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sexta-feira, janeiro 14, 2011

The boy who always knew he was a girl, and is now a woman
A woman spent 28 years living as a man until doctors discovered they had got her sex wrong.
Adele Markham has a rare genetic disorder called Klinefelters, which means she is not male or female, but both – known as intersex.
Born as Matthew, her parents were delighted to be told they had a son, after having two older girls. But as he started to grow into a toddler, the family GP noticed Matthew's genitals were not developing normally and said he would need surgery later.
By the time he reached 14 he had still not been through male puberty and his parents took him to see a specialist. They were told testosterone would help him develop into a man. (Photo)
The little boy with rare genetic disorder who fought for 20 years to be a woman

Knowle drug dealer spared prison for sex change operation
A drug dealer was spared prison after a judge heard that being jailed could scupper his chances of completing a sex change.
Ian Morris, who has changed his name to Jean by deed poll, was convicted of possessing horse tranquilliser ketamine with intent to supply after police intercepted his post. (Photo)
Transgender drug dealer spared prison
Drug dealer let off jail for sex op

Carlisle woman has spent her life with the mind of a female but body of a man
For 30 painful years, Kim Oakland lived a lie. As a five-year-old boy, growing up on a working class Carlisle estate, she spent hours playing soccer with her mates, but even then she knew there was something fundamentally wrong in her life. (Photo)

Gobierno francés continua exigiendo "esterilización irreversible" a personas transexuales para cambio del DNI
Cuando se trata de cuestiones transexuales / transgénero, Francia es líder en hipocresía. Esa es la acusación hecha al gobierno francés esta semana por la organización nacional Trans-Aide después de que el Ministro francés de Justicia Michel Mercier confirmara que el estado no reconoce un cambio de identidad de género sin una prueba de "esterilización irreversible".

Transgender lambasts ''A'' certificate to film on life
A transgender who has donned thegreasepaint to do a film on her community today expressedshock over the Censor Board giving the movie an ''A''certificate.
"The film ''Narthagi'' tentatively scheduled to be releasedon February 14 has no obscene scenes or dialogues whichprevent children from viewing it. It is the first attempt toportray the lives of transgenders by a woman director,Vijayapadma," Kalki told reporters here.

Eunuchs recover Rs8m in 8 months
The Clifton Cantonment Board appointed 10 transgender citizens as tax collectors in its recovery department, claiming Rs 8 million was recovered from the new style of tax collection way.

Bill ammendment protects transgendered from hate crimes
A Canadian law has been amended to protect transgendered people from hate crimes.
In Section 318 of Bill C-389 in the Criminal Code, subsection four protects people from hate crimes directed towards them based on their colour, race, religion, ethnic origin or sexual orientation.

[USA] [Commentary]
Letter to Ashley and Autumn
I know that question to you two right now is not going to be very nice. Especially coming from me, when both of you likely know I'm pretty upset with this whole mess.
So I'm going to ask you, each, How much do you *really* care about making lives better for trans people?

Boynton Police: Cross-dressers use pepper spray in Home Depot robbery
Surveillance videos and 911 recordings reveal the chaos that followed a botched shoplifting attempt at a Home Depot on Wednesday when two suspects used pepper spray on store employees and customers, authorities said.

Fake cop in drag stops Baltimore drivers
Baltimore police say a man wearing a woman's wig and an overly large officer's hat has been pulling drivers over and inspecting their licenses.
Woman recalls traffic stop by fake cop in drag

Mujer transexual encabeza Ministerio Público en Zona Rosa
“En 21 años de servicio, jamás había volteado hacia la comunidad de la diversidad sexual, a pesar de ser parte de ella”, reconoció Javier Gómez Bastida, titular de la Unidad Especializada para la Atención a Usuarios de la Comunidad Lésbico, Gay, Bisexual, Transexual, Transgénero, Travesti e Intersexual (LGBTTTI) de la Procuraduría General de Justicia del Distrito Federal (PGJDF).
(Foto: Leonardo Bastida A. - Gómez Bastida, al centro, con su equipo de trabajo.)

Comunidad LGBT: Alto a crímenes en Honduras
Un grupo de personas miembros de la comunidad defensora de los derechos de las Lesbianas, Gay, Bisexuales y Transexuales, LGBT, en Honduras protestaron este jueves frente a las instalaciones del Ministerio Público en Tegucigalpa exigiendo un castigo contra los responsables de las muertes de cinco de sus compañeros ocurridas en el último mes.
Exigen que se esclarezca el asesinato de 31 personas transexuales y de homosexuales en Honduras

El primer árbitro transexual es brasileño
Se llama Valerio Gama, tiene 32 años y dirigió un partido entre la selección de la ciudad nordestina de Beberice y el club Ferroroviario.

"A Marcia Alejandra (Presente ahora y siempre)" para reconocida transexual fallecida; Por Víctor Hugo Robles
Infinitas risas, bromas por mil y conchazos de locas ingeniosas durante toda una histórica noche de 1990. Así, lúdica y cariñosamente, conocí en casa del fallecido actor Andrés Pavez a su querida amiga, Marcia Alejandra Torres Mostajo, la primera mujer transexual reasignada de sexo en la historia de Chile. Marcia Alejandra sabía del valor del atreverse por primera vez y no ocultaba su orgullo trans, relatando intrépidas historias de vida.