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domingo, março 01, 2009

IGLHRC demands investigation into attack on trans woman; Peruvian TV runs longer report on incident
The International Gay & Lesbian Human Rights Commission (IGLHRC) has sent out an alert asking people like you to send letters to the Peruvian government and demand an investigation into a brutal attack on a transgender woman in the town of Tarapoto (please visit this link and find out how you can help out).

Planes de Estudio para travestis
La escuela es el punto ciego de un círculo muy vicioso que deja atrapadas a las personas travestis y transexuales: porque no estudiaron, no pueden tener una vocación, no pueden trabajar de nada que no sea prostituirse. Porque somos lo que somos o lo que seremos, no podemos asistir a la escuela sin riesgo de agresión, burla, humillaciones, fracaso. Un niño que da señales de su transexualidad es repelido del aula por maestros y maestras, directores, padres y compañeros. Paradójicamente, una alta dosis de ignorancia hace que los responsables de “dar cátedra” sean los mismos que perpetúan esta injusticia. La sociedad biempensante acuerda con lo dicho anteriormente y tal vez haya llegado la hora de que una sociedad actuante comience a cambiar las cosas.

Woman delivers ‘hermaphrodite’ twins
Twins, each with male and female genitals, were born to a 25-year-old mother here on Tuesday.
Glory Jean Ferrer, the twins’ mother, gave birth to the babies at the Malita district hospital at 7 a.m., said its resident physician, Dr. Paulito Montero.
According to Montero, the babies are hermaphrodites because they each have male and female reproductive organs.

New court procedural rule may help open Morris records
A new state Supreme Court procedure that makes search warrants available to the public applies retroactively to the six warrants issued in the Nizah Morris investigation, a local judge said recently.