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segunda-feira, dezembro 27, 2010

Petition the American Psychiatric Association: Remove Transgender from Proposed Changes in the DSM-5
Becuse our Identities are Not Disordered
The DSM is regarded as the medical and social definition of mental disorder throughout North America and strongly influences international psychiatric nomenclature.
On January 10th, 2010, the American Psychiatric Association released proposed draft revisions for the Fifth Edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) to be published May 2013.

Sanidad se hará cargo 100% de gastos genere tratamiento transexuales fuera sus comunidades, FELGTB celebra
FELGTB celebra que Sanidad costee el total del tratamiento de las personas trans desplazadas
La Federación pide a las comunidades que acogen los cuatro hospitales que ofrecen cirugías de reconstrucción genital que las conviertan en unidades de referencia

First Scots prisoner given permission to become a transsexual in jail
A convicted drug dealer has been granted permission to change his name and wear women's clothes in prison.
William Wallace, 35, told jail bosses he wanted to wear a dress and be called Cassie when he returns to Noranside open prison after Christmas.
Now Wallace, who is serving five years for dealing, has been given the go-ahead to become a transsexual behind bars.

Tailandia censura una película de un padre transexual que lucha por salvar a sus hijos
Las autoridades cinematográficas prohibieron una película sobre un padre transexual y/o transgénero que lucha por criar a sus dos hijos.

Pride Centre offers an inclusive Christmas for queer community
There are many kinds of families, and Axcella Zelenski finds hers inside the warm and sunny community centre on 111th Avenue.
“I’ve been coming here for five years because most of my family is here,” said Zelenski, sitting down to Christmas dinner at the Edmonton Pride Centre on Saturday. “My physical family is doing their own religious stuff, and I prefer to celebrate with people I can connect with.”

San Francisco fomenta desarrollo laboral de transexuales, con doble tasa de paro que los californianos
Antes de que Goodwill Industries abriera su nuevo establecimiento aquí, nadie hubiera podido decir que a San Francisco le hacían falta tiendas de segunda mano para su sofisticada población partidaria del reciclaje. Lo que sí le hacía falta a la ciudad eran suficientes empleos para su población transexual, un grupo con una tasa de desempleo calculada en el doble del promedio en California.

La sirenas de Juchitán, Muxhes, personas trans en Estado de México que son institución cultural
Han nacido biológicamente hombres y los sentimientos de una mujer; con ellas se inician sexualmente los jóvenes, mientras las mujeres las consultan “sobre hombres”. Son los muxhes del Istmo y su fiesta de La Vela.

Colectivo de Chile aclara que ONU no incluyo identidad genero en resolución ejecuciones extrajudiciales
El martes, la Asamblea General de Naciones Unidas (AGNU), vota para restaurar la referencia a la “orientación sexual” , que había sido removida por una enmienda anterior a nivel de comisión. . La votación – que fue aprobada 93 a 55, con 27 abstenciones y 17 votos ausentes.


  • At 31 dezembro, 2010 18:19, Blogger planet trans said…

    Thank you for linking to the petition telling the APA to remove Transgender from the DSM-5!

    Are pregnant woman considered mentally ill? Not since women's suffrage.

    Transition especially early on is extremely stressful and confusing and many people like myself may not have made it with out qualified caring therapy.
    There a a very few people in comparison who needed no therapy at all.

    I am not advocating for trans people to transition without psychological care. I am advocating for our removal form the DSM. As long as trans people are pathologized we will never be included in federal legislation.

    When we remove the APA's brick in the foundation trans people are pathologized with the extremists foundation will come crashing down. They will no longer have this fact to hurl as a last resort when all other of there allegations have been disproved.

    We gain nothing by being included in the DSM. The way out is scary sure but it is imperative we do so. Thank you for signing this petition


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