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terça-feira, julho 30, 2013

Motorista é roubado e dispara contra dois travestis na zona Sul de Teresina
Na noite desta sexta-feira (26), dois travestis, identificados como Rivaldo, mais conhecido como “Savana”, e o segundo conhecido apenas como “Ìndia”, sofreram um atentado. Um carro parou na BR 316, próximo ao viaduto do Promorar, zona Sul de Teresina, o motorista chamou os dois travestis e disparou aproximadamente 11 tiros contra os mesmos.

Dupla assassina homossexual e foge sem deixar pistas
A vítima foi pega de surpresa quando andava pelo centro de Porto Real do Colégio
Na madrugada deste sábado (27), na cidade de Porto Real do Colégio, dois homens armados deflagraram diversos disparos de pistola 380 contra Evanildo Teodoro dos Santos,33. O homicídio aconteceu no Centro da cidade.

Travesti é assassinado quando fazia programa no bairro Bela Vista
A morte aconteceu neste final de semana. O acusado já estaria preso, segundo informações das redes sociais.

We won't get married until we have BOTH had a sex change: Engaged transgender couple appear on This Morning
Jamie Eagle and Louis Davies look like any other smitten young couple engaged to be married.
But theirs is a love story with a difference, because they are both in the process of undergoing gender reassignment.

Meet the teenage sex swap lovers
23 Jul 2013 10:47
Teenagers Arin Andrews and Katie Hill have both undergone surgery to change their gender

Omicidi Trans: le Istituzioni rompano il velo d’indifferenza
L’ennesima morte violenta di una transessuale a Roma, probabimente malmenata e brutalmente uccisa, rischia di passare ancora una volta nel silenzio di qualche trafiletto di cronaca locale. A lei e ai suoi cari tutto va il pensiero e il cordoglio di tutto il Circolo di Cultura Omosessuale Mario Mieli.

Coming up! Two events on legal gender recognition of trans people
ILGA-Europe and Transgender Europe have the pleasure to invite you to both or either one of two events taking place in Berlin in September and October regarding the legal gender recognition of trans people.

Homophobic prejudices broken by Gezi incidents in Turkey
The Gezi protests have shown that society is much more aware about the rights of the LGBT community than Parliament, according to an activist. ‘Gezi did in three weeks what would have otherwise taken us three years,’ says Sedef Çakmak, adding that the LGBT community had gained a lot of self confidence from the Gezi events
Estambul me pone loca

Israel's trans community increases visibility
San Francisco LGBT activists had an opportunity to hear directly from a member of Israel's transgender community for the first time ever during a recent screening of The Man I Am and a discussion about issues in the Middle East country.

30 transgenders to get green houses
As many as 30 transgenders will get individual concrete roof houses, each measuring 300 sq.ft., at Panjukadupudur in Thekkampatti panchayat, near Mettupalayam, in Coimbatore soon.

Transgender Children: Facing transition amid near absence of support
With the advent of some physical and psychological transformations from the age of nine, Nasima had started feeling uneasy in her body.

Hazreen Shaik Daud: Malaysia’s First Transgender in Politics
Former NGO worker Hazreen Shaik Daud is Malaysia’s first transgender in politics after being appointed as political secretary to Tanjung Bungah state assemblyman Teh Yee Cheu of the Democratic Action Party (DAP).

Laverne Cox Advises Transgender Teenage Couple Arin Andrews, Katie Hill~
Actress Laverne Cox gives her advice to transgender teenage couple Arin Andrews and Katie Hill.
In an interview to promote the Netflix series Orange Is The New Black, Cox – who is a transgender woman playing a transgender character on the show – was asked how her character differs from her real life experience.
Meet TV’s history-making transgender actress Laverne Cox
NCTE Joins Laverne Cox, Dr. Kortney Ziegler to Discuss “Orange is the New Black” on HuffPost Live
'Orange Is The New Black' Star Laverne Cox's Twin Brother Plays Her Pre-Transition Counterpart

Daily Caller Celebrates Russia's Violent, Draconian Crackdown On LGBT People
The Daily Caller published a column cheering on Russia's brutal and draconian crackdown on LGBT people, downplaying concerns about state sponsored anti-gay violence and criticizing American activists for meddling in Russia's affairs.

Special report: How government traps young men in the transgender subculture
The public school programs that encourage children to experiment with cross-dressing and transgenderism are often just the beginning of a terrible journey that can lead to disease and even early death.

T.G.I.F. pride marks second year
A chilly dark morning did not discourage more than 250 people from attending this year's transgender pride event in Union Park July 28.

Justice Minister condemns killing of St James cross-dresser
Justice Minister Senator Mark Golding has condemns the brutal slaying of 17-year-old Dwayne Jones by a mob at a dance in St James on July 22.

Preparan reformas para agilizar reasignación sexogenérica en el DF
El Gobierno del Distrito Federal (GDF) ya prepara una serie de reformas, al Código Civil y al Código de Procedimientos Civiles, para que la reasignación sexogenérica deje de ser un juicio y se convierta en un trámite administrativo menos costoso y más rápido.

Madre pide documento para su hija transexual en Argentina
Una madre escribió una carta a la presidenta argentina Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, pidiéndole un nuevo documento de identidad para su hija transexual "Lulú" de 6 años de edad.
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“Se trata de comprender”
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