[International] Transgenders at higher risk of HIV infection: UN
Transgenders are at a higher risk of contracting HIV infection, said a UN report on AIDS epidemic released Tuesday.
The 2010 UNAIDS report on the global AIDS epidemic found among the high risk group that got HIV infection in India in 2009 -- 9.2 percent were those using injected drugs, 7.3 percent were men having sex with men and 4.9 percent were women sex workers.
Nome social para transexuais e travestis é aprovado na Comissão de Direitos Humanos
Foi aprovado hoje, quarta-feira (24), projeto de lei que prevê o uso do nome social para transexuais e travestis nos documentos civis: RG, CPF, passaporte, matrículas e outros. A relatoria do projeto ficou por conta da senadora Fátima Cleide (PT-RO).
Absuelto un transexual brasileño de obligar a ejercer la prostitución a otro
La Audiencia Provincial de Madrid ha condenado a dos años de prisión por inmigración ilegal a un transexual brasileño, aunque le ha absuelto de obligar a ejercer la prostitución a otro, así como de los delitos de amenazas, coacciones y detención ilegal de los que era acusado.
Bolo Bolo diseña Campaña Contra la Violencia de Genero que parte de las mujeres transexuales
Bolo-Bolo ha diseñado una campaña contra la Violencia de Género, que parte de las mujeres transexuales pero que recuerda a todas las mujeres. La campaña ha editado un cartel digital, que será difundido por Internet mediante envíos masivos por email, así como su difusión mediante la página web de la organización y las redes sociales más conocidas; y otros 200 en papel para las localidades de Talavera de la Reina, Cuenca y Toledo. La campaña se ha podido crear gracias a la colaboración del Instituto de la Mujer y la Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha.
La FELGTB condena la violencia contra las mujeres y visibiliza a las víctimas transexuales
La Transfóbia es una forma de violencia sexista que además merma la autoestima de las mujeres transexuales, aumentando sus posibilidades de ser víctimas de sus parejas.
Austria's Constitutional Court Confirms Transsexuals' Forced Outing
The Constitutional Court of Austria confirmed forced outing of transsexuals by marriage certificates. Rechtskomitee LAMBDA (RKL), Austria’s civil rights organisation for homo- and bisexual as well as transgender women and men, hopes for the European Court of Human Rights.
[Australia] [Commentary]
Let’s not forget
International Transgender Day of Remembrance commenced in 1998 to mark the violent death of trans woman Rita Hester in the US.
[Canada] [Commentary]
Canadian Government Halts Funding of GRS For Trans Inmates
The Conservative government has ordered Correctional Services Canada to halt all medical coverage for gender reassignment surgery. The change took effect immediately, on Friday November 19th.
Health Check: The boy who was raised a girl
When anyone has a baby the first question everyone asks is: "Is it a boy or a girl?"
Biologically it is sex hormones, physical appearance and the sex chromosomes - XX for a woman, XY for a man - which dictate whether someone is male or female.
But what happens if you bring up someone who was a boy as a girl?
[USA] [Commentary]
Transgender Day: A Journey For Social Change
The Transgender Day of Remembrance was started by activist Gwen Smith to mark the death of Rita Hester, a transgendered woman murdered in Boston in November 1998. This year, the 12th annual TDOR is observed in hundreds of cities and towns around the country and around the world, from Poughkeepsie to Perugia, from Salt Lake City to Sydney, from Tacoma to Tel Aviv.
Another look at the hate crime numbers
Excerpt: As a reminder, at least one minority group is marginalized enough to be left out of the hate crime count entirely: The size of the transgender population in the United States, and the number of hate crimes committed against it, remain largely uncharted.
Transgender Model Lea T. To Be Featured On Oprah
We’ve been die-hard Lea T fans ever since we saw her in Riccardo Tisci’s Fall 2010 ad campaign for Givenchy — and we’ve been fans of Oprah ever since we realized the woman was more or less as powerful as god. (No offense to god, of course.) So you can imagine how excited we were when we heard the transgender model would be making an appearance on an episode of Oprah’s final season.
