[International] [Petition]
Tell The APA: Crossdressing Is Not A disorder!
Please Join Our Call for Reform
Diversos colectivos y activistas de España piden que se suprima el sexo del DNI
Tras el caso del australiano Norrie May-Welby, el primer ciudadano que no es hombre ni mujer, diversos colectivos piden que se elimine el género del documento de identidad, como ya se hizo con la religión o con el estado civil
Puede haber varias formas de llegar a la transexualidad. Voy a hablar de una aquí, que sería doble, intentando comprender la fuerza de cada una de las dos causas.
Se trataría de las personas que somos transexuales como expresión de una intersexualidad cerebral más una parafilia.
Andalusia Gender Identity, Kim Perez, considers it necessary to establish a neutral sexual gender
She has stated that this case notes that there are men, women and intersexed people, "but the laws have attempted to deny it," so now different partnerships aim to eliminate the sex of personal documents, such as in Spain where there is no difference in rights between different sexes.
New survey says most gay people suffer "hate crime"
Most lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people have been verbally abused and a third physically attacked, according to a new survey.
Man uses sex change to avoid mounting debt
Actress Sarah Thom said she learned of a man in the West Midlands, England, who underwent a sex change in order to hide from debt collectors.
The third sex: The truth about gender ambiguity
The greek scholar Diodorus Siculus wrote of the mythical double-sexed Hermaphroditus: "Some say [he] is a god and ... has a body which is beautiful and delicate like that of a woman, but has the masculine quality and vigour of a man. But there are some who declare that such creatures of two sexes are monstrosities, and coming rarely into the world as they do, have the quality of presaging the future, sometimes for evil and sometimes for good."
Malawian gay couple Steve Monjeza and Tiwonge Chimbalanga face jail
Two gay men may be sentenced to up to 14 years in jail with hard labour today for organising a traditional civil marriage ceremony in Malawi, one of Africa’s most conservative states.
Steve Monjeza, 26, and Tiwonge Chimbalanga, 20, are virtually certain to receive custodial sentences at a magistrates’ court in Blantyre, the capital, despite pressure from supporters, who will be protesting outside the London offices of the Commonwealth.
Verdict expected in trial of Malawian gay couple
Malawi gay couple to be tried
Sex-change Iranian actor returns to screens
She earned her acting credentials playing female characters in a host of hit films and television dramas. Now one of Iran's best-known screen actors has ditched her previous persona to embark on a new career playing male roles.
But Saman – formerly Farzaneh – Arastu's gender transformation has little to do with dramatic talents. Instead she has turned into a he by becoming the first known Iranian actor to undergo a sex change operation.
Iranian actor returns to screens after gender reassignment
Non-implementation of SC order on trans-sexuals
The Sindh High Court (SHC) issued notices to the National Database Regulatory Authority’s (Nadra) legal adviser, deputy director Passport Office, provincial coordinator of the Social Welfare Department and others in a petition filed by the trans-sexuals, seeking implementation of Supreme Court’s (SC) directives regarding the welfare of their community.
Transgender candidate Veena gets the hut symbol
The hut is the election symbol of Veena S, the first transgender to contest an election in South India.
Veena is contesting the BBMP election from Okalipuram (ward number 96). She promised that she would try to clean politics and appealed to voters not to sell their votes to cash-rich politicians. She said that she would start canvassing from March 22. She is planning to rope in transgenders and volunteers from the city outskirts for canvassing.
Don't try this at home
A young man who wants to be a woman took matters into his own hands with scissors in Changsha, Hunan Province on March 16 when he cut off his right testicle.
[New Zealand]
Breach leads to jail term for transgender man
A transgender man will be kept apart from other New Plymouth prison inmates for the length of his six-month prison sentence.
Hina Tutaki, also known as Hendrix Waitere, was sent to jail yesterday after admitting making a break from home detention which was being served at his mother's home.
Le dan género sexual neutro a un británico
El británico Norrie May-Welby no se siente hombre ni mujer y ha conseguido que las autoridades australianas le reconozcan como una persona con género sexual neutro.
Según informó ayer la prensa digital británica, May-Welby, de 48 años, nació hombre pero en 1990 se sometió a una operación de cambio de sexo, aunque no se sintió cómoda como mujer.
Ni hombre, ni mujer, ni transexual, ni intersexual
Une troisième catégorie ?
