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terça-feira, maio 16, 2006

International Day Against Homophobia (IDAHO), MAY 17TH

GAP – the Wellington Rainbow Network is a Wellington based group which provides a vehicle for social, political and business direction and networking within the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender communities.
In 2005 the first International Day Against Homophobia (IDAHO) was held informally in a number of countries across the world. This Wednesday, May 17th is due to be the second such day.

17 Mai: Journée mondiale contre l'homophobie

Le 17 mai 1990, l'assemblée générale de l'Organisation mondiale de la santé (OMS) a retiré l'homosexualité de sa liste des troubles mentaux.
Le combat pour la reconnaissance de droits égaux pour les personnes lesbiennes, gay, bisexuelles et transgenre ne s'est pourtant pas arrêté là.

US - More than 50 years after Christine Jorgensen fascinated the world there's a perpetual dialogue in the transgender community...
Fighting to become who they've always been
What if you could take a pill and be perfect - the girl you've always been, buried beneath unwanted body hair and testosterone, the man trapped in a female body? An instant, painless transformation.
What if it meant losing your job, alienating your friends and family members? Turning your back on the life you've always known? Would you do it?

Transgendered man deceived wife for 17 years with home made penis - Transsexual is not legal parent
A female-to-male transgendered person who made his own penis did nottell his wife of 17 years that he was born a woman lost his parental rights to his wife's daughter at the Court of Appeal earlier today.

Two Ladies
Carla Antonelli demanded an end to discrimination against transsexuals. Judith Millar said consumption does not bring happiness.

Chromosomes de femme, corps d'homme
Si ce n'est un homme, c'est donc une femme. Élémentaire, mon cher Watson... Hum, pas si simple! La nature peut aussi prendre des détours curieux et produire des entre-deux. Parfois les chromosomes disent homme, mais le corps dit femme... et vice versa. Bien distincte de la transsexualité, la «réversion sexuelle» est un phénomène purement génétique.