Communication at the airport
While many Americans have general privacy concerns about new airport security procedures, there are many groups of travelers whose concerns about privacy or insensitive treatment by TSA personnel are especially acute, including religious minorities, transgender people, and people with a variety of medical conditions, disabilities, or assistive devices.
UCR devotes a week to Transgender Awareness
The LGBT Resource Center chose this year to devote the whole week of November 15th in commemoration for the 12th annual National Transgender Day of Remembrance.
Equality Florida: Orange County commissioners pass LGBT protections on 6-1 vote
By a 6-1 vote, Orange County has banned sexual orientation- and gender identity-based discrimination in employment, housing and public accommodations.
Transgender Community: Prosecutor's Comments Were Out of Line
Idaho’s transgender community expressed outrage over a prosecutor's comments in the case of a transgender accused of practicing medicine without a license. The remarks by Ada country prosecutor, Ana Mamani were made Nov. 17 during the arraignment of Kristina Ross.
Transgender advocates discuss violence in Chicago
When transgender Chicagoans honor those lost to violence at Transgender Day of Remembrance ( TDOR ) events each November, they are usually not mourning their own. This year was different.
'Fallen Stars,' vigil remember transgender victims
Mass. transgender group launches awareness campaign
The message is as all-American as the 14th Amendment.
"The country was built on equal opportunity," a new multimedia public education campaign begins. "As transgender people we are asking for the opportunity to take care of our families and be free from discrimination."
Raffi's struggle as a transgender woman
As part of a three-week series running on Wednesdays, Metro will post the stories of three transgender Bostonians and the struggles they've faced on their journey. Their lives are featured as part of a new public education campaign sponsored by the Massachusetts Transgender Political Coalition originally featured in Metro on Nov. 16. In this week's second installment, we hear from Raffi, a daughter, a Honduran native, a feminist, a Jew and a transgender woman.
Bowling Green Voters Uphold Gay Protections Laws
Two gay protections laws approved by lawmakers have been upheld by voters in Bowling Green, Ohio, the Toledo Blade reported.
The two measures, approved by city leaders in August 2009, were challenged by a citizen's group and put on the November 2 ballot.
One ordinance bans discrimination based on sexual orientation, gender identity (transgender protections) and HIV status – among other factors – in the area of housing, while a second law covers public accommodations, education and employment.
Mayor Adams to Proclaim Dec. 5-11 Transgender Child Awareness Week
This just in from our friends at TransActive Education and Advocacy: Mayor Sam Adams will issue a proclamation declaring December 5-11 as “Transgender Child Awareness Week” in the city of Portland.
Capacity crowd marks Transgender Day of Remembrance at Cathedral of Hope
A capacity crowd filled the Interfaith Peace Chapel at Cathedral of Hope to mark Transgender Day of Remembrance on Sunday night, Nov. 21.
Nell Gaither, a steering committee member for GEAR, served as MC. She noted the recent spate of suicides among gay youth. GEAR is the transgender program of Resource Center Dallas.
Houston cops should brush up on city ordinances
On Monday we told you about a transgender woman in Houston who was arrested last week for using the women’s restroom at a city library. The woman, who identifies as female but has not had sexual reassignment surgery, was charged with entering a restroom of the opposite sex.
Mens Room or Ladies Room: Texas transgender choice unclear
Trans Woman Arrested for Restroom Use
[Commentary] Arrested Transgender Woman Speaks about Bathroom Inequity
[Commentary] You Can't Win Department
[Puerto Rico]
Acusado del asesinato de Ashley está apto para ser procesado
El psiquiatra del estado, Rafael Cabrera, declaró hoy procesable a Emmanuel Adorno Ayala de 22 años, quien enfrenta acusaciones por el asesinato de su ex cuñado, ocurrido el 25 de marzo, en la calle Pitirre de la barriada Corea, en Vega Alta y por el crimen de la transexual, Juan Ocasio Santiago, conocida como Ashley.
Dos nuevos asesinatos revelan la alarmante situación que viven las personas transgénero en el norte de México
En menos de 24 horas han sido asesinadas dos personas transgénero en la ciudad de Chihuahua (estado de Chihuahua, al norte de México). Dos muertes que vienen a sumarse a los 14 asesinatos más de personas LGTB ocurridos en el estado durante los últimos meses, en muchos casos acompañados de gran violencia o incluso de tortura.
