Nova lei para pessoas transgénero não será discutida este ano
O projecto do Bloco de Esquerda sobre “autodeterminação de género”, que deu entrada na Assembleia da República em Maio, não será discutido ou votado antes do fim deste ano, confirmou Persona Grata junto do grupo parlamentar do Bloco.
Transformista Jenny Larrue é “A Tal Tropical”
Habituada a ser Whitney Houston ou Beyoncé em espectáculos de travestismo na noite gay de Lisboa, Jenny Larrue é agora protagonista de um teledisco kitsch da banda portuguesa PISTA. De diva afro-americana a rainha da ginga africana através do tema “A Tal Tropical”.
Transexual protagoniza série na Globo, e revela que foi barrada em banheiro feminino
A atriz transexual Maria Clara Spinelli será uma das protagonistas da série “Supermax”, da Globo. Esse será o seu primeiro papel de destaque na TV. A personagem da atriz, Janete, será uma das 12 participantes do reality show da história, uma mistura de thriller, drama e suspense.
Polícia prende 3 por espancar travesti e irmã no Rio de Janeiro; vídeo
Homens aplicam sequência de chutes; confusão começou dentro de van.
Três homens envolvidos na agressão foram identificados e presos.
Irmã de transexual agredida no Rio relata ataque: 'Era para ela estar morta'
Transgender Nicole Lax's grieving mum urges others to follow their dreams
A year after Nicole Lax's death, grieving mum Nicola, of South Moor, near Stanley, County Durham, gives message of support
Train company educates customer who complained about a ‘man in dress’
A train company posted a perfect response to a customer who complained about a “man in stockings and a dress”.
The TransPennine Express service operates major train routes in the North of England, connecting Manchester to Liverpool, Sheffield, Hull, Leeds, York, Newcastle and Scotland.
The Lauras by Sara Taylor review – an engrossing transgender road trip
Alex doesn’t have a gender – and Ma is OK with that as they cross America in search of the past in this exploration of identity and the bond between mother and child
How Meryl Streep's Trans Music Teacher Opened Her Eyes to LGBT Acceptance
Meryl Streep has LGBT teachers to thank for her musical abilities and progressive worldview.
The star of Florence Foster Jenkins recounted how both a gay man and a trans person influenced her at a very early age, informing her how the arts can be a safe haven for LGBT people.
France Mulls Process for Changing Gender Identification
France has legislation heading to its Senate this fall that is designed to help between 10,000 to 15,000 transgender people in the country who are living at odds with their official gender identity.
Trans Woman in Naples, Italy faces transphobia in hospital
Today, 4th August 2016, the Associazione Transessuale di Napoli (ATN) and Arcigay held a protest against Transphobia and Homophobia in healthcare in front of the hospital S.Giovanni Bosco in Naples, Italy. This protest was in support of Nunzia, and for all those trans persons that even today are faced by hate and transphobic slurs within healthcare settings.
Trans model’s stunning dress shines a light on countries with anti-gay laws
26-year-old transgender model Valentijn de Hingh collaborated with fashion designer Matthijs van Bergensi and artist Oeri van Woezik to create the stunning piece, which features the flags of the 72 countries around the world where it remains a crime to be gay.
What the U.S. Is Learning From How Israel Treats Transgender Soldiers
On June 30, the U.S. military announced it would accept transgender soldiers and it has been looking at the experience of other armies for guidance
[Saudi Arabia]
Transgenders face inheritance issues after SRS
Transgender people who undergo sex reassignment surgery (SRS) are facing a major obstacles in obtaining their rightful inheritance after the death of their parents.
A Transgender Person is Stabbed in Shadi Peer Area of Peahawar midnight. She has received 14 stiches. She is too horiifed and in trauma. She has refused to lodge police complaint and do not want to identify herself. One year ago same transgender sister was stabbed multiple times in Swat and she recived 40 stiches.
India's transgender community still waiting for toilets it was promised
Arnav Srinivasan, 37, works in one of Thomson Reuters' Bengaluru offices. He was born as Kalyani, a female, but identifies as a man. It was a big deal for him when the office introduced a "gender-neutral" bathroom.
[Hong Kong]
Transgender woman claims her rights were violated
Lawyers representing a transgender woman, who is challenging her treatment by police and prison authorities, say her fundamental rights were violated.
