Cabeleireiro é assassinado em Aliança
O acusado de ter praticado o crime usou um fio elétrio para matar a vítima.
Um cabeleireiro foi estrangulado no município de Aliança. O crime foi registrado, na manhã deste sábado (03), pela Polícia Militar. A vítima, Aílton José da Silva, 46 anos, foi encontrado despido e de bruços sobre sua cama, sem vida. O autor do crime teria usado um fio elétrico para cometer o crime.

Travesti é morta a facada após combinar programa em Londrina
Uma travesti foi assassinada na noite de domingo (4) na rua Cabo Verde, Vila Nova, região central de Londrina.
A vítima foi atingida por um golpe no pescoço e perdeu bastante sangue. Uma equipe médica do Samu foi acionada para atendimento, mas o travesti, identificado apenas como Tainá, morreu dentro da ambulância.

Travesti é esfaqueado e assassinado com três tiros
Corpo seminu é encontrado na Tom Jobim, o crime ocorreu na madrugada desta sexta (09) na ERS 118
Um homem de 26 anos foi assassinado brutalmente durante a madrugada por volta das 5:30
Segundo informações da delegacia de homicidios, a vitima atuava no ponto como travesti. Ele teria sido atingido por facadas no abdômen, antes de levar três tiros nas costas. A homicidios aponta que o homem estava "trabalhando" no ponto há cerca de uma semana, após chegar de Caxias do Sul.
Corpo localizado próximo ao motel localizado na Vila Tom Jobim.
A causa mais provável seja um desentendimento entre a vitima e um cliente.
Na manhã desta sexta-feira (9), foi encontrado um corpo seminu em um terreno baldio, localizado no bairro Tom Jobim, às marges da ERS-118. A vítima tinha várias perfurações à bala no tórax. Moradores da região teriam ouvido barulhos de tiros na noite anterior. A Polícia Civil investiga o caso.

Travesti é executado a tiros em Conceição do Jacuípe
Um travesti identificado como Pablo Alexandre Pereira, conhecido como Pâmela, de apenas 16 anos, foi morto a tiros na noite desta sexta-feira (9), por volta das 20h, na Vila Nova Esperança, (Casinhas), em Conceição do Jacuípe.
Segundo informações de populares, a vítima foi alvejada por cerca de cinco tiros, por elementos armados que chegaram no local a pé e veio a óbito.
Até o momento ninguém foi identificado com autor do crime.
Sesab autoriza instalação de ambulatório para pessoas trans e travestis em Salvador
Mulheres e homens transexuais da Bahia, além de travestis, têm um motivo para comemorar. Após uma intensa luta de várias entidades como o coletivo Mães Pela Diversidade, a Secretaria da Saúde do Estado da Bahia (Sesab) publicou na edição de sexta-feira (02) do Diário Oficial do Estado resolução onde autoriza a habilitação do Hospital Universitário Professor Edgard Santos (Hupes), da Universidade Federal da Bahia, para a instalação do ambulatório transexualizador.
Polícia prende duas suspeitas de matar idosa em Votuporanga
Travestis mataram a idosa dentro da casa da vítima.
Delegado já pediu a prisão temporária das duas por 30 dias.
Travesti tem rosto esfaqueado durante briga na Bahia, diz polícia
Uma travesti de 28 anos foi esfaqueada no rosto durante uma briga na quarta-feira (7), no município de , no oeste da Bahia. As autoras do crime seriam outras duas travestis.
Transgender Canadian cyclist wins key battle in human-rights complaint over policing of athlete gender
A Canadian cyclist who transitioned from man to woman — then had to prove to sporting officials she was sufficiently female — has won a key battle in her unique human-rights complaint over the policing of athlete gender.
W.H.O. Weighs Dropping Transgender Identity From List of Mental Disorders
The World Health Organization is moving toward declassifying transgender identity as a mental disorder in its global list of medical conditions, with a new study lending additional support to a proposal that would delete the decades-old designation.