En Monclova, sujeto acosaba a un homosexual
La Policía Municipal de Monclova capturó a un briago sujeto acusado de “acosar sexualmente” a un sexoservidor gay en su centro de trabajo; el inculpado no tenía dinero para pagar los servicios del homosexual, pero insistía en querer pasar con “ella” una noche de pasión.
Tamara Adrian: Una transexual que desea ser Magistrada
Indudablemente es mujer. Pasaría sin levantar sospecha porque su voz, aspecto y gestos no logran delatarla a simple vista. Tamara Adrián se define como transexual, lesbiana, feminista y activista, pero sobre todo como una mujer que lucha por el reconocimiento de los Derechos Humanos de las minorías.
62% de asesinatos por discriminación a minorías sexuales han afectado a transexuales
De acuerdo a estudios del Movilh (Movimiento de Liberación Homosexual), desde el 2002 a la fecha ocho personas perdieron la vida en razón de su identidad de género, y otras tres transexuales fallecieron en extrañas circunstancias que tribunales nunca aclararon del todo. En el Día Internacional de la Memoria Trans, que el Movilh recuerda por segundo año consecutivo en Chile, el organismo llamó implementar políticas públicas y leyes contra la discriminación.
Justicia dio lugar a una medida cautelar que autoriza el cambio de nombre “según su libre elección”
La justicia porteña fallo a favor de la actriz Florencia de la V y la Federación de Lesbianas, Gays, Transexuales y Bisexuales, y dio lugar a una medida cautelar que autoriza el cambio de nombre “según su libre elección”. Así lo asegura el dictamen al que accedió NOTICIAS URBANAS. Esta disposición se apoya es una figura creada por la Legislatura porteña, que permite modificar los nombres cuando pueden llegar a ofender la moral de quienes los llevan.
Transgenders are at a higher risk of contracting HIV infection, said a UN report on AIDS epidemic released Tuesday.
The 2010 UNAIDS report on the global AIDS epidemic found among the high risk group that got HIV infection in India in 2009 -- 9.2 percent were those using injected drugs, 7.3 percent were men having sex with men and 4.9 percent were women sex workers.
Nome social para transexuais e travestis é aprovado na Comissão de Direitos Humanos
Foi aprovado hoje, quarta-feira (24), projeto de lei que prevê o uso do nome social para transexuais e travestis nos documentos civis: RG, CPF, passaporte, matrículas e outros. A relatoria do projeto ficou por conta da senadora Fátima Cleide (PT-RO).
Absuelto un transexual brasileño de obligar a ejercer la prostitución a otro
La Audiencia Provincial de Madrid ha condenado a dos años de prisión por inmigración ilegal a un transexual brasileño, aunque le ha absuelto de obligar a ejercer la prostitución a otro, así como de los delitos de amenazas, coacciones y detención ilegal de los que era acusado.
Bolo Bolo diseña Campaña Contra la Violencia de Genero que parte de las mujeres transexuales
Bolo-Bolo ha diseñado una campaña contra la Violencia de Género, que parte de las mujeres transexuales pero que recuerda a todas las mujeres. La campaña ha editado un cartel digital, que será difundido por Internet mediante envíos masivos por email, así como su difusión mediante la página web de la organización y las redes sociales más conocidas; y otros 200 en papel para las localidades de Talavera de la Reina, Cuenca y Toledo. La campaña se ha podido crear gracias a la colaboración del Instituto de la Mujer y la Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha.
La FELGTB condena la violencia contra las mujeres y visibiliza a las víctimas transexuales
La Transfóbia es una forma de violencia sexista que además merma la autoestima de las mujeres transexuales, aumentando sus posibilidades de ser víctimas de sus parejas.
Austria's Constitutional Court Confirms Transsexuals' Forced Outing
The Constitutional Court of Austria confirmed forced outing of transsexuals by marriage certificates. Rechtskomitee LAMBDA (RKL), Austria’s civil rights organisation for homo- and bisexual as well as transgender women and men, hopes for the European Court of Human Rights.
