Parada de São Paulo movimenta 189 milhões de reais, mas tem apenas 1 milhão de patrocínio
O prefeito de São Paulo Gilberto Kassab (DEM), a senadora Fátima Cleide (PT-RO) e a deputada federal Cida Diogo (PT-RJ) participaram da coletiva de imprensa que a Associação da Parada do Orgulho GLBT (Apoglbt) promoveu na manhã deste domingo, dia 25 de maio, na sede da Federação do Comércio do Estado de São Paulo (Fecomercio) como cerimônia de abertura da 12ª Parada do Orgulho GLBT de São Paulo.
Zona leste de SP fará 3ª Parada Gay no dia 6 de julho
No próximo dia 6 de julho, haverá uma outra Parada Gay em São Paulo. Será a terceira edição da Parada da Zona Leste, região da periferia da capital, bastante populosa e carente dos serviços públicos.
Parada Gay divulga público de 5 milhões sem comprovação científica
Após divulgar um público de 5 milhões de participantes no início da Parada Gay de São Paulo, os organizadores do evento evitaram confirmar o número, no final do desfile, na noite deste domingo (25). As autoridades, como a Polícia Militar e Guarda Civil, não confirmaram o dado, evitando críticas de prática do "chutômetro". Resultado: nesta segunda-feira (26), a associação que organiza a Parada promete mostrar imagens aéreas e divulgar o número final da dimensão do evento.
Parada GLBT
Veja imagens da 12ª edição da festa, que ocorreu este domingo (25) com 22 trios elétricos e milhões de pessoas.
Sex-change paratrooper wins £250,000 for ‘hurt feelings’
A former paratrooper who had a sex-change operation has won a £250,000 payout for hurt feelings after being ordered to wear a man's army uniform.
Jan Hamilton, formerly Captain Ian Hamilton, was awarded the sum by the Ministry of Defence (MoD) in an out-of-court settlement after claiming that she was humiliated by the order.
Sex swap para given £250k for hurt feelings
A SEX-CHANGE soldier has caused uproar by winning £250,000 damages...because the Army ordered her to wear a male uniform for a medical.
Sex swap soldier attacked in pub
SEX change soldier Jan Hamilton claims she was attacked in a pub -after the bloke who chatted her up found out she used to be a man.
Clamp on gays 'violates rights'
BAHRAIN will be in breach of United Nations (UN) laws on human rights if it introduces a nationwide crackdown on homosexuals, say gay rights campaigners.
Judge allows girl, 12, to change sex
A FAMILY court judge has allowed a 12-year-old girl to start a taxpayer-funded sex change procedure - in the face of objections from the child's own father.
The girl, who cannot be named, has begun court-approved hormone treatment in the first step towards a total gender switch.
Orders by the Family Court of Victoria also permit the girl to apply for a new birth certificate, passport and Medicare card in a boy's name.
[News/Commentary] 12 Year Old 'Brainwashed' into Having Sex Change
A court has agreed for a twelve year old girl to have a sex change operation against the wishes of relatives who say that the girl has been brainwashed from an early age to become more male like by her mother.
Sex-change 'brainwash'
THE cousin of a 12-year-old Victorian girl who is undergoing a sex change claims the child's mother brainwashed her daughter.
Family's fury as girl, 12, allowed to have sex-change operation against father's wishes
A huge ethical row has erupted over a judge's decision to allow a 12- year-old girl to have a sex change that will turn her into a teenage boy.
'I am a boy, Dad'
ALMOST all her life "Jess" has felt like a boy trapped in a girl's body. From the age of six, shopping trips usually ended in the boy's clothing section.
Now 12, she recently told a psychiatrist her long-held dream was to overcome biology and one day live as a man - complete with wife and children.
Stuck between a frock and a card place
Excerpt: "The Anti-Discrimination Act does not protect transvestites, it protects transsexuals, but you said you live as a woman," [deputy president of the Administrative Decisions Tribunal] Ms Hennessy said. "Before the tribunal can hear the case what you have to be able to prove to the court is that sexually you are a transsexual."
Parada de São Paulo movimenta 189 milhões de reais, mas tem apenas 1 milhão de patrocínio
O prefeito de São Paulo Gilberto Kassab (DEM), a senadora Fátima Cleide (PT-RO) e a deputada federal Cida Diogo (PT-RJ) participaram da coletiva de imprensa que a Associação da Parada do Orgulho GLBT (Apoglbt) promoveu na manhã deste domingo, dia 25 de maio, na sede da Federação do Comércio do Estado de São Paulo (Fecomercio) como cerimônia de abertura da 12ª Parada do Orgulho GLBT de São Paulo.
Zona leste de SP fará 3ª Parada Gay no dia 6 de julho
No próximo dia 6 de julho, haverá uma outra Parada Gay em São Paulo. Será a terceira edição da Parada da Zona Leste, região da periferia da capital, bastante populosa e carente dos serviços públicos.
