Relatório revela que 2009 bateu recorde de assassinatos contra LGBT
Para suprir a escassez de informações oficiais sobre assassinatos de Lésbicas, Gays, Bissexuais e Transgêneros (LGBT) no Brasil, o Grupo Gay da Bahia (GGB) realiza um trabalho anual de identificação e contagem desses crimes. Após liberação e análise dos dados de 2009, ficou comprovado que o ano foi um dos mais violentos e marcantes no que diz respeito aos crimes homofóbicos.
Travesti é acusada de violentar e matar homem em São Paulo
Conhecida como Paola, travesti confessa que matou homem em banheiro de rodoviária
A Polícia Militar de Cândido Mota (SP) prendeu na tarde da última terça-feira, 2, a travesti Paola, que confessou ter matado Davi Ferreira, 45, no banheiro do terminal rodoviário da cidade. Com o nome de registro com as iniciais L. S., ela confessou o crime após ser presa nas proximidades do terminal, mas não disse os motivos pelos quais matou.
New publication: Transgender People and The Gender Recast Directive: Implementation Guidelines
The document provides an overview of the European Union gender equality legislation and the European Court of Justice (ECJ) decisions with regard to cases that were brought forward by trans people. Subsequently it looks at the Gender Recast Directive (the first EU Directive to have an express reference to trans people in its text) and the way that it should be implemented at national level to protect trans people against discrimination in employment and occupation.
Valencia se lava las manos y paga billete para Madrid a madre con hija transexual sin techo
Han tomado la vía rápida con Mari Paz Argüera y su hija Adriana Turuelo. No quieren el problema en su comunidad, las han montado en un tren y las mandan para Madrid; la ciudad de donde huyeron porque el padre maltrataba a la mujer. El CAST atribuye a un "malentendido" la situación de Adriana Turuelo que denunció que los albergues le obligan a dormir con hombres - "Parece que han querido quitarse el problema de encima".
Madre maltratada, hija transexual, sin vivienda y en la calle; para colmo albergue no las deja dormir juntas por DNI
Ayrshire grandad to undergo sex change
A grandad will undergo major surgery this week to become a woman.
David Neil will finally become Diane in more than just name after the five hour operation. The 46-year-old Ayr dad-of three revealed the heartache and devastation the dramatic decision has caused. (Photo)
Desmond Tutu: In Africa, a step backward on human rights
Hate has no place in the house of God. No one should be excluded from our love, our compassion or our concern because of race or gender, faith or ethnicity -- or because of their sexual orientation. Nor should anyone be excluded from health care on any of these grounds. In my country of South Africa, we struggled for years against the evil system of apartheid that divided human beings, children of the same God, by racial classification and then denied many of them fundamental human rights. We knew this was wrong. Thankfully, the world supported us in our struggle for freedom and dignity.
It is time to stand up against another wrong.
Activists Criticize Senegal for Anti-Gay Persecution
While gay rights are slowly expanding around the world, including in Africa, human rights activists note some political, media and religious leaders are leading sometimes violent campaigns in the opposite direction. Activists say they feel the tradition of tolerance no longer applies to homosexuals in that West African nation.
Anti-Homosexual Bill In Uganda Causes Global Uproar
The Proposed Bill Could Punish Homosexuals Who Marry With Life In Prison
[South Africa]
Semenya gender talks still ongoing - IAAF
The investigation into the gender of women's 800m world champion Caster Semenya is still ongoing, world athletics governing body said Wednesday.
The 19-year-old South African dominated the 800m event in the world championships last August in Berlin, sauntering home to take the title despite coming into the event a virtual unknown.
Bobby darling co-hosts Pak tv show
Primetime television across the border had a new flavour this weekend as Bobby Darling, Bollywood's leading transgender actor joined Pakistan's popular cross-dressing talk-show host Ali Saleem or Begum Nawazish to co-host a special season of Aaj TV's popular Late Night Show with Begum Nawazish Ali. (Photo)
Films portray us badly: Transgenders
A welfare board set up by the Tamil Nadu Government might have helped transgenders in the State to establish their identity.
But that has not put an end to discrimination they face in society. A debate on whether the society recognises transgenders or not was organised by the Transgender Rights Association on Monday to mark the International Women’s Day.