[Australia] [Commentary]
Let’s not forget
International Transgender Day of Remembrance commenced in 1998 to mark the violent death of trans woman Rita Hester in the US.
[Canada] [Commentary]
Canadian Government Halts Funding of GRS For Trans Inmates
The Conservative government has ordered Correctional Services Canada to halt all medical coverage for gender reassignment surgery. The change took effect immediately, on Friday November 19th.
Health Check: The boy who was raised a girl
When anyone has a baby the first question everyone asks is: "Is it a boy or a girl?"
Biologically it is sex hormones, physical appearance and the sex chromosomes - XX for a woman, XY for a man - which dictate whether someone is male or female.
But what happens if you bring up someone who was a boy as a girl?
[USA] [Commentary]
Transgender Day: A Journey For Social Change
The Transgender Day of Remembrance was started by activist Gwen Smith to mark the death of Rita Hester, a transgendered woman murdered in Boston in November 1998. This year, the 12th annual TDOR is observed in hundreds of cities and towns around the country and around the world, from Poughkeepsie to Perugia, from Salt Lake City to Sydney, from Tacoma to Tel Aviv.
Another look at the hate crime numbers
Excerpt: As a reminder, at least one minority group is marginalized enough to be left out of the hate crime count entirely: The size of the transgender population in the United States, and the number of hate crimes committed against it, remain largely uncharted.
Transgender Model Lea T. To Be Featured On Oprah
We’ve been die-hard Lea T fans ever since we saw her in Riccardo Tisci’s Fall 2010 ad campaign for Givenchy — and we’ve been fans of Oprah ever since we realized the woman was more or less as powerful as god. (No offense to god, of course.) So you can imagine how excited we were when we heard the transgender model would be making an appearance on an episode of Oprah’s final season.
Communication at the airport
While many Americans have general privacy concerns about new airport security procedures, there are many groups of travelers whose concerns about privacy or insensitive treatment by TSA personnel are especially acute, including religious minorities, transgender people, and people with a variety of medical conditions, disabilities, or assistive devices.
UCR devotes a week to Transgender Awareness
The LGBT Resource Center chose this year to devote the whole week of November 15th in commemoration for the 12th annual National Transgender Day of Remembrance.
Equality Florida: Orange County commissioners pass LGBT protections on 6-1 vote
By a 6-1 vote, Orange County has banned sexual orientation- and gender identity-based discrimination in employment, housing and public accommodations.
Transgender Community: Prosecutor's Comments Were Out of Line
Idaho’s transgender community expressed outrage over a prosecutor's comments in the case of a transgender accused of practicing medicine without a license. The remarks by Ada country prosecutor, Ana Mamani were made Nov. 17 during the arraignment of Kristina Ross.
Transgender advocates discuss violence in Chicago
When transgender Chicagoans honor those lost to violence at Transgender Day of Remembrance ( TDOR ) events each November, they are usually not mourning their own. This year was different.
'Fallen Stars,' vigil remember transgender victims
Mass. transgender group launches awareness campaign
The message is as all-American as the 14th Amendment.
"The country was built on equal opportunity," a new multimedia public education campaign begins. "As transgender people we are asking for the opportunity to take care of our families and be free from discrimination."
Raffi's struggle as a transgender woman
As part of a three-week series running on Wednesdays, Metro will post the stories of three transgender Bostonians and the struggles they've faced on their journey. Their lives are featured as part of a new public education campaign sponsored by the Massachusetts Transgender Political Coalition originally featured in Metro on Nov. 16. In this week's second installment, we hear from Raffi, a daughter, a Honduran native, a feminist, a Jew and a transgender woman.
Bowling Green Voters Uphold Gay Protections Laws
Two gay protections laws approved by lawmakers have been upheld by voters in Bowling Green, Ohio, the Toledo Blade reported.
The two measures, approved by city leaders in August 2009, were challenged by a citizen's group and put on the November 2 ballot.
One ordinance bans discrimination based on sexual orientation, gender identity (transgender protections) and HIV status – among other factors – in the area of housing, while a second law covers public accommodations, education and employment.