El derecho al no-género
Animan a personas que no se sienten ni hombres ni mujeres a darse a conocer
Brit expat loses his genderless status
Victory for intersex rights attacked
Australian government withdraws non-specified gender status
’Americans for Truth’ Labeled a ’Hate Group’
Anti-gay blog Americans for Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH) is rather like a publicity engine for gay and lesbian causes, only in reverse: its constant reporting on gay issues (including the occasional in-depth, undercover reportage from various gay gatherings) are written from the perspective that gays and lesbians are "sinners" who "choose" to embrace the gay "lifestyle."
Not the ENDA the Road
Four arrested as Get Equal stages protest in Speaker Pelosi's office to highlight need for employment protections for LGBT workers
With high-profile arrests in front of the White House, a sit-in at House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's offices in Washington, D.C., and a coordinated sit-in at her San Francisco offices that both led to arrests and citations, Thursday, March 18, saw some of the most significant direct actions from LGBT activists in recent years.(From left to right: Chastity Kirven, Jay Carmona, Michelle Wright and Samantha Ames - Photo by Todd Franson)
[USA] [Blog/Commentary]
Hate 101: Gay and Lesbian Transphobia – Introduction
I’m not sure what one reason suddenly spurred me to write this article.
Perhaps it was more than one. Like when I read Maureen Dowd’s Op-Ed piece in the New York Times about how Ted Olson claimed he has been named an honorary lesbian by a large lesbian group.
Maybe it was David Letterman’s latest transphobic skit, intended to insult and degrade the newly appointed Senior Technical Adviser to the Commerce Department, which wasn’t long after Letterman’s slam at Thomas Beattie, referring to the then pregnant transman as “an androgynous freak show.” While the response from HRC and GLADD was swift and clear regarding Simpson (I believe because she is an Obama appointee, and for no other reason), the silence surrounding Letterman’s remarks about Beattie was deafening. Even then, many gay and lesbian blog sites insisted we who fall under the umbrella term “transgender” should get over it, after all it was only a joke, right?
[Blog/Commentary] Hate 101: Gay and Lesbian Transphobia – Historical
[Blog/Commentary] Hate 101: Gay and Lesbian Transphobia – The Consequences
Candlelight vigil honors hate crime victim
Police are still searching for the person that killed a man four years ago in an alleged hate crime.
Another year, another candlelight vigil for 22-year-old Maurice Green, but there still has not been any arrest for his murder.
$50K reward offered for info leading to capture of Transgender’s killer
Los Angeles City Council President Eric Garcetti and Los Angeles police increased the reward earlier this month for the capture and conviction of the murderer who killed a transgender woman named Pauline Ibarra 30 months ago.
2nd officer fired over alleged misconduct
A day after authorities confirmed a San Antonio police officer had been fired for having sex in the back of his patrol car, another embattled officer — this one accused of sexually assaulting a transgendered woman — was told he also was being terminated, officials said.
Instituciones México son acusadas Derechos Humanos por quitar hija a una mujer transexual
El DIF Jalisco, el Consejo Estatal de Familia y su titular, el Ayuntamiento de Tala y una agente del Ministerio Público fueron acusados y señalados por la Comisión Estatal de Derechos Humanos de Jalisco (CEDHJ) por una serie larga de violaciones a los derechos de Alondra, la mujer transexual que en 2006 denunció que las autoridades le quitaron a Rosa Isela, la niña que crió desde bebé; la propia menor de edad, separada de cualquier núcleo familiar; y la madre biológica, quien no recibió el trato legal que merecía pese a que “regaló” a su hija. (Foto)
Es transexual, se operó y pide el cambio de nombre
A los 13 años decidió que sería una chica en el cuerpo de un chico; a los 20, se realizó una operación de implante mamario y en 2009 se cambió de sexo en Chile.
En su DNI figura el nombre con el cual lo anotaron en el Registro Civil: José Martínez, pero quiere que la reconozcan como María Julieta, y poder adoptar hijos.
Después de la operación, los papeles
Guerra judicial en Argentina, fiscales vuelven a apelar porque creen que asesinaron a la transexual Pequeña P
Los fiscales Guilermo Biré y Lisandro Beherán apelaron la decisión del juez Eduardo García Jurado, quien concluyó que Pequeña Pe se suicidó. Apuntan al remisero que era pareja de la chica transexual, como el posible asesino.
Cooperativa de Trabajo de transexuales argentinas lanzan a la venta su primera producción
La cooperativa de trabajo "Nadia Echazú", creada, gestionada y sostenida por travestís y transexuales para generar una alternativa democrática e inclusiva de trabajo para todas y todos, se complace en informar que a partir de este mes de Marzo de 2010, lanza a la venta su primera producción, después de tres años de preparación y formación en su sede de Avellaneda. En esta primera etapa, ofrecemos sábanas de confección simple.
