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quinta-feira, julho 17, 2008

Assembleia da República acolhe Conferência Internacional sobre casamento entre pessoas do mesmo sexo
A Associação ILGA Portugal foi convidada a intervir - e estará presente - na Conferência Internacional organizada pela Juventude Socialista e intitulada “Nada mais que a Igualdade: o casamento entre pessoas do mesmo sexo".

Excerto: Um dos "eixos" dessa "renovação" programática seria, precisamente, "remover as discriminações que restam, na ordem jurídica e social portuguesa, designadamente as fundadas no sexo e na orientação sexual". O principal autor da moção foi Sérgio Sousa Pinto, actualmente eurodeputado e, em tempos, como líder da JS, "campeão" das "causas fracturantes".
Pergunta: E as discriminações pela identidade de género? É só 31 de boca?

Visibilidade Trans
Travesti em posição de destaque fala sobre vida, trabalho, sexualidade e gênero

UN committee to question rendition stance
THE IRISH Government will be asked by a UN committee today to justify its failure to act on extraordinary rendition and to legislate in the areas of abortion, transgender identity, non-traditional families and freedom of religion in schools.

Damages for gay Italian driver forced to retake test
A 26-year-old Sicilian man has won €100,000 (£80,000) in damages from the Italian state after his driving licence was taken away because he was gay. His lawyer claimed it was the first time that the state had been punished for discrimination against an individual on grounds of homosexuality.

Police selling out Ottawa's whores
Representatives from the queer community are telling police to leave sex workers alone, but the police aren't listening.
Sex workers — gay, trans and straight — were on Michele Penney's mind at the Ottawa Police Services' annual OUTreach conference on queer issues, in the wake of more measures designed to push the sex trade underground.

Stunning: An Interview with Calpernia Addams
Calpernia Addams’ very first love story may have been with a fiddle.

Press Conference at McDonald's World Headquarters Tomorrow Supports National Boycott of Fast Food Giant for Promoting Homosexuality
Americans For Truth has called a press conference tomorrow with other family groups from across the country at the world headquarters of McDonald's – to support the national boycott of the fast-food giant and highlight its record of promoting homosexual activism.

Activists discuss disability, transgender and intersex experiences
Three activists, Caitlin Childs, Scott Turner Schofield and Anne DelBene, will host a frank discussion about similarities in transgender, disabled and intersex lives.

Antigay group couldn't disrupt Phila. event, court rules
Anti-homosexual activists arrested during Philadelphia' s 2004 OutFest celebration had a First Amendment right to demonstrate but not to disrupt the coming-out festival, a federal appeals court ruled yesterday.

White Found Not Guilty Of 2005 Murder
Arthur Lee White was found not guilty today in the stabbing death of a Lakeland man in March 2005.
However, because there are still some cases pending against him, White will not be freed from jail.
White, 50, of Winter Haven, had been charged with the first-degree murder of Gerald "Ricky" Franklin Jr. Franklin, 44, was a homosexual who occasionally dressed in women's clothing.

[USA] [Blog/Commentary]
Will There Be Transgender Athletes In Beijing?
Standing on the top step of the Olympic medal platform with a gold medal around your neck while hearing your country's national anthem being played is a universal dream for all people who participate in sports.
Transgender athletes share that dream as well, and as we rapidly approach the August 8 start of the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing, we're aware that since the 2004 Athens Games transpeople have been eligible to compete thanks to rules changes enacted by the International Olympic Committee.

Louis Gradon Sullivan (1951-1991) pioneer ftm activist
Sheila Jean Sullivan was raised in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. In her early 20s she worked as a secretary for the Slavic Languages Department at the University of Wisconsin, where she was noted for her speed and accuracy in typing even in Cyrillic, although she not understand the language.

[USA] [Blog/Comentary]
Top Ten Problems with the GID Diagnosis
What are the problems with the Gender Identity Disorder diagnosis in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM)? How are overarching issues of psychiatric stigma and access to medical transition procedures related to specific flaws in the diagnostic criteria and supporting text?