Transgender woman’s detention in Hong Kong all-male prison ‘unconstitutional’, court told
Transgender woman kept with men to protect female inmates, Hong Kong court hears
Why Transgender People In Japan Prefer To Be Told They Have A ‘Disorder’
There’s a global push to remove “gender identity disorder” from the list of mental illnesses. But many transgender people in Japan aren’t on board with the idea. J. Lester Feder reports from Osaka.
Adelaide transgender model Gemma Cowling makes catwalk debut in Adelaide Fashion Week
Gemma Cowling is getting off the couch to make her official catwalk debut as the first Australian-born transgender model.
[New Zealand]
Doco reveals the impact transition has on a friendship
A new short documentary tells the story of two friends in their 50s who are in the process of redefining their friendship after one of them comes out as transgender.
New gender-neutral Ontario health cards make it harder to get a passport
Ottawa says it wasn't consulted on province's decision to change cards
Capital Pride takes on Bathrooms Without Borders
Ottawa’s Pride festival chooses gender-neutral washrooms as theme
Ten-year-old trans activist chosen as Grand Marshal in Ottawa’s upcoming Capital Pride parade
Trans rights rally in Montreal focuses on supporting migrants
Third annual march asks for transgender immigrants to have the option of changing gender on paper
TransGriot Blogger Monica Roberts Honored By GLAAD For A Decade Of Excellence
"It’s even more potent when you walk the walk and back up your words with deeds."
Alexis Arquette Dead: Transgender Actress Dies at 47, Siblings Patricia and Richmond Arquette Pay Tribute
Alexis Arquette, a transgender activist and actress best known for playing a Boy George–inspired character in The Wedding Singer, died on Sunday, September 11, her brother Richmond Arquette confirmed. She was 47.
Alexis Arquette, Transgender Actress and Sister to David and Patricia Arquette, Has Died
Actress And Trans Activist Alexis Arquette Dead At 47
Alexis Arquette’s Cause Of Death Reportedly AIDS-Related Complications
Susan’s Place founder Susan Larson Comes Out
Susan Larson came out to friends and family years ago but only recently announced her transsexuality to the world. After helping thousands for decades with sage advice on the iconic website “Susan’s Place” Larson has made it official.
Chelsea Manning Ends Hunger Strike Will Receive SRS
Chelsea Manning has ended her hunger strike after being told by the government that she will receive gender confirmation surgery.
Physicians Decry Pseudo-Science of Transgenderism, ‘Absurd’ to Say Anyone is Born Into ‘Wrong Body’
The American College of Pediatricians (ACP) has released a position paper denouncing popular approaches to transgender, declaring that the current protocol is founded upon “unscientific gender ideology,” which lacks any basis in real evidence.
We Can Still Hear the 'Screaming Queens' of the Compton's Cafeteria Riot
Though history has forgotten and dismissed the transgender women and drag queens who stood up to police violence 50 years ago in San Francisco, their brave response paved the way for our lives today.
Chowchilla High Denies Entry Access To Native American, Transgender Girl
Chowchilla, California. School denies entry access to Emily Galilahi Jugashvili. Chowchilla High now has a 0.9% Native American population.
Transgender inmate sues prison leaders for civil rights violations
Top Delaware prison officials denied a transgender female inmate medically recommended hormone therapy, read her legal mail and threw her in solitary confinement after she consulted with attorneys, according to a civil rights lawsuit filed this past week in the Court of Chancery.
Judge Tells Trans Man To 'Pick A Name I Can Live With'
A judge from the state of Georgia has refused to allow a transgender man to change his name unless he chooses a gender neutral or unisex name.
Transgender woman found slain on Chicago's West Side
A West Side transgender woman, T.T., Saffore, was found murdered in Chicago's West Garfield Park neighborhood the evening of Sept. 11, 2016.
According to the Chicago Police Department and subsequent reports by the Chicago Sun-Times and Chicago Tribune, he body was discovered in the 4500 block of West Monroe Street.
He throat had been cut and a knife found nearby.
Breaking: Trans Woman Found Murdered in Chicago Park
Transgender woman slain in Chicago's Garfield Park is 20th transgender killing this year
Forensic psychologist testifies in trial of murdered transgender victim at Louisville hotel
Did he target a transgender person? Or was he the victim of a robbery and scared for his life?
