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quarta-feira, fevereiro 25, 2015

Travesti é morto com pedrada na cabeça em Parauapebas
Mais uma pessoa perde a vida de forma cruel em Parauapebas. Desta vez, a vítima foi um homossexual que ainda não teve o nome divulgado pela Polícia Civil, porém foi identificado como “Lara”
De acordo com informações chegadas à reportagem do Portal Pebinha de Açúcar, o travesti foi assassinado com pedradas na cabeça e o seu corpo foi encontrado em uma das ruas do bairro Paraíso.
Homens da Polícia Civil já estão investigando o caso, e a qualquer momento nossa equipe de reportagem postará mais detalhes sobre este crime brutal.

Trans Rights Europe Map & Index 2014
This trans specific map and index reflects the legal situation in areas of equality and non- discrimination on the grounds of gender identity and gender expression in Europe, and highlights the legal provisions in gender identity recognition. The Trans Rights Europe Map & Index provide an overall reflection of the legal situation in all European countries in a simple format. They do not attempt to reflect the complex social situations trans people might face.

Trans EU Employment Rights & Legal Gender Recognition
The Trans Crossroads – Trans People’s EU Employment Rights and National Gender Recognition Laws is a Toolkit & Call for Action.

Transgender Europe Calls for a Stop to the Nightmare that is Legal Gender Recognition in 34 Countries in Europe
Today, Transgender Europe (TGEU) calls attention to the fact that 34 countries in Europe still do not allow trans people to change their legal name and gender without having to undergo humiliating and abusive procedures. With the release of a new video on legal gender recognition, TGEU demands action to reform gender recognition laws in Europe.

Andreja Pejic Makes Her Post-Transition Runway Debut
The model walked Giles’ Fall 2015 show alongside Erin O’Connor and Kendall Jenner.

Stag attack victim Dr Kate Stone appointed to press regulator’s code committee
An academic who took action after a number of newspapers identified her as transgender has been appointed to the press regulator’s editors’ code committee.

Newly-minted NGO in push to raise awareness on Malta's transgender community
Members of the newly-minted NGO Gender Liberation speak about their efforts to raise awareness about Malta’s transgender and gender variant community, while also striving to help all those who form part of and identify with this under-represented segment of Maltese society

State’s first: Housing quota for transgender
In perhaps a first step of its kind in the country, Raman Singh government in Chhattisgarh is all set to provide 2% special housing quota in its schemes for transgender. Move, comes almost a year after apex court recognised transgender as a third gender.The move is likely to benefit over 3,000 people in state.

Sydney trans community mourns the loss of Paula Hartigan
Trans advocate Paula Hartigan was often heard to say: ‘Contrary to popular belief, rumours of my demise are grossly exaggerated …’ Sadly the comment is no longer a truism with Hartigan passing away this week. Her friend and workmate Nicole Moore remembers a legendary elder of Sydney's trans community.

White House endorses Carter remarks on transgender service
White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest endorsed on Monday comments from the new Pentagon chief that were favorable to open transgender service in the U.S. military, saying President Obama shares those views.
White House open to lifting transgender ban

Protecting LGBT People From Discrimination Is Now Illegal In Arkansas, And Texas May Follow Suit
As of Tuesday, it is now law that cities in Arkansas cannot pass ordinances protecting LGBT people from discrimination. That’s because a new bill became law — without Gov. Asa Hutchinson (R) signing or vetoing — that limits municipalities from extending nondiscrimination protections to any class not protected by state law. Since state law does not include “sexual orientation” or “gender identity” as protected classes, nor now can any locality throughout the state. The law will officially take effect later this summer.

Colorado, Iowa, Oregon lawmakers considering ‘conversion therapy’ bans
Three more states could soon join California, New Jersey and the District of Columbia in outlawing therapy that seeks to change the sexual orientation or gender identity of LGBT youth.

Hot Springs woman sues says she was fired for being transgender
One of the biggest lies of the battle to institutionalize legal discrimination against LGBT people in Arkansas is that protections are unneeded.
Meet Patricia Dawson, a Hot Springs electrician, who was fired after her employer learned she was transgender.
The ACLU has filed a federal lawsuit in her behalf.

WATCH: Incarcerated Trans Woman Sues Georgia Prisons Over Repeated Rapes, Hormone Denial
Ashley Diamond and the Southern Poverty Law Center are fighting the trans woman of color's treatment in several Georgia state men's prisons, arguing it is 'cruel and unusual.'

Trans histories take the mic at Emerging Minds Project event
Perez: ‘I realized that trans people had been written out of a lot of history.’

Transgender bathroom bill clears Senate panel with little notice
In a surprise even to the Senate's president, the Senate Education Committee met Monday evening and approved a bill forcing transgender students to use restrooms that correspond with their sex at birth.
Legislation Related to Transgender Student Bathroom Use Passes on Surprise Second Attempt
Committee revives transgender bathroom bill

Minneapolis vigil planned to shed light on anti-transgender violence
Loring Park in downtown Minneapolis will be the setting for a vigil on Thursday evening to bring attention to an epidemic of violence against transgender women in the United States.

Bathrooms Become Focus Of LGBT Protection Ordinance
Next week, the Charlotte City Council is scheduled to vote on an ordinance that would prohibit businesses from discriminating against lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people. For example, a restaurant or store would have to serve a gay couple. A taxi or limousine could not refuse service to a transgender customer. But the provision that’s sparked the most controversy would allow transgender people to use the public restroom of their choice.

Ore. lawmakers eye ban on 'conversion therapy' for youth
The Oregon House Healthcare Committee heard testimony Monday on House Bill 2307 or the "Youth Mental Health Protection Act."

Breaking Binary: UT's transgender students searching for way to be themselves
A name provides a sense of self, individuality and identity – but for some, birth names don't align with who they are.

Debbie Riddle's Pee-Pee Obsession
We can always count on Texas Rep. Debbie Riddle to introduce common-sense and much-needed legislation. Her latest bill would make it a misdemeanor for someone to use a public restroom of the opposite gender, and a state jail felony for a building manager to allow such tomfoolery.
Texas Lawmaker Wants To Throw Transgender People in Jail for Using Public Restrooms
Hero Texas Lady Wants To Look Into Your Genes Before You Use The Toilet