Candidato PSOE a Alcaldía de Sevilla se compromete a mantener apoyo al colectivo transexual
El candidato socialista seguirá apostando por la actividad que desarrolla el servicio de información de identidad de género que tiene esta asociación en la ciudad.
Alexia, de luchar por su hijo a no pagar la pensión
La transexual lucense Alexia Pardo, de 34 años, fue juzgada ayer en el Penal número 2 de Lugo como presunta autora de un delito de abandono de familia por no abonar la pensión de alimentos a su hijo, de trece años. (Foto)
«Antes paso sin comer que dejar de pagar a mi hijo» dice la transexual Alexia de Lugo
Transsexual dilemma
A court in Malaga has thrown out an abuse case in which a transsexual accused his partner for hitting him in February this year, but later refused to testify. The victim is physically a woman, after having had a sex change, but is still considered a man for all legal purposes as his personal documents have not been changed.
Transgender Bender: Surgery to Woman, Then Man Again
David had all the things society equates with success -- a career as an IT consultant, two homes, cars paid for with cash , a wife and 12-year-old son he loved.
But he was hiding a secret.
[Commentary] Man Who Had 2 Sex Changes Wants Them Banned, As They're Only For The 'Completely Deluded'
[Commentary] Transsexual Changes Back, Denounces Sex Change Operations
Whoops! Bizarre story of a double-sex-change patient
Prisoner who set fire to transvestite complains about lags' rudeness
A prisoner serving 20 years for setting fire to a transvestite in an argument over a handbag has complained about other inmates manners.
Power company refuses name change
A Lincolnshire transgender woman is taking legal action against npower over its demand for documentation about a change of name.
Transgender toys "manufacturing error"
An investigation into the distribution of transgender children's toys - female dolls that had anatomically correct male genitals - have been declared a manufacturing error by Child Protection Ombudsman Edita Ziobiene.
Intersex convict seeking release to wait longer as ruling put off
Judgment has been deferred in a case in which an intersex convict is seeking legal recognition and release from jail.
Kamiti Maximum Security Prison convict Richard Muasya was awaiting a three-judge bench ruling on Tuesday, but they could not do so as some papers were missing from the court file. The judges asked the parties to supply them by November 12.
Transgenders take NADRA officials to court
The medical superintendents of Jinnah Postgraduate Medical Centre, Civil Hospital, Karachi and the local National Database and Registration Authority (NADRA) chief have been summoned by the Sindh High Court in a petition filed by transgenders Bindiya Rana and Sara Gill.
Monthly pension to help eunuchs in Indian capital
Nearly 300,000 impoverished eunuchs will receive a monthly stipend from the New Delhi city government, a benefit previously given to the elderly, widows and the handicapped, an official said Wednesday.
Make me a boy, 15-yr-old girl tells doctor
A teenage girl dresses up like a guy; an adolescent boy likes to play with dolls. Nothing very surprising, except that frumpy 15-year-olds, who are not sure if they are predominantly yin or yang, are willing to admit it openly.
[Iran/Canada] [Commentary]
Iranian Trans Woman Hoping to Seek Shelter in Canada
Mahtab Mirghaderi and her partner, Saleh Shahsavar, are seeking asylum. Mahtab is trans, and the couple hails from Iran. Currently, they are in Turkey and in danger of being deported. The Iranian Railroad for Queer Refugees and EveryOne Group are trying to raise what funding and support they can to bring the couple to Canada, where IRQR will help them seek asylum.
Transgender Day of Remembrance
Transgender Day of Remembrance is to be held on Nov. 20, beginning with a special flag raising at Ottawa police headquarters. Members of the Transgender Day committee held a press conference on Wednesday.
Marches remember transgender community
Androgynous woman seeks safe washrooms
An androgynous lesbian who says she was assaulted in a women's washroom on a local university campus wants to educate the public about people who don't fall into traditional gender categories.