Transpinay graces the "I, Woman" section of Metro Magazine's (Women's Month) March Issue
The struggle for Dee Mendoza to prove herself at work was a difficult one, not for reasons of capability, but because of the way she chose to express and affirm her gender. Mendoza talks intimately about being a transsexual woman; her discoveries and her struggles that ultimately led to her emancipation.
The story of a marginalized group
A fairly large part of Aceh society feels ill-at-ease with the presence of transvestites. Religious circles even link them to the fable of Sodom and Gomorrah, a biblical story about the destruction of the towns because of their moral decadence, as indicated, among other things, by the emergence of transvestites, homosexuals and lesbians.
[New Zealand]
GenderBridge group needs new coordinator
One of New Zealand's foremost transgender support and information networks needs a new part-time coordinator to take the organisation to the next level.
Australia is first to recognise 'non-specified' gender
Australia may have made gender history this week, as the New South Wales government lays claim to being the first in the world to recognise an individual’s sex as officially “not specified”.
[Blog/Commentary] Inconvenient Exceptions
Genderless Birth Certificates In New South Wales
Women's pharmacy lifts anti-transgendered rule
A policy that added controversy to the opening of North America's first women-only pharmacy has been changed.
Lu's: A Pharmacy for Women and the Vancouver Women's Health Collective now welcome transgendered clients and others who self-identify as women. Members of the relatively new local feminist collective the Femininjas are pleased.
[Canada] [News/Film]
Trapped in the wrong body
Boy I Am follows three women as they become men at Cinema Politica
State Dept. report identifies LGBT abuses abroad
A new State Department report reveals LGBT people in many foreign countries continue to endure discrimination and human rights abuses.
The annual State Department report on human rights abroad, made public Thursday, describes the state of human rights in each country, including the sometimes difficult conditions faced by LGBT people.
Controversy continues over APA and gender variance
Latest version of Diagnostic and Statistical Manual still includes gender variance as a disorder,recommends ‘reparative’ therapy
Mental illness can carry a heavy stigma. It can destroy families, end careers, cause health care to be turned down and even the most basic of human rights to be denied
CNN to Air Documentary on Transition of Susan Stanton
Folks who have been reading this site for a while may recall the story of Largo, Florida City Manager Steve Stanton, who was fired in March 2007 after disclosing that he was in the process of making a gender identity transition.
CNN to Air Pro-Gender 'Reassignment' Documentary
'CNN Presents' tells Largo sex-change tale
How Steve became Susan
[USA] [Blog/Commentary]
“Gender Identity” Discrimination at Peabody Restaurant?
The GLBT newspaper Bay Windows is reporting a claim of “gender identity” discrimination that supposedly occurred at Capone’s Restaurant in Peabody in late January. What’s missing from the story, “Transgender discrimination alleged at Peabody eatery”? PHOTOS of the people! So, we thought we’d help out. Some of the major players are pictured below.
[USA] [News/Commentary]
TVC Launches www.endahurtskids.com Campaign
Today, Traditional Values Coalition announced the launch of the www.endahurtskids.com campaign. The so-called Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) will force every public school in America to hire transgendered teachers and forbid their re-assignment out of the classroom.
The campaign includes an online petition to Congress opposing ENDA.
Anchorage Democrat wants to elevate hate crimes
The Senate Judiciary Committee heard mostly supportive testimony Monday of a measure that would dole out harsher sentences in crimes motivated by hatred, bias or prejudice.
$50,000 reward offered for information leading to arrest of transgender woman's killer
A $50,000 reward was offered today for information leading to the capture of a man suspected of killing a transgender person.
Paulina Ibarra was found dead on the floor of her apartment at 939 N. Mariposa Ave. around 8 p.m. Aug. 28, and police are looking for 24-year-old Jesus Catalan.
Reward Offered in Transgender Murder
'Transsexual Sweetheart' recounts tough transition to SJSU students
Calpernia Addams, "America's Transsexual Sweetheart," said she is now comfortable being imperfect, even though some people had told her she would look hideous as a woman.
[CA, USA] [News/Film]
Documentary sheds light on transgender issues
"Diagnosing Difference," a full-length documentary featuring interviews with transgendered people, explored the impact of Gender Identity Disorder and the implications of its place in the American Psychological Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.
Lost Boys actor Corey Haim dead at 38
Corey Haim, a 1980s teen heartthrob whose career was blighted by drug abuse, has died. He was 38. Haim died at Providence St Joseph Medical Centre in Burbank yesterday, Los Angeles County coroner's Lt Cheryl MacWillie said.
