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domingo, dezembro 15, 2013

A Jurisprudência Brasileira da Transexualidade: uma reflexão à luz de Dworkin
A transexualidade é um dos temas mais controversos da bioética.

La Junta expedienta al colegio que discrimina a una niña transexual
Alonso advierte de que el centro podría perder el concierto si no cumple sus obligaciones

Los colectivos de personas transexuales en Andalucía consideran haber sido engañados
"No podemos apoyar un texto que convierte a toda persona transexual en sospechosa de tener una enfermedad mental", afirman desde estas asociaciones.
Los colectivos trans andaluces se sienten “engañados” con el borrador de proyecto de ley integral de transexualidad

All Three Defendants Acquitted in Trans Murder
The three defendants who were being tried, without arrest, for the murder of trans individual Ece Pulat were acquitted due to a lack of evidence. Ece Pulat was found in İzmir’s Aliağa district having been decapitated and left on vacant land in March 2011.

Europe’s cheapest transsexual surgery clinic
Belgrade has become one of the main international destinations, such as Casablanca, for cheap sex-change operations.

Transgenders' stir against SC verdict
Joining the widespread protests against the Supreme Court's verdict upholding Section 377 of IPC that criminalizes homosexuality, the transgender community of strife-torn Manipur staged demonstrations in Imphal on Friday evening.

BDS demands 3 CA seats to third gender
The Blue Diamond Society (BDS) has urged the government to give space to the third gender in the new Constituent Assembly (CA).

Japan court issues landmark ruling on transgender parent’s rights
Japan’s Supreme Court this week ruled that a toddler born to a transgender man and his wife through artificial insemination shall be regarded as their legitimate child.
Doubt remains about top court ruling on transgender paternity
First Japanese trans man recognized as father of child conceived with donor sperm
Japan: Supreme Court awards legal parental status to trans man
In landmark case, Japan’s top court says transsexual man is legal father of IVF baby

Quebec legislators amend bill to make it easier to legally change gender
The Quebec National Assembly passed an amendment Dec. 6th to its civil code removing the stipulation that persons wanting to legally change their gender identity must first undergo sex-change surgery.

HHS to Reevaluate Ban on Gender-Confirming Surgeries
The federal Department of Health and Human Services announced Thursday that it will reconsider a longstanding denial of gender-confirming surgeries for transgender people on federally subsidized healthcare.

Transgender Asylum Seekers Face Deportation ‘Revolving Door’
Exhausted and defeated, Viviana boarded an airplane two years ago in San Antonio, Texas, facing her fifth deportation from the United States back to Honduras, a country from which she’d been fleeing violence for almost a decade.

New school policy protects transgender students
Just weeks after an agender student was set on fire in Oakland while riding an AC Transit bus, the Berkeley Unified School District has adopted new policies to protect those who are transgender, gender fluid, or do not identify as male or female.

TCRA shifts focus to transgender rights
The Civil Rights Agenda ( TCRA ) will now be shifting the focus of their efforts, after the Illinois marriage equality victory, to rights that have been denied to the often marginalized transgender community of Illinois.

New Jersey Senate panel approves trans and intersex birth certificate bill
The bill, which allows trans and intersex people to obtain a new birth certificate without surgery, was approved by a 6-2 vote by the committee
N.J. senate panel approves transgender birth certificate bill