Michelle Rayner, a first-year St. Thomas University student, issued a statement Wednesday alleging that she was attacked when she was mistaken for a man in a women's washroom at James Dunn Hall on campus.
Transgender woman says she was punched in women's washroom in N.B.
What Do You Do When the Big Man on Campus Wants to Be a Woman?
Danger! Danger, Will Robinson! Or is that Wilma?
Either way, we're in trouble. Someone doesn't fit neatly into one of our boxes. What are we going to do?
We could get rid of the boxes, of course, but we're human beings. We really, really like boxes.
NCAA clarifies its position on transgender eligibility vis-à-vis surgery and hormone treatment
NCAA Clarifies Position on Trans Athletes
Training and transitioning
Defensores de derechos de inmigrantes aplauden asilo para mexicano transexual
Grupos defensores de los derechos de los inmigrantes y de los derechos de las minorías sexuales aplaudieron hoy en Denver la decisión del Gobierno federal de conceder asilo a un mexicano transexual que ingresó ilegalmente a Estados Unidos hace diez años para escapar del acoso en su país natal.
Transgender day of remembrance 2010: A guide to D.C., Maryland, and Virginia
Next Saturday, November 20th, marks the 12th annual Transgender Day of Remembrance, an international event honoring trans people who have lost their lives to violence. Local organizations will commemorate Trans Awareness Week in the days leading up to the vigil. A guide to next week's events in D.C., Maryland, and Virginia
Transgender judge breaks barriers
Twenty-one years ago Victoria Kolakowski did what most law school graduates do, she applied to take her bar exam. But the Louisiana State Bar Association rejected her application.
Trans Remembrance
Thursday, Nov. 20, is the National Transgender Day of Remembrance, a day in which many pause to remember transgender victims of violence, intolerance and injustice.
Trans Atlanta: A look inside an evolving community
As a black man living in the South, Dana Prosser knows he faces certain prejudices — racial profiling, people crossing the street to avoid walking past him on the sidewalk, women locking their car doors when they see him in a parking lot.
That’s why his driver’s license still identifies him as a woman.
Transgender PFLAG inspiration killed in car accident
Quinn Collins, the transgender man who inspired Chicago's first PFLAG ( Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays ) support group for parents of transgender kids, was buried last weekend by a family that set a community example by supporting him unequivocally through transition. Collins was killed in early hours of Nov. 1 in New Buffalo, Mich., when his stopped 2007 Honda Accord was rear-ended on I-94. He was 38. (Photo)
Family of a Transgender
When Dale Dressler decided to become openly transgender her family was left with questions including how would their relationship change.
Dale eventually changed her name to Dee Ellen Dressler but first had to first tell her wife that she felt like a woman despite having the body of a man.
Transgender Remembrance Night Next Tuesday at the Burgdorff
This annual memorial to transgender people who have been murdered due to their identity will take place in Maplewood this year. Victoria Carmen White will be remembered.
In Wake of Murders, Maplewood Will Host Transgender Night of Remembrance
Transgendered teen takes on bullying in talk show appearance
For 15 years, William Milligan hated being a guy. He played with Barbies, liked wearing heels and eyeliner and knew something wasn't right.
So a few months ago, Milligan changed his name to Selena and began to embrace life in a new way, although it hasn't been easy.
Prompted by the recent string of gay teenage suicides, Milligan, with the support of her family, is coming out and speaking out on national TV this Friday to tell teens like her that suicide shouldn't be an option and to tell bullies to lay off. The issue hit even closer to home this week, after Brandon Bitner, 14, of Middleburg, Pa., committed suicide Friday after being bullied. He was buried Wednesday.
Transgender teen wants to help
(Photo: Aimee Dilger/the times leader - Selena experienced bullying in public school and now attends a private alternative school.)
Texas – Vigil for Transgender Day of Remembrance
On Saturday, November 20, 2010 at 6:30 p.m., the transgender community of Texas and its allies will gather for a vigil in downtown Austin on the steps of City Hall to honor those killed because they didn’t conform to traditional gender norms. The event is part of the internationally coordinated 12th Annual Transgender Day of Remembrance to be held in more than 90 cities worldwide. This is the ninth year that the vigil has been observed in Austin.