La diputada Carla Antonelli denuncia que sigue recibiendo amenazas de muerte en Twitter
La diputada socialista en la Asamblea de Madrid, Carla Antonelli, ha denunciado hoy que sigue recibiendo amenazas de muerte en la red social Twitter por su defensa del colectivo de lesbianas, gais, transexuales y bisexuales (LGTB).
A Paris, une scène ouverte - et réservée - aux femmes et aux trans
Près de 200 personnes se sont réunies mardi dans un squat, «La Petite Maison», à Paris, pour assister à une scène ouverte réservée aux femmes, et aux «trans», soit, selon les organisateurs, «toute personne ne s'identifiant pas aux normes liées au sexe assigné à la naissance». Baptisé Self-ish, l'événement leur propose de s'exprimer librement face à un public mixte.
Data reveals surge in anti-trans hate crimes reported to police in recent years
Police reports of anti-trans hate crimes have nearly tripled in the past four years, British police forces have found.
Anti-gay Tory MP takes aim at trans people who want to have kids using NHS fertility treatment
A Tory MP has hit out at trans men who freeze their eggs using NHS fertility treatment to become parents after they transition.
Katie Hopkins claims NHS shouldn’t fund transgender people’s ‘life choices’
Inside Manchester's Transgender Beauty School
L'Oréal Blackett talks waxing, £1000 wigs and trans-formations with Born UK make-up studio
Leicester Pride Happy Using Trans Slurs
Today I attended my local Pride event in Leicester, an event that I'd been to before and enjoyed. Our household was excited to go, and we spent the morning getting ourselves ready for what we thought would be a great day our. However, the three of us were extremely disappointed by the event. Not because of the constant rain that soaked us through, it's summer in England, we're used to that kind of thing, no we were disappointed by some of the incredibly offensive language being used by one of the event's organisers.
Leicester Pride Censors Objections to Staff Wearing Name Tag “Tranny”
Leicester Pride Issue Apology For Using The Word 'Tranny'
Susan Sarandon's 'sex swap' Christian teen film to premiere in Belfast
A new film produced by veteran Hollywood actress Susan Sarandon that tells the story of a teenage boy's startling journey from evangelical Christian to undergoing sex change surgery will have its UK premiere in Belfast.
British politician refuses to cooperate with police after transphobic hate incident
Transgender Tory Councillor Zoe Kirk-Robinson has reported fellow politician Guy Harkin to police following him referring to her with male pronouns twice during a council meeting.
Trans Radio Presenter Stephanie Hirst Set To Move To BBC Radio 2
BBC Radio 2 could be about to get their very first out trand DJ as Stephanie Hirst begins negotiations to take over from Paul Gambaccini as he moves slots.
Charity slams sentence as woman transsexual walks free after admitting child sex offences when a MAN
The boss of a child protection charity has hit out at the lenient sentence handed to pervert transsexual Gina Owen, who walked free from court despite admitting sex offences involving a child - committed when she was a MAN.

Transgender woman who had doubts over sex change found dead
A transgender entertainer who told ITV's This Morning she had doubts over her sex change has been found dead.
Chelsea Attonley, 33, born Matthew, was found in the early hours of Friday in a park in Derby after celebrating her birthday with friends.
Police are not treating her death as suspicious.
Transgender woman wanting to rejoin the Orange Order
When Adrianne arrived in Belfast 11 years ago - living as a man - she became part of the Protestant organisation the Orange Order and protested against the city's Gay Pride parade. Now living as a woman, she hopes to rejoin the Orange Order in the women's lodges.
Perpetrator sentenced to life in prison in brutal transphobic student murder
A man has been sentenced to life in prison after stabbing a student to death in what police are treating as a transphobic hate crime.
Transsexual hairstylist 'discriminated'
A transsexual hair stylist and Arcigay rights group on Tuesday denounced what they said was "yet another sad episode of transphobia".
Pope Francis criticized for not accepting transgender community
Pope Francis is known as one of the most progressive popes, but he apparently has his limits.