[IL, USA] [News/Film]
Riot Acts: Film Explores The Lives Of Transgender And Gender Variant Musicians (VIDEO)
Chicago-based acoustic duo Actor Slash Model has been wooing audiences with their folksy tunes and clever song titles for years, but the band's newest project, "Riot Acts," is shedding much-needed light on trans and gender variant musicians in the indie music scene.
New Policy Covers Transgender Health
Gregory M. Sensing works at the Harvard School of Public Health. He goes to work, he goes home, he decides what to make for dinner and when to do the laundry. But for most of his life, he’s faced a struggle that something internal does not seem quite right.
“I don’t have any sort of debilitating disease or disorder that keeps me from moving through life, but there’s always this underlying static hum every minute of every day, saying that this is not my body.”
[MA, USA] [News/Film]
Doc explores events at last year’s Transgender Awareness Week
"The Crossing," a short documentary film covering the events of last November’s Transgender Awareness Week, will debut on Monday, March 22 at 6:30 p.m. at Fenway Health (1340 Boylston St.)
Right Takes Aim at Maine Proposal for Trans Restroom Use
Elements of the social and religious right have targeted a Maine proposal to allow transgendered students to use the facilities appropriate to the gender with which the students identify.
Scott sticks to plan of targeting transgendered
At a recent forum for the Republican candidates for Secretary of State, a defiant Rep. Paul Scott refused to back down from his unusual strategy of targeting transgendered people and refusing to allow them to change the gender designation on their driver’s licenses.
Gran cierre de actividades Transexuales y Travestís México "TVMEX" en Décimo aniversario
Culminan las actividades del Décimo Aniversario del grupo TVMEX -Travestis México. Realizaran un foro de análisis y un encuentro de la Comunidad Trans.
Cuba reanuda operaciones de cambio de sexo
Actualmente se les brinda a los transexuales tratamientos hormonales, cursos como promotoras en salud, de comunicación, de arreglo personal y ayuda para conseguir el cambio de carné de identidad.
A Sex Change of Pace in Cuba
Aprueban cirugías de cambio de sexo
Cuba reanuda operaciones CRS a transexuales después de época de prejuicios y polémicas
Aumentan las muertes de trans y gays en Honduras
La violencia y la falta de garantías constitucionales tras los hechos del 28 de junio han dejado un saldo mortal de 15 transgéneros y homosexuales en tan sólo cuatro meses, casi la misma cantidad de travestis asesinados en los últimos cinco años, denunció el lunes una activista hondureña.
Cuatro gays y 11 transexuales han muerto desde el 28 de junio, cuando Manuel Zelaya fue derrocado, explicó Indyra Mendoza Aguilar, miembro de la Red Lésbica Cattrachas, con sede en Tegucigalpa, que lleva cuenta de violaciones a los derechos humanos y civiles de homosexuales, lesbianas y transgéneros.
ONU: Ataques contra personas LGBT "son motivo de especial preocupación"
La ONU advierte que la independencia de la justicia en Colombia está amenazada
Chilean LGBT infrastructure damaged by earthquake
Chile's leading gay rights group, Movimiento de Integración y Liberación Homosexual (Homosexual Integration and Liberation Movement), today released preliminary findings on earthquake damage to the LGBT community infrastructure.
The Frida Kahlo Lesbian Cultural Center in Chillán was destroyed, MOVILH said, and the headquarters of the Chilean AIDS Prevention Corporation and ACCIONGAY in Valparaíso was severely damaged.
La pesadilla en que vivían los niños antes de que la mujer transexual argentina se hiciera cargo de ellos
"Es una madraza, un ejemplo de amor". Lo dijo la pediatra de los chicos adoptados por María Belén. Y contó cómo la mujer transexual los rescató de la violencia física y el descuido. (Foto)
Mujer transexual obtiene por primera vez guardia definitiva de dos niños en Argentina, tras resolución de juzgado
Ayudaran en CRS a la joven transexual argentina que permitieron ir a la escuela vestida acorde a su genero
“Cuando me enteré que la Comunidad Homosexual Argentina me iba a ayudar a realizar la operación me puse a llorar y me abrazaba con mi hermana y mi amiga”, dijo Kylie, la joven transexual de 17 años nogoyaense que cobró notoriedad a nivel nacional en Argentina los últimos días a partir de conseguir que la dejan ir vestida de mujer a la escuela Normal de Nogoyá. (Foto)
Relatório revela que 2009 bateu recorde de assassinatos contra LGBT
Para suprir a escassez de informações oficiais sobre assassinatos de Lésbicas, Gays, Bissexuais e Transgêneros (LGBT) no Brasil, o Grupo Gay da Bahia (GGB) realiza um trabalho anual de identificação e contagem desses crimes. Após liberação e análise dos dados de 2009, ficou comprovado que o ano foi um dos mais violentos e marcantes no que diz respeito aos crimes homofóbicos.