Transgender woman stabbed 119 times
New evidence was presented during the preliminary hearing of Dwanya Hickerson, accused of murdering Mississippi transgender woman Dee Whigham. According the the testimony of a Sheriff’s deputy the autopsy shows that Dwanya Hickerson stabbed the victim 119 times and slashed her throat three times.
LGBT activist wants apology for transgender tweet
LGBT activists are asking Mecklenburg County Commissioner Bill James to apologize, following comments he posted to his Twitter account.
ACC joins NCAA and NBA moving Championship Games From NC over HB2
Transgender Performer Kicked Out of NYC Gay Bar for Making a Woman ‘Uncomfortable’
Transgender performer Valentine Steaphon was kicked out of Boots & Saddle Drag Lounge, a New York gay bar, after a cisgender woman discovered her in the women’s restroom on Friday night, sparking immediate backlash on social media.
Lea T Makes History at Opening Ceremony
"Brazil is a vast country and all its diversity should be somehow represented in this event,” said the model.
'Un 'trans' debe ser el triple de bueno en el trabajo que un hombre'
'Un 'trans' debe ser el triple de bueno en el trabajo que un hombre'
Habla Tamara Adrián, la primera mujer 'trans' con una curul en la Asamblea Nacional de Venezuela.
“Con uniforme de mujer me sentía mal”: Trans que celebra fallo de la Corte
El Sena anuncia que acata fallo de la Corte que permite a transgénero vestir como desee • “Estamos aprendiendo”, dice la directora de la entidad.
Investigan si asesinato de transexual en el Centro fue por piropos
Policía capturó a los supuestos homicidas, quienes alegaron que la víctima estaba con un grupo que había intentado atracarlos • Les hicieron “seducción verbal”, se informó.
¿El 'bullying' contra Gina Parody es fruto de la homofobia colombiana?
Entrevista de María Isabel Rueda a la exdirectora de la Dian, Fanny Kertzman.
Chilean Senate commission approves trans rights measure
A Chilean Senate commission on Wednesday approved a proposal that would allow transgender adults to legally change their name and gender without going before a judge.
Transfobia: agreden a excandidata a concejal del PTS de Zárate
Fue en el barrio porteño de Once, la golpearon luego de reconocerla como transgénero.
La ley a ti debida
Nova lei para pessoas transgénero não será discutida este ano
O projecto do Bloco de Esquerda sobre “autodeterminação de género”, que deu entrada na Assembleia da República em Maio, não será discutido ou votado antes do fim deste ano, confirmou Persona Grata junto do grupo parlamentar do Bloco.
Transformista Jenny Larrue é “A Tal Tropical”
Habituada a ser Whitney Houston ou Beyoncé em espectáculos de travestismo na noite gay de Lisboa, Jenny Larrue é agora protagonista de um teledisco kitsch da banda portuguesa PISTA. De diva afro-americana a rainha da ginga africana através do tema “A Tal Tropical”.
Transexual protagoniza série na Globo, e revela que foi barrada em banheiro feminino
A atriz transexual Maria Clara Spinelli será uma das protagonistas da série “Supermax”, da Globo. Esse será o seu primeiro papel de destaque na TV. A personagem da atriz, Janete, será uma das 12 participantes do reality show da história, uma mistura de thriller, drama e suspense.
Polícia prende 3 por espancar travesti e irmã no Rio de Janeiro; vídeo
Homens aplicam sequência de chutes; confusão começou dentro de van.
Três homens envolvidos na agressão foram identificados e presos.
Irmã de transexual agredida no Rio relata ataque: 'Era para ela estar morta'
Transgender Nicole Lax's grieving mum urges others to follow their dreams
A year after Nicole Lax's death, grieving mum Nicola, of South Moor, near Stanley, County Durham, gives message of support
Train company educates customer who complained about a ‘man in dress’
A train company posted a perfect response to a customer who complained about a “man in stockings and a dress”.
The TransPennine Express service operates major train routes in the North of England, connecting Manchester to Liverpool, Sheffield, Hull, Leeds, York, Newcastle and Scotland.
The Lauras by Sara Taylor review – an engrossing transgender road trip
Alex doesn’t have a gender – and Ma is OK with that as they cross America in search of the past in this exploration of identity and the bond between mother and child
How Meryl Streep's Trans Music Teacher Opened Her Eyes to LGBT Acceptance
Meryl Streep has LGBT teachers to thank for her musical abilities and progressive worldview.