Pope Francis laments that children are taught they can choose their gender
German opposition pushes to simplify gender change for transsexuals
A German opposition party is putting forward a draft law that would make it easier for transsexuals to change their gender and name in official documents, Green Party lawmaker Volker Beck told dpa Thursday.
Germany rejects 'intersexual' as a separate gender as court rules there are only males and females
Vanja was born in Germany in 1989 and was registered at birth as a girl
Females have two X chromosomes but she has only one chromosome
She asked court to allow for her to be reclassified as 'intersex' or 'diverse'
But Federal Court of Justice said German law only recognises two genders
'Transgender people are neglected in Sweden'
A Swede has told The Local how he was verbally abused and physically assaulted last weekend after two men spotted his tattoo of a transgender symbol while he made his way from Stockholm Pride.
Beyond The Binary: Ugla Stefanía On Trans Rights In Iceland
Iceland has “fallen behind” when it comes to legal protections for transgender people, according to trans activist Ugla Stefanía Kristjönudóttir Jónsdóttir. Their comments come just ahead of the seventeenth annual Reykjavík Pride, a week-long festival celebrating Iceland’s LGBTQI communities that begins on August 2.
The story of a five-year-old Icelandic transgender girl
Little Ronja Sif Magnúsdóttir is five years old and she lives with her parents and her two siblings on a farm in south Iceland. Until late last year, her name wasn't Ronja. It was Aron Freyr, as she was identified as a boy.
Horror en Turquía: decapitan y descuartizan a un refugiado gay
Había huido de la guerra en Siria. Vivía en Estambul desde hacía un año. Y buscaba irse a un tercer país porque ya había sido violado por un grupo de hombres.
A Transgender Pageant Was Just Raided By The Ugandan Police
Several of Uganda’s leading LGBT activists were detained during the raid.
Alesha’s death case: Activists to approach court against hospital administration
Representatives of Trans Action Alliance Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa have rejected Lady Reading Hospital’s decision to sack doctors over the death of transgender activist Alesha. They accused the hospital administration of protecting the real culprits and threatened to file a petition in the Peshawar High Court to put pressure on LRH to provide equal treatment facilities to all patients without any discrimination.
Transgender shot and injured in Peshawar
A transgender was shot and injured on Saturday in the limits of the Pishtakhara police station of the provincial capital.
Transgender rights activist shot, injured in Peshawar
80 transgenders apply for teachers' posts in UP Board schools
At least 80 transgenders have applied for posts of trained graduate teachers and post gradute teachers in secondary schools affiliated with UP Board.
Odisha to create separate category for transgenders for jail warder recruitment
Two years after Supreme Court's landmark judgement to include transgender as a gender category, Odisha government has decided to create a separate category for transgender in the recruitment of jail warders. The home department has issued instructions to the Odisha Sub-ordinate Staff Selection Commission (OSSC) to include the gender category. This is for the first time the state government will mention third gender as a separate category in any of the recruitment process.
Bill in LS to provide transgenders separate identity
The bill also provides for a grievance redress mechanism in each establishment to ensure the rights of transgenders are protected.
South Australia Changing Discriminatory LGBTI Laws
South Australia is changing its laws to make the state more inclusive for LGBTI people
2016 census form will still only have male and female gender options
The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) has confirmed this years print and online census form will have male and female gender options only.
Trans community encouraged to order paper Census and be counted!
[New Zealand]
Transgender woman accuses prison guard of groping
A transgender woman has accused prison guards of groping her during routine pat-down searches.
Allegations of grope during strip searches
Corrections did not receive complaint of grope
Trans activist says Humans Rights Code amendment will go far
Province recently moved to amend B.C.’s Human Rights Code to explicitly protect gender identity or expression
Edmonton Public Schools breached privacy of transgender girl
Girl was "outed" to fellow students during morning roll call
Advocate applauds landmark ruling for LGBTQ students made by Privacy Commissioner
Trans student at centre of Edmonton school's privacy breach hopes it doesn't happen to others
Grupos homosexuales luchan por el respeto e igualdad de género
La comunidad Vaqueros Solteros de California y los muxes son dos grupos que abogan por la igualdad y el respeto a la diversidad de género en Los Ángeles con celebraciones que fomenten los valores y luchas sociales.
