Take a day to honor killed transgendered
The 2008 Transgender Day of Remembrance, an annual event designed to recognize those killed due to anti-transgender violence, will be marked by a program at 7 p.m. Thursday at the Unitarian Church, 739 Yarmouth St., Norfolk.
Trans Day of Remembrance
Take a day to honor killed transgendered
The 2008 Transgender Day of Remembrance, an annual event designed to recognize those killed due to anti-transgender violence, will be marked by a program at 7 p.m. Thursday at the Unitarian Church, 739 Yarmouth St., Norfolk.
Trans Day of Remembrance
[UK] [Blog/Commentary]
MPs call for Commons committee to consider representation of… well, just about everyone but trans people, apparently
A Labour MP has said a new special parliamentary committee that will examine ways of making the House of Commons more diverse should include gay, lesbian and bisexual people as an under-represented group.
La nueva vida del atleta transexual Balian Buschbaum
Balian Buschbaum sigue siendo una celebridad en Ulm, la ciudad alemana donde nació, pero sus tiempos de gloria deportiva y de escándalo mundial cuando anunció que dejaba el deporte para cambiar de sexo (dejaba de ser Yvonne, medalla de bronce en el Europeo de 2002 en salto con pértiga, y pasaba a ser Balian) pasaron. Ahora es un hombre anónimo que dejó su puesto en el Ejército y empieza a ganarse la vida como entrenador. (Foto)
[Pakistan] [Letters to the Editor]
Accept them!
One must not forget the large present of the hijra community, who are mostly transsexuals. They do not have any rights a normal citizen and condemned to a miserable existence because of society’s attitude. Because of being unprivileged and disadvantaged, they cannot raise an organised voice for their rights. Therefore, it is for us the intelligence, humane, educated and advantaged people to advance their case.
En Michoacán habitan por lo menos 5 mil transexuales y transgénero, estima Clara Ochoa
Michoacán podría haber, cuando menos, 5 mil transexuales y transgénero, según estimaciones de la titular del Consejo Estatal de Población (Coespo), Clara Ochoa Valdéz.
Duanna Johnson: Your Outrage, Support Needed
The Tennessee Transgender Political Coalition has set up a way to donate to the fund for Duanna Johnson's funeral online. Please help share the funeral expenses as a community.
Mid-Southerners Demand Justice for Duanna Johnson
[USA] [Commentary]
Wrangling over psychiatry's bible
Over the summer, a wrangle between eminent psychiatrists that had been brewing for months erupted in print. Startled readers of Psychiatric News saw the spectacle unfold in the journal's normally less-dramatic pages. The bone of contention: whether the next revision of America's psychiatric bible, the "Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders," should be done openly and transparently so mental health professionals and the public could follow along, or whether the debates should be held in secret.
[USA] [Commentary]
Wrangling over psychiatry's bible
Over the summer, a wrangle between eminent psychiatrists that had been brewing for months erupted in print. Startled readers of Psychiatric News saw the spectacle unfold in the journal's normally less-dramatic pages. The bone of contention: whether the next revision of America's psychiatric bible, the "Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders," should be done openly and transparently so mental health professionals and the public could follow along, or whether the debates should be held in secret.
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