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sábado, junho 27, 2009

A Veneza de Jan no tempo em que ainda era James
Jan Morris é uma das grandes referências na literatura de viagens. Viveu metade da sua vida como homem, a outra metade como mulher. Foi como James que escreveu "Veneza", obra agora editada em Portugal.

Sugestão de mudar Parada de São Paulo para estádio do Morumbi irrita ativistas LGBT
A promotoria de São Paulo quer impedir que as próximas Paradas do Orgulho de SP seja realizadas na Av. Paulista. Isso porque um casos graves de violência foram registrados, como a morte por espancamento do chefe de cozinha Marcelo Campos Barros.

Swedish parents keep 2-year-old's gender secret
A couple of Swedish parents have stirred up debate in the country by refusing to reveal whether their two-and-a-half-year-old child is a boy or a girl.

Turkey's sex workers seek to establish a union
Activists and sex workers in Turkey are working on a project to establish Turkey’s first sex workers union. They are hopeful about finding a solution to their problems and changing society’s approach toward sex workers. They will organize an awareness walk to bring attention to their issues

Jerusalén: Celebran el orgullo homosexual
Pese al temor de que fueran agredidas por grupos ultraortodoxos, cientos de personas LGBT se manifestaron este jueves en una marcha del Orgullo Gay. Los manifestantes recorrieron un kilómetro, protegidos por un contingente policial.

Discriminan a persona con VIH en hospital de Toluca
Sin ningún estudio clínico previo, personal del nosocomio determinó que el paciente moriría sin remedio. Sus familiares aseguran que el maltrato de médicos y enfermeras no sólo es a personas que viven con VIH, sino también a otros.

Since Stonewall
Four decades after the riots, much has changed for LGBT Americans -- although much work remains

[USA] [Blog/Commentary]
What Would Today Look Like if the Stonewall Riots Didn’t Happen?
I have this wonderful part of my being that I like to pull out and play with every so often. Okay. I suppose that sentence could have been written differently. I am referring to my “imagination.” My imagination has play tricks on me quite often, but then I get many chances to tame it with the wave of my typing fingers. This happens to be one of those times.

Atlanta celebrates Stonewall Week
Excerpt: The largest slate of new Stonewall Week events comes from Human Rights Atlanta, which offers several activities meant to honor the gender non-conforming people who fought back at Stonewall and build support for transgender rights today. Although she was born just one year before the Stonewall Riots broke out, transgender activist Tracee McDaniel said she is inspired to know transgender and other gender non-conforming people were at the forefront of the modern day LGBT civil rights movement.

[USA] [News/History]
‘The hairpin drop heard around the world’
Civil rights turning point began with routine raid on Mafia-run gay bar
[Blog/Commentary] Stonewall police officer speaks
Top Stonewall Cop: Raid Was "Right"

Senate holds hearing on Matthew Shepard Hate Crimes bill
New Employment Non-Discrimination Act including gender identity introduced in House

New employment bill includes sexual orientation and gender
Rep. Barney Frank (D-MA) announced the introduction of a bill Wednesday that would make workplace discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity illegal.
Frank introduces inclusive ENDA bill
Lewis, Johnson co-sponsor ENDA
[Blog/Commentary] Legalizing Deception: Why “Gender Identity” Should Not be Added to Anti-discrimination Legislation
[Blog/Commentary] Inclusive ENDA Introduced; "We Are Beyond" Removing Gender Identity Protections, Says Frank

Obama administration set to extend protection to transgender federal employees
The New York Times reported yesterday that the Obama administration is drafting guidelines that would provide protection for transgender federal employees against discrimination.