‘My journey as a transgender Nigerian’
Rizi Timane, a Nigerian-born transgender life coach, singer/songwriter and author, now naturalized in the United States, speaks about his life and struggles as a transgender person.
TransGriot's Monica Roberts to receive Special Recognition Award at GLAAD Gala San Francisco
GLAAD, the world’s lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) media advocacy organization, today announced that it will honor blogger Monica Roberts of TransGriot at GLAAD Gala San Francisco at City View at Metreon on September 8, 2016. For more information visit www.glaad.org/sfgala.
My Summer of Half Crazy Transgender Success
It’s pretty rare for a transgender athlete to write about achieving her dreams. I did that this year and unsurprisingly, in hindsight, it’s exactly what the Texas GOP fears most about us.
TLDEF Names Melissa Sklarz Director of Development
ransgender Legal Defense & Education Fund announces the appointment of Melissa Sklarz to the role of Director of Development. Sklarz is a highly respected and beloved political stalwart in New York who brings decades of transgender advocacy to the post. Her own inspiring personal story as an out and celebrated transgender activist in the state adds to the significance of the hire.
Michelle Rodriguez Delighted her (Re)Assignment role is Hurting Transgender People
Hollywood has gone from being apologetic (sic) for transface to openly celebrating the deadly dysphoria causing roles. Such is the case with Michelle Rodriguez and (Re)Assignment a movie in which a cisgender hitman is punished with gender reassignment surgery.
Cher Calls Out Trans-Exclusionary Group Of So-Called ‘Feminists’
One of our favorite Twitter users, Cher, utilized her platform Sunday to call out one of the most odious groups of people who try to lay claim to the word “feminist,” TERFs.
New Report Shows LGBTQ Students Targeted for Discipline
Our colleagues at GLSEN recently released a troubling report detailing the educational exclusion of LGBTQ students in our nation’s schools. The findings overwhelmingly confirm that LGBTQ students are more likely to experience unfair discipline.
Denied Coverage For Surgery, Transgender Man Sues His Insurance Provider
A transgender man in Phoenix is suing his employer in federal court to pay for sex reassignment surgery. The costs of the procedures are substantial; insurance plans only recently began covering them.
Transgender man alleges discrimination at Atlanta-area spa
A transgender man was told to leave the men’s locker room and use the women’s facilities at an Atlanta-area spa on Wednesday after employees noticed the gender marker on his driver’s license said female.

Lady Chablis, Trans Icon and Savannah's Grand Empress, Dead at 59
Lady Chablis — a fixture in the gay clubs of Georgia and South Carolina before finding stardom in the book Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil and its film adaptation — has died at age 59, South Carolina's Island Packet newspaper reports.
'Midnight' star, Savannah legend The Lady Chablis has died
'Garden of Good and Evil' star The Lady Chablis dies at age 59
Savannah drag legend Lady Chablis dies at 59
Two Tears In A Bucket: Lady Chablis Dies At Age 59
Trial begins in 2015 murder of Louisville transgender victim
A war of words broke out in a Louisville courtroom Thursday as opening statements started in the murder of a transgender victim.
Two Jailed in Moco For Hate Crime Attack On Transgender Women
Two men were arrested on Monday after allegedly attacking two transgender women who recorded them calling them slurs outside a Silver Spring 7-Eleven store.
Transgender prison inmate files suit for being denied hormone treatment
A transgender inmate at Maine State Prison has filed a civil rights lawsuit against the Maine Department of Corrections, several corrections officials and prison medical services providers for failure to provide female hormone treatment or mental health treatment for gender dysphoria.
