School challenge: Transgender student is age 9
Police seek victims of accused rapist in St. Lucie County
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School challenge: Transgender student is age 9
For school officials in Haverford Township, the challenge was daunting: What do you do when a 9-year-old student, with the full support of his parents, decides that he is no longer a boy and instead is a girl?
Police seek victims of accused rapist in St. Lucie County
Authorities are looking for possible Treasure Coast victims of an accused Maryland rapist, Sheriff Ken Mascara announced Friday.
Richard Arden Robinson, 44, accused of an armed rape of a pre-operative transgender man in Montgomery County, Md., in July 2005, was arrested by St. Lucie County deputies March 8 on a disorderly conduct charge. He was released from jail March 26 and assigned to the jurisdiction of the county's mental health court.
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Willie Coyote and Road Runner - Zip 'n' Snort
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