Remembering Those Lost To Anti-Transgender Violence
On Saturday, November 20, over one dozen community organizations sponsor Richmond’s Transgender Day of Remembrance. Each year, the International Transgender Day of Remembrance honors the memory of persons murdered as the result of gender identity or expression.
Wis. inmate seeks to nix deal in sex-change case
A transgender inmate wants to reject an agreement that would make her the first in Wisconsin given state-issued women's underwear in a male prison and instead continue her lawsuit seeking a taxpayer-funded sex change.
Inmate seeks to nix deal in sex-change case
(Photo: This May 2010 photo released by the Wisconsin Department of Corrections shows a transgender inmate formerly known as Scott Konitzer and who now goes by Donna Dawn at the Columbia Correctional Institution in Portage, Wis. The inmate wants to reject an agreement that would make her the first in Wisconsin to be given state-issued women's underwear in a male prison and instead continue her lawsuit seeking a taxpayer-funded sex change, according to documents obtained by The Associated Press. Transgender rights' advocates say she is trying to be the nation's first transgender inmate to obtain a court-ordered sex change.)
Activista transexual exige “disculpa pública” de alcaldía regiomontana
A un año nueve meses de ser detenida de forma “arbitraria” por elementos policíacos de Monterrey, Nuevo León, y ser acusada de “prostitución en vía pública”, la activista transexual Vanessa Castillo Torres, exigió una “disculpa pública” del gobierno municipal, al que la Comisión Estatal de Derechos Humanos (CEDH) emitió la recomendación 107/2009, el 21 de julio del año pasado.
Transexuales clausuran simbólicamente Teatro Metropolitan
Luego de que algunas mujeres transexuales fueran agredidas la semana pasada en las instalaciones del Teatro Metropolitan, un contingente de este colectivo llevará a cabo esta tarde una marcha que finalizará con la clausura simbólica del lugar. (Foto)
Transexuales se manifiestan México por obligarlas en el Teatro Metropólitan a entrar al baño de hombres
Detienen a joven de 16 años por haberle disparado seis tiros a una transexual dejándola parapléjica
El joven de 15 años que ya había estado detenido un mes atrás por un homicidio, fue detenido acusado de balear y dejar parapléjica a una chica transexual, en un hecho ocurrido en el barrio Las Flores, Argentina.
Proponen operaciones gratis de cambio de sexo a los 18 años
Organizaciones homosexuales entregarán hoy en el Congreso la iniciativa, que también incluye la posibilidad de cambiar nombre y sexo en el DNI y la partida de nacimiento a los 16. El proyecto apunta a la "despatologización del colectivo trans"
Existe amplio consenso social y político para aprobar las leyes de identidad de género
Colectivos Trans y CHA en Argentina presentan otro Proyecto Ley Transexuales distinto FALGTB y ATTTA
Lohana Berkins: En Nombre Propio
Su abrazo es como un refugio en el que dan ganas de quedarse a dormir o aprovechar para llorar una pena antigua con la seguridad de que habrá consuelo. Cuerpo generoso, sonrisa fácil aun en medio de las luchas más encarnizadas y una viveza en la lengua que conserva desde las épocas en que las persecuciones policiales o institucionales en general la obligaron a usar el carrilche —ese lenguaje callejero que las travestis inventaron como una de las tantas estrategias de autodefensa—, Lohana Berkins es mucho más que una de las figuras visibles del activismo queer. Es, además, alguien capaz de generar las carcajadas más agudas o de estampar huevos sobre los fundamentalistas católicos que amenazaban con el infierno a quienes reclamaban el matrimonio igualitario en la Plaza del Congreso, pero esquivando la figura de la Virgen que los fanáticos enarbolaban. (Foto)
Candidato PSOE a Alcaldía de Sevilla se compromete a mantener apoyo al colectivo transexual
El candidato socialista seguirá apostando por la actividad que desarrolla el servicio de información de identidad de género que tiene esta asociación en la ciudad.