Travesti é acusada de violentar e matar homem em São Paulo
Conhecida como Paola, travesti confessa que matou homem em banheiro de rodoviária
A Polícia Militar de Cândido Mota (SP) prendeu na tarde da última terça-feira, 2, a travesti Paola, que confessou ter matado Davi Ferreira, 45, no banheiro do terminal rodoviário da cidade. Com o nome de registro com as iniciais L. S., ela confessou o crime após ser presa nas proximidades do terminal, mas não disse os motivos pelos quais matou.
New publication: Transgender People and The Gender Recast Directive: Implementation Guidelines
The document provides an overview of the European Union gender equality legislation and the European Court of Justice (ECJ) decisions with regard to cases that were brought forward by trans people. Subsequently it looks at the Gender Recast Directive (the first EU Directive to have an express reference to trans people in its text) and the way that it should be implemented at national level to protect trans people against discrimination in employment and occupation.
Valencia se lava las manos y paga billete para Madrid a madre con hija transexual sin techo
Han tomado la vía rápida con Mari Paz Argüera y su hija Adriana Turuelo. No quieren el problema en su comunidad, las han montado en un tren y las mandan para Madrid; la ciudad de donde huyeron porque el padre maltrataba a la mujer. El CAST atribuye a un "malentendido" la situación de Adriana Turuelo que denunció que los albergues le obligan a dormir con hombres - "Parece que han querido quitarse el problema de encima".
Madre maltratada, hija transexual, sin vivienda y en la calle; para colmo albergue no las deja dormir juntas por DNI

Ayrshire grandad to undergo sex change
A grandad will undergo major surgery this week to become a woman.
David Neil will finally become Diane in more than just name after the five hour operation. The 46-year-old Ayr dad-of three revealed the heartache and devastation the dramatic decision has caused. (Photo)
Desmond Tutu: In Africa, a step backward on human rights
Hate has no place in the house of God. No one should be excluded from our love, our compassion or our concern because of race or gender, faith or ethnicity -- or because of their sexual orientation. Nor should anyone be excluded from health care on any of these grounds. In my country of South Africa, we struggled for years against the evil system of apartheid that divided human beings, children of the same God, by racial classification and then denied many of them fundamental human rights. We knew this was wrong. Thankfully, the world supported us in our struggle for freedom and dignity.
It is time to stand up against another wrong.
Activists Criticize Senegal for Anti-Gay Persecution
While gay rights are slowly expanding around the world, including in Africa, human rights activists note some political, media and religious leaders are leading sometimes violent campaigns in the opposite direction. Activists say they feel the tradition of tolerance no longer applies to homosexuals in that West African nation.
Anti-Homosexual Bill In Uganda Causes Global Uproar
The Proposed Bill Could Punish Homosexuals Who Marry With Life In Prison
[South Africa]
Semenya gender talks still ongoing - IAAF
The investigation into the gender of women's 800m world champion Caster Semenya is still ongoing, world athletics governing body said Wednesday.
The 19-year-old South African dominated the 800m event in the world championships last August in Berlin, sauntering home to take the title despite coming into the event a virtual unknown.

Bobby darling co-hosts Pak tv show
Primetime television across the border had a new flavour this weekend as Bobby Darling, Bollywood's leading transgender actor joined Pakistan's popular cross-dressing talk-show host Ali Saleem or Begum Nawazish to co-host a special season of Aaj TV's popular Late Night Show with Begum Nawazish Ali. (Photo)
Films portray us badly: Transgenders
A welfare board set up by the Tamil Nadu Government might have helped transgenders in the State to establish their identity.
But that has not put an end to discrimination they face in society. A debate on whether the society recognises transgenders or not was organised by the Transgender Rights Association on Monday to mark the International Women’s Day.
