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terça-feira, dezembro 21, 2010

Parliamentary LGBT support network launches today
The UK legislature’s new lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender network, ParliOut will be launched tonight.

The group is the first equality network to be created in parliament. It will be chaired by Speaker John Bercow.

[Thailand] [Commentary]
Thailand must not condone a 'licence to kill' gays
A UN resolution involving the protection of lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgenders (LGBTs) around the world may sound vague for most Thais. But nothing is clearer than the picture of two blindfolded Iranian teenagers with nooses being put around their necks by masked men minutes before they were hanged for their alleged homosexuality.

New LGBT coordinator will emphasize trans issues
'It's time to give attention to the trans community,' says new UUA program coordinator Delfin Bautista.

[USA] [Commentary]
Dan Choi: I Am Somebody! Autumn Sandeen: I Am Still Not Recognized As Somebody.
I have heard many senators and congresspeople use variants of Admiral Mullen's pro-Don't Ask, Don't Tell (DADT) repeal phrase of relating to how DADT "[f]orces young men and women to lie about who they are in order to defend their fellow citizens." For example, from the floor of the Senate yesterday (December 18, 2010):

En Río Tercero, travestis podrán ir al baño de damas
El Concejo Deliberante de esta ciudad aprobó ayer una ordenanza que exige el libre acceso de travestis a los baños en lugares de acceso público, como boliches, bares y clubes. Es la segunda ciudad del país, después de Rosario, que legisla en este rubro. La norma reconoce además que deberán ser llamados por el nombre afín a su elección de condición sexual y no por el que aparece en su DNI, cuando realicen trámites municipales.