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segunda-feira, março 02, 2009

Em vias de extinção - Águia-imperial morta na caça
O Instituto de Conservação da Natureza e da Biodiversidade vai apresentar queixa-crime contra incertos pela morte de uma águia--imperial. Segundo o ICNB, a ave foi encontrada morta junto ao seu ninho na passada semana, no Vale do Guadiana.
Águia-imperial abatida a tiro
Macho do único casal que nidificou em Portugal em 2008 foi morto por chumbos de caçadeira

Autoridades de Educação do MS dizem que trans devem usar banheiro feminino nas escolas
A Secretaria Estadual de Educação de Mato Grosso do Sul através da Coordenadoria de Políticas para a Diversidade divulgou na última semana um comunicado orientando escolas da rede pública de ensino a destinar banheiros femininos para estudantes travestis e transgêneros. De acordo com o texto, o uso de banheiros masculinos por trans pode gerar risco para os estudantes, constantes vítimas de preconceito.

Sex change surgery on transgender
In a record of sorts, doctors at Government General Hospital here performed a sex change operation on a transgender on Saturday.
The transgender (whose name has not been divulged), hailing from Udhagamandalam, wanted an operation that would give him a woman’s genitalia.

Sex change patient sues doctors
A MAN who underwent gender reassignment surgery to become a woman — then resumed dressing as a man five years later after deciding the change was "misconceived" — is suing psychiatrists who treated him at Monash Medical Centre's specialist clinic.

[Canada] [Blog/Commentary]
I’ve been reading a few articles recently about Mike Penner, the L.A. Times sportswriter who changed his mind, apparently, about transitioning. Mike hasn’t offered any explanations, nor does he owe any to anyone — though, people are curious, naturally. I’m not going to speculate on what his reasons might be; we really must respect his right to privacy. But Mike isn’t the only person I’ve heard of who has pulled an abrupt U-turn in their transitional journey. According to the articles, about five per cent of transitioning “transsexuals” in the United States change their minds and don’t complete the transition process.

[USA] [News/Commentary]
"Staying Sane": Lynn Conway interviewed on Logo's 365Gay News regarding Ken Zucker's attempt to suppress her website
On January 30, 2009 Lynn received a letter from Peter M. Jacobsen, an attorney representing Dr. Ken Zucker of CAMH (aka The Clarke Institute) in Toronto, falsely accusing her with libel and threatening her with a lawsuit – in a blatant attempt to disrupt Lynn's postings on the internet and defame Lynn amongst her colleagues.
Lynn called Zucker's bluff by exposing the false accusations in an investigative report on the internet. Chagmion Antoine of Logo/CBS News followed up on the story, in an interview Logo television's 365Gay News on February 26, 2009.
Links to the interview, background on this story and a transcript of the interview follow below.
Background information concerning Zucker's legal threats of Dr. Lynn Conway

[USA] [Blog/Commentary]
Why Do We Need to be Studied by People Other Than Ourselves?
What business does a Zucker, Bailey, Blanchard, Money Draeger etc have doing research on us?
Isn’t it sort of akin to having the KKK do research studies on African Americans?