Alexia, de luchar por su hijo a no pagar la pensión
La transexual lucense Alexia Pardo, de 34 años, fue juzgada ayer en el Penal número 2 de Lugo como presunta autora de un delito de abandono de familia por no abonar la pensión de alimentos a su hijo, de trece años. (Foto)
«Antes paso sin comer que dejar de pagar a mi hijo» dice la transexual Alexia de Lugo
Transsexual dilemma
A court in Malaga has thrown out an abuse case in which a transsexual accused his partner for hitting him in February this year, but later refused to testify. The victim is physically a woman, after having had a sex change, but is still considered a man for all legal purposes as his personal documents have not been changed.
Transgender Bender: Surgery to Woman, Then Man Again
David had all the things society equates with success -- a career as an IT consultant, two homes, cars paid for with cash , a wife and 12-year-old son he loved.
But he was hiding a secret.
[Commentary] Man Who Had 2 Sex Changes Wants Them Banned, As They're Only For The 'Completely Deluded'
[Commentary] Transsexual Changes Back, Denounces Sex Change Operations
Whoops! Bizarre story of a double-sex-change patient
Prisoner who set fire to transvestite complains about lags' rudeness
A prisoner serving 20 years for setting fire to a transvestite in an argument over a handbag has complained about other inmates manners.
Power company refuses name change
A Lincolnshire transgender woman is taking legal action against npower over its demand for documentation about a change of name.
Transgender toys "manufacturing error"
An investigation into the distribution of transgender children's toys - female dolls that had anatomically correct male genitals - have been declared a manufacturing error by Child Protection Ombudsman Edita Ziobiene.
Intersex convict seeking release to wait longer as ruling put off
Judgment has been deferred in a case in which an intersex convict is seeking legal recognition and release from jail.
Kamiti Maximum Security Prison convict Richard Muasya was awaiting a three-judge bench ruling on Tuesday, but they could not do so as some papers were missing from the court file. The judges asked the parties to supply them by November 12.
Transgenders take NADRA officials to court
The medical superintendents of Jinnah Postgraduate Medical Centre, Civil Hospital, Karachi and the local National Database and Registration Authority (NADRA) chief have been summoned by the Sindh High Court in a petition filed by transgenders Bindiya Rana and Sara Gill.
Monthly pension to help eunuchs in Indian capital
Nearly 300,000 impoverished eunuchs will receive a monthly stipend from the New Delhi city government, a benefit previously given to the elderly, widows and the handicapped, an official said Wednesday.
Make me a boy, 15-yr-old girl tells doctor
A teenage girl dresses up like a guy; an adolescent boy likes to play with dolls. Nothing very surprising, except that frumpy 15-year-olds, who are not sure if they are predominantly yin or yang, are willing to admit it openly.
[Iran/Canada] [Commentary]
Iranian Trans Woman Hoping to Seek Shelter in Canada
Mahtab Mirghaderi and her partner, Saleh Shahsavar, are seeking asylum. Mahtab is trans, and the couple hails from Iran. Currently, they are in Turkey and in danger of being deported. The Iranian Railroad for Queer Refugees and EveryOne Group are trying to raise what funding and support they can to bring the couple to Canada, where IRQR will help them seek asylum.
Transgender Day of Remembrance
Transgender Day of Remembrance is to be held on Nov. 20, beginning with a special flag raising at Ottawa police headquarters. Members of the Transgender Day committee held a press conference on Wednesday.
Marches remember transgender community
Androgynous woman seeks safe washrooms
An androgynous lesbian who says she was assaulted in a women's washroom on a local university campus wants to educate the public about people who don't fall into traditional gender categories.