Trans Activist Creates New 'Clothing Swap' Program for Trans Community
When Jaimie Wilson first began transitioning from female to male, shopping for clothes was an uncomfortable experience.
We Went to Court over North Carolina’s Anti-Trans HB 2, and Here’s What Happened
We were in federal court in Winston-Salem, NC, yesterday morning to argue our motion for a preliminary injunction in our lawsuit challenging North Carolina’s anti-LGBT law, House Bill 2, Carcaño v. McCrory.
North Carolina Tried to Defend HB 2 in Federal Court. It Didn’t Go Well
Transgender woman found dead in Cleveland parking lot
The person found dead in a Cleveland parking lot early Saturday morning has been identified as a transgender woman.
Cleveland family thinks transgender woman was killed because of gender identity
Washington State’s first gender clinic opens next month to treat trans kids
Seattle Children’s Hospital is getting ready to welcome its first young patients at a new gender clinic for transgender children. It’ll be the first one in Washington State and one of only five such clinics at U.S. hospitals, according to KING-TV.
[Latin America]
Despite Pope's Comments, a Good Week for Trans Rights in Latin America
The pope calling gender choice “terrible” may slow the region’s fledgling trans rights movement, but a series of legal victories are cause for optimism.
Clausuran 2 centros de prostitución homosexual en el centro de Morelia
Dos centros de prostitución homosexual fueron clausurados en un reciente operativo de la Dirección de Inspección y Vigilancia, dependiente del Ayuntamiento de Morelia, en ellos fueron encontrados adolescentes, adultos jóvenes y hombres de la tercera edad que mantenían prácticas sexuales de toda índole, así lo narró Maricruz Ontiveros Aguilar, titular de la institución que realizó la movilización.
PRD denuncia en Fepade discriminación a candidata transgénero
Las boletas electorales mostraron el nombre masculino de la candidata a diputada a pesar de que dio aviso a las autoridades para que se usara su alias, como ya ha ocurrido con otros candidatos
In socially conservative Guatemala, transgender people sees gains
Alex Castillo knew growing up that he was a boy trapped in a girl’s body. It wasn’t until recently, 40 years after his birth, that the government of his native Guatemala — or at least some parts of it — agreed.
[Costa Rica]
Costa Rican High Court Upholds Transgender Prisoner Rights
La Reforma Prison in La Guácima, Alajuela was ordered this week by the Costa Rican Constitutional Court to ensure clothing requested by and sent to an inmate be provided.
Bolivia Lets Transgender People Choose Their Legal Identity
LGBT rights activists in Bolivia see the new law as a groundbreaking sign of growing tolerance in Latin America.
First Transgender Woman to Host Olympics Ceremony in Brazil
A transgender supermodel will be the first transgender person to participate in an Olympics inauguration ceremony.
15 more Brazilian Transgender Murders, Suicides and death by Pumping
These are the latest known deaths of transgender people in Brazil, the majority of them being murders.
Transexuales en el Sena podrán usar el uniforme que quieran
La Corte Constitucional le ordenó a la institución educativa que permita que una estudiante transexual utilice ropa de hombre y no de mujer, como ella misma solicitó.
La vida de una estudiante transgénero en un colegio de Piedecuesta
Victoria nació con genitales masculinos, pero afirma que desde que tiene conciencia se siente una niña. La joven logró que su colegio público en Piedecuesta, Santander, le respetara su identidad de género, por lo que asiste a clases como cualquiera de sus compañeras.
"Mi identidad no me la da un papel”: estudiante transexual que entuteló al Sena
Nació mujer pero se identifica como hombre, y reclamó para que en la institución le permitan vestirse como tal. En diálogo con El Espectador, contó que se sintió maltratado y que por eso no se quedó cruzado de brazos.
Justicia por Laura Moyano: “Hoy se cumple un año y no hay un culpable ni nada”
Ayer hubo una concentración en Tribunales II exigiendo justicia para Laura Moyano. La legisladora Laura Vilches se hizo presente y acercó su solidaridad a familiares, amigas y amigos.
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