Transpinay graces the "I, Woman" section of Metro Magazine's (Women's Month) March Issue
The struggle for Dee Mendoza to prove herself at work was a difficult one, not for reasons of capability, but because of the way she chose to express and affirm her gender. Mendoza talks intimately about being a transsexual woman; her discoveries and her struggles that ultimately led to her emancipation.
The story of a marginalized group
A fairly large part of Aceh society feels ill-at-ease with the presence of transvestites. Religious circles even link them to the fable of Sodom and Gomorrah, a biblical story about the destruction of the towns because of their moral decadence, as indicated, among other things, by the emergence of transvestites, homosexuals and lesbians.
[New Zealand]
GenderBridge group needs new coordinator
One of New Zealand's foremost transgender support and information networks needs a new part-time coordinator to take the organisation to the next level.
Australia is first to recognise 'non-specified' gender
Australia may have made gender history this week, as the New South Wales government lays claim to being the first in the world to recognise an individual’s sex as officially “not specified”.
[Blog/Commentary] Inconvenient Exceptions
Genderless Birth Certificates In New South Wales
Women's pharmacy lifts anti-transgendered rule
A policy that added controversy to the opening of North America's first women-only pharmacy has been changed.
Lu's: A Pharmacy for Women and the Vancouver Women's Health Collective now welcome transgendered clients and others who self-identify as women. Members of the relatively new local feminist collective the Femininjas are pleased.
[Canada] [News/Film]
Trapped in the wrong body
Boy I Am follows three women as they become men at Cinema Politica
State Dept. report identifies LGBT abuses abroad
A new State Department report reveals LGBT people in many foreign countries continue to endure discrimination and human rights abuses.
The annual State Department report on human rights abroad, made public Thursday, describes the state of human rights in each country, including the sometimes difficult conditions faced by LGBT people.
Controversy continues over APA and gender variance
Latest version of Diagnostic and Statistical Manual still includes gender variance as a disorder,recommends ‘reparative’ therapy
Mental illness can carry a heavy stigma. It can destroy families, end careers, cause health care to be turned down and even the most basic of human rights to be denied
CNN to Air Documentary on Transition of Susan Stanton
Folks who have been reading this site for a while may recall the story of Largo, Florida City Manager Steve Stanton, who was fired in March 2007 after disclosing that he was in the process of making a gender identity transition.
CNN to Air Pro-Gender 'Reassignment' Documentary
'CNN Presents' tells Largo sex-change tale
How Steve became Susan
[USA] [Blog/Commentary]
“Gender Identity” Discrimination at Peabody Restaurant?
The GLBT newspaper Bay Windows is reporting a claim of “gender identity” discrimination that supposedly occurred at Capone’s Restaurant in Peabody in late January. What’s missing from the story, “Transgender discrimination alleged at Peabody eatery”? PHOTOS of the people! So, we thought we’d help out. Some of the major players are pictured below.
[USA] [News/Commentary]
TVC Launches www.endahurtskids.com Campaign
Today, Traditional Values Coalition announced the launch of the www.endahurtskids.com campaign. The so-called Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) will force every public school in America to hire transgendered teachers and forbid their re-assignment out of the classroom.
The campaign includes an online petition to Congress opposing ENDA.
Anchorage Democrat wants to elevate hate crimes
The Senate Judiciary Committee heard mostly supportive testimony Monday of a measure that would dole out harsher sentences in crimes motivated by hatred, bias or prejudice.
$50,000 reward offered for information leading to arrest of transgender woman's killer
A $50,000 reward was offered today for information leading to the capture of a man suspected of killing a transgender person.
Paulina Ibarra was found dead on the floor of her apartment at 939 N. Mariposa Ave. around 8 p.m. Aug. 28, and police are looking for 24-year-old Jesus Catalan.
Reward Offered in Transgender Murder
'Transsexual Sweetheart' recounts tough transition to SJSU students
Calpernia Addams, "America's Transsexual Sweetheart," said she is now comfortable being imperfect, even though some people had told her she would look hideous as a woman.
[CA, USA] [News/Film]
Documentary sheds light on transgender issues
"Diagnosing Difference," a full-length documentary featuring interviews with transgendered people, explored the impact of Gender Identity Disorder and the implications of its place in the American Psychological Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.

Lost Boys actor Corey Haim dead at 38
Corey Haim, a 1980s teen heartthrob whose career was blighted by drug abuse, has died. He was 38. Haim died at Providence St Joseph Medical Centre in Burbank yesterday, Los Angeles County coroner's Lt Cheryl MacWillie said.