The star of Florence Foster Jenkins recounted how both a gay man and a trans person influenced her at a very early age, informing her how the arts can be a safe haven for LGBT people.
France Mulls Process for Changing Gender Identification
France has legislation heading to its Senate this fall that is designed to help between 10,000 to 15,000 transgender people in the country who are living at odds with their official gender identity.
Trans Woman in Naples, Italy faces transphobia in hospital
Today, 4th August 2016, the Associazione Transessuale di Napoli (ATN) and Arcigay held a protest against Transphobia and Homophobia in healthcare in front of the hospital S.Giovanni Bosco in Naples, Italy. This protest was in support of Nunzia, and for all those trans persons that even today are faced by hate and transphobic slurs within healthcare settings.
Trans model’s stunning dress shines a light on countries with anti-gay laws
26-year-old transgender model Valentijn de Hingh collaborated with fashion designer Matthijs van Bergensi and artist Oeri van Woezik to create the stunning piece, which features the flags of the 72 countries around the world where it remains a crime to be gay.
What the U.S. Is Learning From How Israel Treats Transgender Soldiers
On June 30, the U.S. military announced it would accept transgender soldiers and it has been looking at the experience of other armies for guidance
[Saudi Arabia]
Transgenders face inheritance issues after SRS
Transgender people who undergo sex reassignment surgery (SRS) are facing a major obstacles in obtaining their rightful inheritance after the death of their parents.
A Transgender Person is Stabbed in Shadi Peer Area of Peahawar midnight. She has received 14 stiches. She is too horiifed and in trauma. She has refused to lodge police complaint and do not want to identify herself. One year ago same transgender sister was stabbed multiple times in Swat and she recived 40 stiches.
India's transgender community still waiting for toilets it was promised
Arnav Srinivasan, 37, works in one of Thomson Reuters' Bengaluru offices. He was born as Kalyani, a female, but identifies as a man. It was a big deal for him when the office introduced a "gender-neutral" bathroom.
[Hong Kong]
Transgender woman claims her rights were violated
Lawyers representing a transgender woman, who is challenging her treatment by police and prison authorities, say her fundamental rights were violated.
Transgender woman’s detention in Hong Kong all-male prison ‘unconstitutional’, court told
Transgender woman kept with men to protect female inmates, Hong Kong court hears
Why Transgender People In Japan Prefer To Be Told They Have A ‘Disorder’
There’s a global push to remove “gender identity disorder” from the list of mental illnesses. But many transgender people in Japan aren’t on board with the idea. J. Lester Feder reports from Osaka.
Adelaide transgender model Gemma Cowling makes catwalk debut in Adelaide Fashion Week
Gemma Cowling is getting off the couch to make her official catwalk debut as the first Australian-born transgender model.
[New Zealand]
Doco reveals the impact transition has on a friendship
A new short documentary tells the story of two friends in their 50s who are in the process of redefining their friendship after one of them comes out as transgender.
New gender-neutral Ontario health cards make it harder to get a passport
Ottawa says it wasn't consulted on province's decision to change cards
Capital Pride takes on Bathrooms Without Borders
Ottawa’s Pride festival chooses gender-neutral washrooms as theme
Ten-year-old trans activist chosen as Grand Marshal in Ottawa’s upcoming Capital Pride parade
Trans rights rally in Montreal focuses on supporting migrants
Third annual march asks for transgender immigrants to have the option of changing gender on paper
TransGriot Blogger Monica Roberts Honored By GLAAD For A Decade Of Excellence
"It’s even more potent when you walk the walk and back up your words with deeds."

Alexis Arquette Dead: Transgender Actress Dies at 47, Siblings Patricia and Richmond Arquette Pay Tribute
Alexis Arquette, a transgender activist and actress best known for playing a Boy George–inspired character in The Wedding Singer, died on Sunday, September 11, her brother Richmond Arquette confirmed. She was 47.
Alexis Arquette, Transgender Actress and Sister to David and Patricia Arquette, Has Died
Actress And Trans Activist Alexis Arquette Dead At 47
Alexis Arquette’s Cause Of Death Reportedly AIDS-Related Complications
Susan’s Place founder Susan Larson Comes Out
Susan Larson came out to friends and family years ago but only recently announced her transsexuality to the world. After helping thousands for decades with sage advice on the iconic website “Susan’s Place” Larson has made it official.
