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sábado, janeiro 22, 2011

European Commission response on depathologisation
Back in October 2010, MEPs had asked the Commission what it would do with regards to depathologisation and the ICD revisions. Commissioner Dalli now answered, and we put his response online.

El presidente de Portugal VETA Ley para posibilitar el cambio de nombre y sexo de transexuales en DNI
El Presidente Cavaco Silva, ha vetado un proyecto de simplificación de los trámites burocráticos para que las personas transexuales puedan cambiar de nombre y sexo en los registros civiles, y lo envió de vuelta al Parlamento portugués.

USP passa a aceitar nome social de estudantes trans
Portaria da USP estabelece uso de nome social de estudantes transexuais e travestis

Cabo Frio recebe no dia 27 debate sobre crianças trans
Dia Nacional da Visibilidade Trans terá debate em Cabo Frio no próximo dia 27

Gender-neutral toilets divide gay community in Brazil
A prominent samba dance school in Brazil has decided to make it so, generating questions over the reaches of rights for gay, lesbian and transgender people -- even in the simple act of using a toilet.
Unidos da Tijuca, one of the top samba schools in Rio de Janeiro, established separate bathrooms for gay and transgender people at new facilities it inaugurated on Jan. 8. Rio, considered one of the most gay-friendly cities in the world, is preparing for the massive Carnival festival happening in early March.

Transexual masculino de Torrejon aclara su reducción de trabajo y deja a empresa al descubierto
El transexual que denunció a su empresa por presunta discriminación asegura que fue “durísimo” dar el paso para comenzar la reasignación de sexo.

El Portal "Esta Noche Gay" publica reportaje a la Directora de este Medio "El año de Carla Antonelli"
El 2010 fue su año. La actriz y activista vivió un año redondo en el que triunfó actuando en el Teatro Romano de Mérida con ‘Lisístrata’, celebró el décimo aniversario de Diario Digital Transexual que dirige y recuperó su activismo político apostando con éxito, contra todo pronóstico, a Tomás Gómez. Y, por si fuera poco, 2010 fue el año dedicado a los transexuales, un año para Transformar.
El año de Carla Antonelli

Sex change shock
Looking chic in her Devon dress, shoes and ear-to-ear grin, Kelly Osbourne didn’t appear to be letting her scandal-plagued love-life get to her at the Art of Elysium gala in LA on January 15.

Canada: Transgender 'Bathroom bill' heads to third reading
On Dec. 8, the House of Commons approved C-389 at the report stage by a vote of 143-131. C-389 is Bill Siksay's (NDP, Burnaby-Douglas) private member's bill that would enshrine "gender identity" and "gender expression" in the Canada Human Rights Act and hate crime provisions of the Criminal Code, thereby providing special legal rights to people who self-identify as transgender and transsexual. Pro-family groups have dubbed C-389 "the Bathroom Bill," because homosexualist groups have advocated the amendments to hate and human rights laws saying they are necessary so that men who say they are women can use women's washroom without repercussions.

Military under the gun of LGBT activists
A Christian attorney and pro-family activist says the radical "transgender" activists' push for clearance to serve in the military could awaken America to the dangers of allowing people living alternate lifestyles to wear the uniform.

New HUD Rules Require Equal Housing
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development has proposed new regulations to stop discrimination against LGBT people who are seeking to buy a home or qualify for government-backed housing programs.
HUD Unveils Proposed Housing Nondiscrimination Rules
LGBT non-discrimination rules proposed for housing
HUD Propose New Rule To Ensure Equal Access To Housing Regardless Of Sexual Orientation Or Gender Identity
HUD Proposes New Regulations

[USA] [Commentary]
(LGBT Issues = Same-Sex Marriage) = The New Transgendercide Agenda
From Queer Channel Media:
Support for same-sex marriage tops the list for what LGBT rights supporters want to hear from President Obama next week during his State of the Union address.
It tops the list of what the ‘all gay marriage, all the time – and fuck the working-class shlubs who don’t already have employment anti-discrimination protection and don’t have an 8-figure estate tax bite taht they’re trying to dodge’-oids want.

