be on contact; much more materials coming soon.
Best wishes,
Anton Schteinberg
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