[IL, USA] [News/Film]
Riot Acts: Film Explores The Lives Of Transgender And Gender Variant Musicians (VIDEO)
Chicago-based acoustic duo Actor Slash Model has been wooing audiences with their folksy tunes and clever song titles for years, but the band's newest project, "Riot Acts," is shedding much-needed light on trans and gender variant musicians in the indie music scene.
New Policy Covers Transgender Health
Gregory M. Sensing works at the Harvard School of Public Health. He goes to work, he goes home, he decides what to make for dinner and when to do the laundry. But for most of his life, he’s faced a struggle that something internal does not seem quite right.
“I don’t have any sort of debilitating disease or disorder that keeps me from moving through life, but there’s always this underlying static hum every minute of every day, saying that this is not my body.”
[MA, USA] [News/Film]
Doc explores events at last year’s Transgender Awareness Week
"The Crossing," a short documentary film covering the events of last November’s Transgender Awareness Week, will debut on Monday, March 22 at 6:30 p.m. at Fenway Health (1340 Boylston St.)
Right Takes Aim at Maine Proposal for Trans Restroom Use
Elements of the social and religious right have targeted a Maine proposal to allow transgendered students to use the facilities appropriate to the gender with which the students identify.
Scott sticks to plan of targeting transgendered
At a recent forum for the Republican candidates for Secretary of State, a defiant Rep. Paul Scott refused to back down from his unusual strategy of targeting transgendered people and refusing to allow them to change the gender designation on their driver’s licenses.
Gran cierre de actividades Transexuales y Travestís México "TVMEX" en Décimo aniversario
Culminan las actividades del Décimo Aniversario del grupo TVMEX -Travestis México. Realizaran un foro de análisis y un encuentro de la Comunidad Trans.
Cuba reanuda operaciones de cambio de sexo
Actualmente se les brinda a los transexuales tratamientos hormonales, cursos como promotoras en salud, de comunicación, de arreglo personal y ayuda para conseguir el cambio de carné de identidad.
A Sex Change of Pace in Cuba
Aprueban cirugías de cambio de sexo
Cuba reanuda operaciones CRS a transexuales después de época de prejuicios y polémicas
Aumentan las muertes de trans y gays en Honduras
La violencia y la falta de garantías constitucionales tras los hechos del 28 de junio han dejado un saldo mortal de 15 transgéneros y homosexuales en tan sólo cuatro meses, casi la misma cantidad de travestis asesinados en los últimos cinco años, denunció el lunes una activista hondureña.
Cuatro gays y 11 transexuales han muerto desde el 28 de junio, cuando Manuel Zelaya fue derrocado, explicó Indyra Mendoza Aguilar, miembro de la Red Lésbica Cattrachas, con sede en Tegucigalpa, que lleva cuenta de violaciones a los derechos humanos y civiles de homosexuales, lesbianas y transgéneros.
ONU: Ataques contra personas LGBT "son motivo de especial preocupación"
La ONU advierte que la independencia de la justicia en Colombia está amenazada
Chilean LGBT infrastructure damaged by earthquake
Chile's leading gay rights group, Movimiento de Integración y Liberación Homosexual (Homosexual Integration and Liberation Movement), today released preliminary findings on earthquake damage to the LGBT community infrastructure.
The Frida Kahlo Lesbian Cultural Center in Chillán was destroyed, MOVILH said, and the headquarters of the Chilean AIDS Prevention Corporation and ACCIONGAY in Valparaíso was severely damaged.

La pesadilla en que vivían los niños antes de que la mujer transexual argentina se hiciera cargo de ellos
"Es una madraza, un ejemplo de amor". Lo dijo la pediatra de los chicos adoptados por María Belén. Y contó cómo la mujer transexual los rescató de la violencia física y el descuido. (Foto)
Mujer transexual obtiene por primera vez guardia definitiva de dos niños en Argentina, tras resolución de juzgado

Ayudaran en CRS a la joven transexual argentina que permitieron ir a la escuela vestida acorde a su genero
“Cuando me enteré que la Comunidad Homosexual Argentina me iba a ayudar a realizar la operación me puse a llorar y me abrazaba con mi hermana y mi amiga”, dijo Kylie, la joven transexual de 17 años nogoyaense que cobró notoriedad a nivel nacional en Argentina los últimos días a partir de conseguir que la dejan ir vestida de mujer a la escuela Normal de Nogoyá. (Foto)
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