[CA, USA] [Commentary]
Berkeley City Council Paying For Sex Change Operations Is Ridiculous
The Berkeley City Council plans to vote on Feb. 15 on whether or not to give to city employees $20,000 of tax payers' money for sex change operations.

Action Alert and Trans Equal Rights Action Day
The Transgender Equal Rights Bill has been refiled and we need you to come to the State House and ask your legislators to Co-Sponsor the Transgender Equal Rights Bill.

Arnold Darwin Waukazo: murder suspect was in romantic relationship with Krissy Bates
Arnold Darwin Waukazo, the Blaine man being held in jail on suspicion of murdering transgender woman Krissy Bates, was in some kind of romantic relationship with the victim.
Vigil for Minneapolis victim: 'The killing of one of our own'

Acusado confiesa asesinato, pero no el de transexual Ashley
El acusado por dos asesinatos ocurridos el año pasado aceptó que mató a su ex cuñado pero no que asesinó al transexual Juan Ocasio Santiago, mejor conocido como Ashley.

[TX, USA] [Commentary]
Texas Cop Gets One Year In Jail For Raping Two Transwomen
The news out of Texas is if a man rapes a ‘tranny’, he gets a slap on the wrist while his victim gets a life time of pain and suffering. Craig Nash received a year in jail on a misdemeanor charge of “official oppression” despite the fact that he arrested a transsexual prostitute in San Antonio, handcuffed her, drove to a hidden location, and forced her to perform several sex acts while he was on duty. Her story was confirmed by a rape kit that showed that Nash had raped her, and the GPS device in his patrol car showed that he had driven to that location. What is more, another victim had come forward to tell that she, too, had been raped by Nash.
[Commentary] Of Course, If Either Woman Had Fought Back And Killed The Piece of Garbage She’d Be Facing The Death Penalty For Killing A Cop

Inicia Partido del Trabajo campaña contra homofobia y transfobia
El Partido del Trabajo (PT), inició una campaña para ampliar a todo el país los derechos y libertades alcanzados en la ciudad de México a favor la comunidad lésbico, gay, bisexual y transgénero (LGBT) y revertir las condiciones de homofobia y transfobia de que es objeto, informaron ayer Samantha Fonseca, coordinadora general de la Comisión de Diversidad Sexual y Equidad de Género del PT y la diputada local Tania Valentina Rodríguez Ruiz.

"Transcausto" nas Honduras
Sensivelmente no espaço de um mês foram seis as mulheres trans assassinadas neste pequeno país da América Central.
Trans, Gay Murders Rock Honduras
Two transgender people killed in Honduras within past month
Han sido asesinados 34 gais en Honduras desde junio de 2009
Externa CIDH preocupación por asesinatos transgénero en Honduras
Homosexuales hondureños denuncian una de asesinatos
Piden indagar asesinatos en Honduras
Comunidad gay denuncia crímenes de odio en su contra
Poder Ejecutivo condena crímenes de odio contra grupos gais en Honduras
Comunidad LGBT pide a Ministra de Derechos Humanos apoyo para poner un alto a “crímenes de odio”

Nuevo fallo cambio DNI de trans en Argentina, uno más de los 30 recurso de amparo
La Federación Argentina de Lesbianas, Gays, Bisexuales y Trans informa que se ha producido un nuevo fallo en uno de los más de treinta recursos de amparo presentados por el equipo jurídico de la organización por el derecho a la identidad de género. El juez Guillermo Scheibler, titular del Juzgado de Primera Instancia en lo Contencioso Administrativo y Tributario Nº 13 de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, falló a favor de D.A.S., quien había solicitado la emisión de un nuevo DNI y una nueva partida de nacimiento en los que figurasen su nombre y género de la vida real.

Argentina's Trans Big Brother Housemate
Alejandro Iglesias, a cast member of Big Brother in Argentina, told several of his housemates that he is a trans man.
La Federación de lesbianas, gays, bisexuales y trans mira atenta los realities

Un falso médico argentino afronta 6 meses por inyectar silicona a una transexual
Un hombre de nacionalidad argentina se enfrenta a una pena de seis meses de prisión por realizarle un implante de silicona líquida en los glúteos a una transexual lucense, a pesar de carecer de cualquier titulación médica.