6 de Junho de 1944 - Invasão da Normandia pelas forças aliadas - O início do fim do reinado de terror Nazi na Europa - O dia mais longo
Antropólogo sueco mergulha no universo trans baiano e produz livro delicioso de ser lido
Há umas duas semanas, zapeando sem compromisso, achei uma pérola rara para observação sócio-antropológica: numa emissão Fiocruz pela RBN estavam sendo entrevistados o sociólogo sueco Don Kulick e a antropóloga Miriam Goldenberg (autora,entre outras obras, de "A Outra: um Estudo Antropológico sobre a Identidade da Amante do Homem Casado", 1990, Editora Revan).
Antropólogo sueco mergulha no universo trans baiano e produz livro delicioso de ser lido
Há umas duas semanas, zapeando sem compromisso, achei uma pérola rara para observação sócio-antropológica: numa emissão Fiocruz pela RBN estavam sendo entrevistados o sociólogo sueco Don Kulick e a antropóloga Miriam Goldenberg (autora,entre outras obras, de "A Outra: um Estudo Antropológico sobre a Identidade da Amante do Homem Casado", 1990, Editora Revan).
Lituania presenta una ley que viola derechos humanos y agrava la homofobia
Amnistía Internacional ha condenado la decisión del Parlamento lituano, Seimas, de seguir adelante con un proyecto de ley que institucionaliza la homofobia y viola el derecho a la libertad de expresión y a no sufrir discriminación.
[Cuba] [News/Commentary]
Campaign against Homophobia
Excerpt: But I also have a social life, and it happened that this past May 16, the “International Day against Homophobia” was celebrated in Havana for the third time and for the second time publicly.
The event is sponsored by CENESEX (the National Center for Sexual Education), directed by Mariela Castro Espin - the daughter of two noted Cuban politicians, as her last names denote - but who has a strong conviction and intention to achieve respect for homosexuality in Cuba.
Transgenders find place in college admission forms
When Shakthi Sundar was filling up the application form for a course in Madras Christian College, she noticed that the application form had a third option in gender - transgender.
Mujer Trans Latina triunfa en la TV norteamericana
Fabiola Golden es La Mucama de Las Comadres con Gloria B, el único programa matutino local de la televisión en español en Nueva York. Su formato dinámico, entretenido y versátil esta especialmente diseñado para el mercado del área tri-estatal. (Foto)
[CA, USA] [Blog/News]
Radio advertisers pull spots over Rob, Arnie & Dawn comments
The Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation announced that three corporate sponsors - Sonic, Snapple and Chipotle - had pulled advertising from KRXQ as a result of "Rob, Arnie & Dawn" segment last week, in which hosts Rob Williams and Arnie States denigrated transgender people and joked about hitting kids for transgender behaviors.
Advertisers Pull Support From Local Radio Program
[Blog/News] Snapple, Sonic & Chipotle Pull Advertising From KRXQ
New survey shows possible crisis among area LGBT youth
First-of-its-kind survey in North Texas indicates family rejection, religious issues lead to higher rate of depression, thoughts of suicide.
Campaign against Homophobia
Excerpt: But I also have a social life, and it happened that this past May 16, the “International Day against Homophobia” was celebrated in Havana for the third time and for the second time publicly.
The event is sponsored by CENESEX (the National Center for Sexual Education), directed by Mariela Castro Espin - the daughter of two noted Cuban politicians, as her last names denote - but who has a strong conviction and intention to achieve respect for homosexuality in Cuba.
Transgenders find place in college admission forms
When Shakthi Sundar was filling up the application form for a course in Madras Christian College, she noticed that the application form had a third option in gender - transgender.
Mujer Trans Latina triunfa en la TV norteamericana
Fabiola Golden es La Mucama de Las Comadres con Gloria B, el único programa matutino local de la televisión en español en Nueva York. Su formato dinámico, entretenido y versátil esta especialmente diseñado para el mercado del área tri-estatal. (Foto)
[CA, USA] [Blog/News]
Radio advertisers pull spots over Rob, Arnie & Dawn comments
The Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation announced that three corporate sponsors - Sonic, Snapple and Chipotle - had pulled advertising from KRXQ as a result of "Rob, Arnie & Dawn" segment last week, in which hosts Rob Williams and Arnie States denigrated transgender people and joked about hitting kids for transgender behaviors.
Advertisers Pull Support From Local Radio Program
[Blog/News] Snapple, Sonic & Chipotle Pull Advertising From KRXQ
New survey shows possible crisis among area LGBT youth
First-of-its-kind survey in North Texas indicates family rejection, religious issues lead to higher rate of depression, thoughts of suicide.
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