Chelsea Manning Ends Hunger Strike Will Receive SRS
Chelsea Manning has ended her hunger strike after being told by the government that she will receive gender confirmation surgery.
Physicians Decry Pseudo-Science of Transgenderism, ‘Absurd’ to Say Anyone is Born Into ‘Wrong Body’
The American College of Pediatricians (ACP) has released a position paper denouncing popular approaches to transgender, declaring that the current protocol is founded upon “unscientific gender ideology,” which lacks any basis in real evidence.
We Can Still Hear the 'Screaming Queens' of the Compton's Cafeteria Riot
Though history has forgotten and dismissed the transgender women and drag queens who stood up to police violence 50 years ago in San Francisco, their brave response paved the way for our lives today.
Chowchilla High Denies Entry Access To Native American, Transgender Girl
Chowchilla, California. School denies entry access to Emily Galilahi Jugashvili. Chowchilla High now has a 0.9% Native American population.
Transgender inmate sues prison leaders for civil rights violations
Top Delaware prison officials denied a transgender female inmate medically recommended hormone therapy, read her legal mail and threw her in solitary confinement after she consulted with attorneys, according to a civil rights lawsuit filed this past week in the Court of Chancery.
Judge Tells Trans Man To 'Pick A Name I Can Live With'
A judge from the state of Georgia has refused to allow a transgender man to change his name unless he chooses a gender neutral or unisex name.

Transgender woman found slain on Chicago's West Side
A West Side transgender woman, T.T., Saffore, was found murdered in Chicago's West Garfield Park neighborhood the evening of Sept. 11, 2016.
According to the Chicago Police Department and subsequent reports by the Chicago Sun-Times and Chicago Tribune, he body was discovered in the 4500 block of West Monroe Street.
He throat had been cut and a knife found nearby.
Breaking: Trans Woman Found Murdered in Chicago Park
Transgender woman slain in Chicago's Garfield Park is 20th transgender killing this year
Forensic psychologist testifies in trial of murdered transgender victim at Louisville hotel
Did he target a transgender person? Or was he the victim of a robbery and scared for his life?
Transgender woman stabbed 119 times
New evidence was presented during the preliminary hearing of Dwanya Hickerson, accused of murdering Mississippi transgender woman Dee Whigham. According the the testimony of a Sheriff’s deputy the autopsy shows that Dwanya Hickerson stabbed the victim 119 times and slashed her throat three times.
LGBT activist wants apology for transgender tweet
LGBT activists are asking Mecklenburg County Commissioner Bill James to apologize, following comments he posted to his Twitter account.
ACC joins NCAA and NBA moving Championship Games From NC over HB2
Transgender Performer Kicked Out of NYC Gay Bar for Making a Woman ‘Uncomfortable’
Transgender performer Valentine Steaphon was kicked out of Boots & Saddle Drag Lounge, a New York gay bar, after a cisgender woman discovered her in the women’s restroom on Friday night, sparking immediate backlash on social media.
Lea T Makes History at Opening Ceremony
"Brazil is a vast country and all its diversity should be somehow represented in this event,” said the model.
'Un 'trans' debe ser el triple de bueno en el trabajo que un hombre'
'Un 'trans' debe ser el triple de bueno en el trabajo que un hombre'
Habla Tamara Adrián, la primera mujer 'trans' con una curul en la Asamblea Nacional de Venezuela.
“Con uniforme de mujer me sentía mal”: Trans que celebra fallo de la Corte
El Sena anuncia que acata fallo de la Corte que permite a transgénero vestir como desee • “Estamos aprendiendo”, dice la directora de la entidad.
Investigan si asesinato de transexual en el Centro fue por piropos
Policía capturó a los supuestos homicidas, quienes alegaron que la víctima estaba con un grupo que había intentado atracarlos • Les hicieron “seducción verbal”, se informó.
¿El 'bullying' contra Gina Parody es fruto de la homofobia colombiana?
Entrevista de María Isabel Rueda a la exdirectora de la Dian, Fanny Kertzman.
Chilean Senate commission approves trans rights measure
A Chilean Senate commission on Wednesday approved a proposal that would allow transgender adults to legally change their name and gender without going before a judge.
Transfobia: agreden a excandidata a concejal del PTS de Zárate
Fue en el barrio porteño de Once, la golpearon luego de reconocerla como transgénero.
La ley a ti debida
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