Tell The APA: Crossdressing Is Not A disorder!
Please Join Our Call for Reform
Diversos colectivos y activistas de España piden que se suprima el sexo del DNI
Tras el caso del australiano Norrie May-Welby, el primer ciudadano que no es hombre ni mujer, diversos colectivos piden que se elimine el género del documento de identidad, como ya se hizo con la religión o con el estado civil
Puede haber varias formas de llegar a la transexualidad. Voy a hablar de una aquí, que sería doble, intentando comprender la fuerza de cada una de las dos causas.
Se trataría de las personas que somos transexuales como expresión de una intersexualidad cerebral más una parafilia.
Andalusia Gender Identity, Kim Perez, considers it necessary to establish a neutral sexual gender
She has stated that this case notes that there are men, women and intersexed people, "but the laws have attempted to deny it," so now different partnerships aim to eliminate the sex of personal documents, such as in Spain where there is no difference in rights between different sexes.
New survey says most gay people suffer "hate crime"
Most lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people have been verbally abused and a third physically attacked, according to a new survey.
Man uses sex change to avoid mounting debt
Actress Sarah Thom said she learned of a man in the West Midlands, England, who underwent a sex change in order to hide from debt collectors.
The third sex: The truth about gender ambiguity
The greek scholar Diodorus Siculus wrote of the mythical double-sexed Hermaphroditus: "Some say [he] is a god and ... has a body which is beautiful and delicate like that of a woman, but has the masculine quality and vigour of a man. But there are some who declare that such creatures of two sexes are monstrosities, and coming rarely into the world as they do, have the quality of presaging the future, sometimes for evil and sometimes for good."
Malawian gay couple Steve Monjeza and Tiwonge Chimbalanga face jail
Two gay men may be sentenced to up to 14 years in jail with hard labour today for organising a traditional civil marriage ceremony in Malawi, one of Africa’s most conservative states.
Steve Monjeza, 26, and Tiwonge Chimbalanga, 20, are virtually certain to receive custodial sentences at a magistrates’ court in Blantyre, the capital, despite pressure from supporters, who will be protesting outside the London offices of the Commonwealth.
Verdict expected in trial of Malawian gay couple
Malawi gay couple to be tried
Sex-change Iranian actor returns to screens
She earned her acting credentials playing female characters in a host of hit films and television dramas. Now one of Iran's best-known screen actors has ditched her previous persona to embark on a new career playing male roles.
But Saman – formerly Farzaneh – Arastu's gender transformation has little to do with dramatic talents. Instead she has turned into a he by becoming the first known Iranian actor to undergo a sex change operation.
Iranian actor returns to screens after gender reassignment
Non-implementation of SC order on trans-sexuals
The Sindh High Court (SHC) issued notices to the National Database Regulatory Authority’s (Nadra) legal adviser, deputy director Passport Office, provincial coordinator of the Social Welfare Department and others in a petition filed by the trans-sexuals, seeking implementation of Supreme Court’s (SC) directives regarding the welfare of their community.
Transgender candidate Veena gets the hut symbol
The hut is the election symbol of Veena S, the first transgender to contest an election in South India.
Veena is contesting the BBMP election from Okalipuram (ward number 96). She promised that she would try to clean politics and appealed to voters not to sell their votes to cash-rich politicians. She said that she would start canvassing from March 22. She is planning to rope in transgenders and volunteers from the city outskirts for canvassing.
Don't try this at home
A young man who wants to be a woman took matters into his own hands with scissors in Changsha, Hunan Province on March 16 when he cut off his right testicle.
[New Zealand]
Breach leads to jail term for transgender man
A transgender man will be kept apart from other New Plymouth prison inmates for the length of his six-month prison sentence.
Hina Tutaki, also known as Hendrix Waitere, was sent to jail yesterday after admitting making a break from home detention which was being served at his mother's home.
Le dan género sexual neutro a un británico
El británico Norrie May-Welby no se siente hombre ni mujer y ha conseguido que las autoridades australianas le reconozcan como una persona con género sexual neutro.
Según informó ayer la prensa digital británica, May-Welby, de 48 años, nació hombre pero en 1990 se sometió a una operación de cambio de sexo, aunque no se sintió cómoda como mujer.
Ni hombre, ni mujer, ni transexual, ni intersexual
Une troisième catégorie ?