Mayor Adams to Proclaim Dec. 5-11 Transgender Child Awareness Week
This just in from our friends at TransActive Education and Advocacy: Mayor Sam Adams will issue a proclamation declaring December 5-11 as “Transgender Child Awareness Week” in the city of Portland.
Capacity crowd marks Transgender Day of Remembrance at Cathedral of Hope
A capacity crowd filled the Interfaith Peace Chapel at Cathedral of Hope to mark Transgender Day of Remembrance on Sunday night, Nov. 21.
Nell Gaither, a steering committee member for GEAR, served as MC. She noted the recent spate of suicides among gay youth. GEAR is the transgender program of Resource Center Dallas.
Houston cops should brush up on city ordinances
On Monday we told you about a transgender woman in Houston who was arrested last week for using the women’s restroom at a city library. The woman, who identifies as female but has not had sexual reassignment surgery, was charged with entering a restroom of the opposite sex.
Mens Room or Ladies Room: Texas transgender choice unclear
Trans Woman Arrested for Restroom Use
[Commentary] Arrested Transgender Woman Speaks about Bathroom Inequity
[Commentary] You Can't Win Department
[Puerto Rico]
Acusado del asesinato de Ashley está apto para ser procesado
El psiquiatra del estado, Rafael Cabrera, declaró hoy procesable a Emmanuel Adorno Ayala de 22 años, quien enfrenta acusaciones por el asesinato de su ex cuñado, ocurrido el 25 de marzo, en la calle Pitirre de la barriada Corea, en Vega Alta y por el crimen de la transexual, Juan Ocasio Santiago, conocida como Ashley.
Dos nuevos asesinatos revelan la alarmante situación que viven las personas transgénero en el norte de México
En menos de 24 horas han sido asesinadas dos personas transgénero en la ciudad de Chihuahua (estado de Chihuahua, al norte de México). Dos muertes que vienen a sumarse a los 14 asesinatos más de personas LGTB ocurridos en el estado durante los últimos meses, en muchos casos acompañados de gran violencia o incluso de tortura.
En Monclova, sujeto acosaba a un homosexual
La Policía Municipal de Monclova capturó a un briago sujeto acusado de “acosar sexualmente” a un sexoservidor gay en su centro de trabajo; el inculpado no tenía dinero para pagar los servicios del homosexual, pero insistía en querer pasar con “ella” una noche de pasión.
Tamara Adrian: Una transexual que desea ser Magistrada
Indudablemente es mujer. Pasaría sin levantar sospecha porque su voz, aspecto y gestos no logran delatarla a simple vista. Tamara Adrián se define como transexual, lesbiana, feminista y activista, pero sobre todo como una mujer que lucha por el reconocimiento de los Derechos Humanos de las minorías.
62% de asesinatos por discriminación a minorías sexuales han afectado a transexuales
De acuerdo a estudios del Movilh (Movimiento de Liberación Homosexual), desde el 2002 a la fecha ocho personas perdieron la vida en razón de su identidad de género, y otras tres transexuales fallecieron en extrañas circunstancias que tribunales nunca aclararon del todo. En el Día Internacional de la Memoria Trans, que el Movilh recuerda por segundo año consecutivo en Chile, el organismo llamó implementar políticas públicas y leyes contra la discriminación.
Justicia dio lugar a una medida cautelar que autoriza el cambio de nombre “según su libre elección”
La justicia porteña fallo a favor de la actriz Florencia de la V y la Federación de Lesbianas, Gays, Transexuales y Bisexuales, y dio lugar a una medida cautelar que autoriza el cambio de nombre “según su libre elección”. Así lo asegura el dictamen al que accedió NOTICIAS URBANAS. Esta disposición se apoya es una figura creada por la Legislatura porteña, que permite modificar los nombres cuando pueden llegar a ofender la moral de quienes los llevan.
At 15 dezembro, 2010 10:08,
Anónimo said…
Ich habe vor kurzem kam in Ihrem Blog und lese mit. Ich dachte, ich würde mein erster Kommentar zu schreiben. Ich weiß nicht, was ich sagen soll, außer dass ich gerne gelesen. Nice Blog.
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