Michelle Rayner, a first-year St. Thomas University student, issued a statement Wednesday alleging that she was attacked when she was mistaken for a man in a women's washroom at James Dunn Hall on campus.
Transgender woman says she was punched in women's washroom in N.B.
What Do You Do When the Big Man on Campus Wants to Be a Woman?
Danger! Danger, Will Robinson! Or is that Wilma?
Either way, we're in trouble. Someone doesn't fit neatly into one of our boxes. What are we going to do?
We could get rid of the boxes, of course, but we're human beings. We really, really like boxes.
NCAA clarifies its position on transgender eligibility vis-à-vis surgery and hormone treatment
NCAA Clarifies Position on Trans Athletes
Training and transitioning
Defensores de derechos de inmigrantes aplauden asilo para mexicano transexual
Grupos defensores de los derechos de los inmigrantes y de los derechos de las minorías sexuales aplaudieron hoy en Denver la decisión del Gobierno federal de conceder asilo a un mexicano transexual que ingresó ilegalmente a Estados Unidos hace diez años para escapar del acoso en su país natal.
Transgender day of remembrance 2010: A guide to D.C., Maryland, and Virginia
Next Saturday, November 20th, marks the 12th annual Transgender Day of Remembrance, an international event honoring trans people who have lost their lives to violence. Local organizations will commemorate Trans Awareness Week in the days leading up to the vigil. A guide to next week's events in D.C., Maryland, and Virginia
Transgender judge breaks barriers
Twenty-one years ago Victoria Kolakowski did what most law school graduates do, she applied to take her bar exam. But the Louisiana State Bar Association rejected her application.
Trans Remembrance
Thursday, Nov. 20, is the National Transgender Day of Remembrance, a day in which many pause to remember transgender victims of violence, intolerance and injustice.
Trans Atlanta: A look inside an evolving community
As a black man living in the South, Dana Prosser knows he faces certain prejudices — racial profiling, people crossing the street to avoid walking past him on the sidewalk, women locking their car doors when they see him in a parking lot.
That’s why his driver’s license still identifies him as a woman.

Transgender PFLAG inspiration killed in car accident
Quinn Collins, the transgender man who inspired Chicago's first PFLAG ( Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays ) support group for parents of transgender kids, was buried last weekend by a family that set a community example by supporting him unequivocally through transition. Collins was killed in early hours of Nov. 1 in New Buffalo, Mich., when his stopped 2007 Honda Accord was rear-ended on I-94. He was 38. (Photo)
Family of a Transgender
When Dale Dressler decided to become openly transgender her family was left with questions including how would their relationship change.
Dale eventually changed her name to Dee Ellen Dressler but first had to first tell her wife that she felt like a woman despite having the body of a man.
Transgender Remembrance Night Next Tuesday at the Burgdorff
This annual memorial to transgender people who have been murdered due to their identity will take place in Maplewood this year. Victoria Carmen White will be remembered.
In Wake of Murders, Maplewood Will Host Transgender Night of Remembrance

Transgendered teen takes on bullying in talk show appearance
For 15 years, William Milligan hated being a guy. He played with Barbies, liked wearing heels and eyeliner and knew something wasn't right.
So a few months ago, Milligan changed his name to Selena and began to embrace life in a new way, although it hasn't been easy.
Prompted by the recent string of gay teenage suicides, Milligan, with the support of her family, is coming out and speaking out on national TV this Friday to tell teens like her that suicide shouldn't be an option and to tell bullies to lay off. The issue hit even closer to home this week, after Brandon Bitner, 14, of Middleburg, Pa., committed suicide Friday after being bullied. He was buried Wednesday.
Transgender teen wants to help
(Photo: Aimee Dilger/the times leader - Selena experienced bullying in public school and now attends a private alternative school.)
Texas – Vigil for Transgender Day of Remembrance
On Saturday, November 20, 2010 at 6:30 p.m., the transgender community of Texas and its allies will gather for a vigil in downtown Austin on the steps of City Hall to honor those killed because they didn’t conform to traditional gender norms. The event is part of the internationally coordinated 12th Annual Transgender Day of Remembrance to be held in more than 90 cities worldwide. This is the ninth year that the vigil has been observed in Austin.
