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sábado, janeiro 29, 2011

Rio Sem Homofobia lança cartilha sobre direitos de travestis e transexuais
O Programa Rio Sem Homofobia, da Secretaria Estadual de Assistência Social e Direitos Humanos, lançou hoje (28) uma cartilha sobre direitos civis de travestis e transexuais, para celebrar o Dia Nacional de Visibilidade Trans, comemorado em 29 de janeiro. As peças informativas circularão na internet e serão distribuídas em locais frequentados pelos travestis e transexuais, como bares e boates. As cartilhas também vão estar disponíveis em delegacias de polícia, postos de saúde, escolas e outros órgãos públicos.
Trans realizam evento de visibilidade em Porto Alegre
"Qual a importância dessa data para você?"
Travestis realizam neste sábado uma campanha para exigir respeito da população

Transsexual to star at Brazil fashion week
Despite the arrival of some of the biggest names in the fashion and entertainment world, all eyes at the Winter 2011 fashion week that kicks off today are a new runway star: transsexual model Lea T.

Kelly Osbourne's Fiancé Left for Trans Woman
When Kelly Osbourne's fiancé, Luke Worrall, left her last year, it was for transgender model Elle Schneider, according to Us Weekly.
Elle Schneider, transgender model, speaks out on affair that ended Kelly Osbourne's engagement

[South Africa]
Athlete Caster Semenya unbowed by gender row
In her first major interview since being forced to undergo gender verification tests, South African athlete Caster Semenya has said that she is unaffected by the controversy which has surrounded her in recent years.
Runner Semenya tries to stay focused on competing

Transexuais são contratadas como aeromoças na Tailândia
A nova companhia aérea tailandesa de baixo custo PC Air se tornou a primeira do país a contratar transexuais para exercer a função de aeromoças, classificando-os como "terceiro sexo" para as autoridades de imigração.
Thai air boss hails first transsexual cabin crew
[Commentary] The Airline Purposefully Hiring Trans Women To Hand Out Peanuts + Pretzels
Newly-formed Thai airline recruits "Ladyboys" as air hostesses

After Don't Ask Don't Tell, transgender servicemembers face uphill battle
Last April, Autumn Sandeen traveled from San Diego to Washington, D.C., donned her Naval uniform, and handcuffed herself to the White House fence. Eight months later, the civil disobedience paid off: On Dec. 22, President Obama signed a repeal of “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” into law, allowing gays and lesbians to serve openly in the U.S. military. At Tuesday night’s State of the Union address, Obama urged the nation to celebrate the fact that "starting this year, no American will be forbidden from serving the country they love because of who they love."

[USA] [Commentary]
How we (re)named our transgender child
My husband didn't want to be involved, so my 11-year-old daughter and I went about it on our own

[USA] [Commentary]
Transsexuality Is A Medical Condition, Not A Community Identifier
There are times that Cathryn Platine and I are on opposite sides of debates in this community, but every now and then she says something that I just have to say amen too and I'm in lockstep agreement with her.

Berkeley's Latest Liberal Cause: Sex Changes
Berkeley, Calif., is famous for taking on bold, liberal causes, which is why officials there may not have expected the controversy over a proposal to help city workers afford sex change operations.

Tompkins Health Watch: Sunday brunch set in support of transgender individuals
The LGBT Resource Center will host a brunch in support of transgender persons and their friends at 11 a.m. on Sunday. The Transgender and Ally Brunch will be held at 282 Caldwell Hall on the Cornell campus.

La foto del DNI respetará identidad sexual
También la religiosa. Lo dispuso el Gobierno y beneficiará a la docente de la UNLP. La noticia llega luego de que a la docente transexual de la UNLP, Claudia Vázquez Haro le fuera rechazada la posibilidad de aparecer en el DNI con una imagen con su aspecto actual.