Parada Gay divulga público de 5 milhões sem comprovação científica
Após divulgar um público de 5 milhões de participantes no início da Parada Gay de São Paulo, os organizadores do evento evitaram confirmar o número, no final do desfile, na noite deste domingo (25). As autoridades, como a Polícia Militar e Guarda Civil, não confirmaram o dado, evitando críticas de prática do "chutômetro". Resultado: nesta segunda-feira (26), a associação que organiza a Parada promete mostrar imagens aéreas e divulgar o número final da dimensão do evento.
Parada GLBT
Veja imagens da 12ª edição da festa, que ocorreu este domingo (25) com 22 trios elétricos e milhões de pessoas.

Sex-change paratrooper wins £250,000 for ‘hurt feelings’
A former paratrooper who had a sex-change operation has won a £250,000 payout for hurt feelings after being ordered to wear a man's army uniform.
Jan Hamilton, formerly Captain Ian Hamilton, was awarded the sum by the Ministry of Defence (MoD) in an out-of-court settlement after claiming that she was humiliated by the order.
Sex swap para given £250k for hurt feelings
A SEX-CHANGE soldier has caused uproar by winning £250,000 damages...because the Army ordered her to wear a male uniform for a medical.
Sex swap soldier attacked in pub
SEX change soldier Jan Hamilton claims she was attacked in a pub -after the bloke who chatted her up found out she used to be a man.
Clamp on gays 'violates rights'
BAHRAIN will be in breach of United Nations (UN) laws on human rights if it introduces a nationwide crackdown on homosexuals, say gay rights campaigners.
Judge allows girl, 12, to change sex
A FAMILY court judge has allowed a 12-year-old girl to start a taxpayer-funded sex change procedure - in the face of objections from the child's own father.
The girl, who cannot be named, has begun court-approved hormone treatment in the first step towards a total gender switch.
Orders by the Family Court of Victoria also permit the girl to apply for a new birth certificate, passport and Medicare card in a boy's name.
[News/Commentary] 12 Year Old 'Brainwashed' into Having Sex Change
A court has agreed for a twelve year old girl to have a sex change operation against the wishes of relatives who say that the girl has been brainwashed from an early age to become more male like by her mother.
Sex-change 'brainwash'
THE cousin of a 12-year-old Victorian girl who is undergoing a sex change claims the child's mother brainwashed her daughter.
Family's fury as girl, 12, allowed to have sex-change operation against father's wishes
A huge ethical row has erupted over a judge's decision to allow a 12- year-old girl to have a sex change that will turn her into a teenage boy.
'I am a boy, Dad'
ALMOST all her life "Jess" has felt like a boy trapped in a girl's body. From the age of six, shopping trips usually ended in the boy's clothing section.
Now 12, she recently told a psychiatrist her long-held dream was to overcome biology and one day live as a man - complete with wife and children.

Stuck between a frock and a card place
Excerpt: "The Anti-Discrimination Act does not protect transvestites, it protects transsexuals, but you said you live as a woman," [deputy president of the Administrative Decisions Tribunal] Ms Hennessy said. "Before the tribunal can hear the case what you have to be able to prove to the court is that sexually you are a transsexual."
Photo: Dallas Kilponen. All cross-dressed up … Paul Hurst - Anne-Maree to his friends - was refused entry to Star City because a security guard said he was "inappropriately" attired.
[USA] [Commentary]
Obama's 'gay' problem
Excerpt: "The transgendered community has to be protected. I just don't have any tolerance for that sort of intolerance. And I think we need to legislate aggressively to protect them," Obama told the Advocate, the modern day Pravda of the pink triangle set.
[MN,USA] [Commentary]
Myths and facts about transgender issues
We asked Debra Davis, executive director of the Twin Cities-based Gender Education Center (www.debradavis. org), and Walter Bockting, a psychologist in the University of Minnesota's Program in Human Sexuality, to answer some questions about transgender issues.
[USA] [Blog/Commentary]
Should Doctors Be Allowed To Refuse Treatment?
Should doctors be able to turn patients away if they disagree with their lifestyle choice?
The article reads like many pregnancy stories. The happy couple finally become pregnant against all odds and eagerly anticipates the birth of their first child. This story, however, takes a twist that many people, including doctors, find hard to fathom.
[USA] [Commentary]
Obama's 'gay' problem
Excerpt: "The transgendered community has to be protected. I just don't have any tolerance for that sort of intolerance. And I think we need to legislate aggressively to protect them," Obama told the Advocate, the modern day Pravda of the pink triangle set.
[MN,USA] [Commentary]
Myths and facts about transgender issues
We asked Debra Davis, executive director of the Twin Cities-based Gender Education Center (www.debradavis. org), and Walter Bockting, a psychologist in the University of Minnesota's Program in Human Sexuality, to answer some questions about transgender issues.
[USA] [Blog/Commentary]
Should Doctors Be Allowed To Refuse Treatment?
Should doctors be able to turn patients away if they disagree with their lifestyle choice?
The article reads like many pregnancy stories. The happy couple finally become pregnant against all odds and eagerly anticipates the birth of their first child. This story, however, takes a twist that many people, including doctors, find hard to fathom.
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