El derecho al no-género
Animan a personas que no se sienten ni hombres ni mujeres a darse a conocer
Brit expat loses his genderless status
Victory for intersex rights attacked
Australian government withdraws non-specified gender status
’Americans for Truth’ Labeled a ’Hate Group’
Anti-gay blog Americans for Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH) is rather like a publicity engine for gay and lesbian causes, only in reverse: its constant reporting on gay issues (including the occasional in-depth, undercover reportage from various gay gatherings) are written from the perspective that gays and lesbians are "sinners" who "choose" to embrace the gay "lifestyle."

Not the ENDA the Road
Four arrested as Get Equal stages protest in Speaker Pelosi's office to highlight need for employment protections for LGBT workers
With high-profile arrests in front of the White House, a sit-in at House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's offices in Washington, D.C., and a coordinated sit-in at her San Francisco offices that both led to arrests and citations, Thursday, March 18, saw some of the most significant direct actions from LGBT activists in recent years.(From left to right: Chastity Kirven, Jay Carmona, Michelle Wright and Samantha Ames - Photo by Todd Franson)
[USA] [Blog/Commentary]
Hate 101: Gay and Lesbian Transphobia – Introduction
I’m not sure what one reason suddenly spurred me to write this article.
Perhaps it was more than one. Like when I read Maureen Dowd’s Op-Ed piece in the New York Times about how Ted Olson claimed he has been named an honorary lesbian by a large lesbian group.
Maybe it was David Letterman’s latest transphobic skit, intended to insult and degrade the newly appointed Senior Technical Adviser to the Commerce Department, which wasn’t long after Letterman’s slam at Thomas Beattie, referring to the then pregnant transman as “an androgynous freak show.” While the response from HRC and GLADD was swift and clear regarding Simpson (I believe because she is an Obama appointee, and for no other reason), the silence surrounding Letterman’s remarks about Beattie was deafening. Even then, many gay and lesbian blog sites insisted we who fall under the umbrella term “transgender” should get over it, after all it was only a joke, right?
[Blog/Commentary] Hate 101: Gay and Lesbian Transphobia – Historical
[Blog/Commentary] Hate 101: Gay and Lesbian Transphobia – The Consequences
Candlelight vigil honors hate crime victim
Police are still searching for the person that killed a man four years ago in an alleged hate crime.
Another year, another candlelight vigil for 22-year-old Maurice Green, but there still has not been any arrest for his murder.
$50K reward offered for info leading to capture of Transgender’s killer
Los Angeles City Council President Eric Garcetti and Los Angeles police increased the reward earlier this month for the capture and conviction of the murderer who killed a transgender woman named Pauline Ibarra 30 months ago.
2nd officer fired over alleged misconduct
A day after authorities confirmed a San Antonio police officer had been fired for having sex in the back of his patrol car, another embattled officer — this one accused of sexually assaulting a transgendered woman — was told he also was being terminated, officials said.

Instituciones México son acusadas Derechos Humanos por quitar hija a una mujer transexual
El DIF Jalisco, el Consejo Estatal de Familia y su titular, el Ayuntamiento de Tala y una agente del Ministerio Público fueron acusados y señalados por la Comisión Estatal de Derechos Humanos de Jalisco (CEDHJ) por una serie larga de violaciones a los derechos de Alondra, la mujer transexual que en 2006 denunció que las autoridades le quitaron a Rosa Isela, la niña que crió desde bebé; la propia menor de edad, separada de cualquier núcleo familiar; y la madre biológica, quien no recibió el trato legal que merecía pese a que “regaló” a su hija. (Foto)
Es transexual, se operó y pide el cambio de nombre
A los 13 años decidió que sería una chica en el cuerpo de un chico; a los 20, se realizó una operación de implante mamario y en 2009 se cambió de sexo en Chile.
En su DNI figura el nombre con el cual lo anotaron en el Registro Civil: José Martínez, pero quiere que la reconozcan como María Julieta, y poder adoptar hijos.
Después de la operación, los papeles
Guerra judicial en Argentina, fiscales vuelven a apelar porque creen que asesinaron a la transexual Pequeña P
Los fiscales Guilermo Biré y Lisandro Beherán apelaron la decisión del juez Eduardo García Jurado, quien concluyó que Pequeña Pe se suicidó. Apuntan al remisero que era pareja de la chica transexual, como el posible asesino.
Cooperativa de Trabajo de transexuales argentinas lanzan a la venta su primera producción
La cooperativa de trabajo "Nadia Echazú", creada, gestionada y sostenida por travestís y transexuales para generar una alternativa democrática e inclusiva de trabajo para todas y todos, se complace en informar que a partir de este mes de Marzo de 2010, lanza a la venta su primera producción, después de tres años de preparación y formación en su sede de Avellaneda. En esta primera etapa, ofrecemos sábanas de confección simple.
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