Remembering Those Lost To Anti-Transgender Violence
On Saturday, November 20, over one dozen community organizations sponsor Richmond’s Transgender Day of Remembrance. Each year, the International Transgender Day of Remembrance honors the memory of persons murdered as the result of gender identity or expression.

Wis. inmate seeks to nix deal in sex-change case
A transgender inmate wants to reject an agreement that would make her the first in Wisconsin given state-issued women's underwear in a male prison and instead continue her lawsuit seeking a taxpayer-funded sex change.
Inmate seeks to nix deal in sex-change case
(Photo: This May 2010 photo released by the Wisconsin Department of Corrections shows a transgender inmate formerly known as Scott Konitzer and who now goes by Donna Dawn at the Columbia Correctional Institution in Portage, Wis. The inmate wants to reject an agreement that would make her the first in Wisconsin to be given state-issued women's underwear in a male prison and instead continue her lawsuit seeking a taxpayer-funded sex change, according to documents obtained by The Associated Press. Transgender rights' advocates say she is trying to be the nation's first transgender inmate to obtain a court-ordered sex change.)
Activista transexual exige “disculpa pública” de alcaldía regiomontana
A un año nueve meses de ser detenida de forma “arbitraria” por elementos policíacos de Monterrey, Nuevo León, y ser acusada de “prostitución en vía pública”, la activista transexual Vanessa Castillo Torres, exigió una “disculpa pública” del gobierno municipal, al que la Comisión Estatal de Derechos Humanos (CEDH) emitió la recomendación 107/2009, el 21 de julio del año pasado.

Transexuales clausuran simbólicamente Teatro Metropolitan
Luego de que algunas mujeres transexuales fueran agredidas la semana pasada en las instalaciones del Teatro Metropolitan, un contingente de este colectivo llevará a cabo esta tarde una marcha que finalizará con la clausura simbólica del lugar. (Foto)
Transexuales se manifiestan México por obligarlas en el Teatro Metropólitan a entrar al baño de hombres
Detienen a joven de 16 años por haberle disparado seis tiros a una transexual dejándola parapléjica
El joven de 15 años que ya había estado detenido un mes atrás por un homicidio, fue detenido acusado de balear y dejar parapléjica a una chica transexual, en un hecho ocurrido en el barrio Las Flores, Argentina.
Proponen operaciones gratis de cambio de sexo a los 18 años
Organizaciones homosexuales entregarán hoy en el Congreso la iniciativa, que también incluye la posibilidad de cambiar nombre y sexo en el DNI y la partida de nacimiento a los 16. El proyecto apunta a la "despatologización del colectivo trans"
Existe amplio consenso social y político para aprobar las leyes de identidad de género
Colectivos Trans y CHA en Argentina presentan otro Proyecto Ley Transexuales distinto FALGTB y ATTTA

Lohana Berkins: En Nombre Propio
Su abrazo es como un refugio en el que dan ganas de quedarse a dormir o aprovechar para llorar una pena antigua con la seguridad de que habrá consuelo. Cuerpo generoso, sonrisa fácil aun en medio de las luchas más encarnizadas y una viveza en la lengua que conserva desde las épocas en que las persecuciones policiales o institucionales en general la obligaron a usar el carrilche —ese lenguaje callejero que las travestis inventaron como una de las tantas estrategias de autodefensa—, Lohana Berkins es mucho más que una de las figuras visibles del activismo queer. Es, además, alguien capaz de generar las carcajadas más agudas o de estampar huevos sobre los fundamentalistas católicos que amenazaban con el infierno a quienes reclamaban el matrimonio igualitario en la Plaza del Congreso, pero esquivando la figura de la Virgen que los fanáticos enarbolaban. (Foto)
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