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segunda-feira, janeiro 10, 2011

SP: Justiça autoriza trans a ter documento feminino
Uma estudante trans de 19 anos foi autorizada no último dia 17 pela 1ª Vara Cível de Marília, em São Paulo, a trocar todos os documentos e ter, oficialmente, o nome e o sexo que escolheu, passando a se chamar Amanda. Após dois anos de acompanhamento psicológico, a trans nascida F.M.G.C. fez a transgenitalização e queria ter documentos femininos.

Governo de SP vai oferecer cirurgia grátis a homens trans
Os transexuais atendidos no Ambulatório de Saúde Integral para Travestis e Transexuais do Centro de Referência e Treinamento (CRT) em DST/Aids do Estado de São Paulo poderão, a partir do fim deste mês, ter acesso gratuito à cirurgia para remoção de útero. E a cirurgia grátis de remoção de mama também será feita em breve no Estado.

Gobierno aprueba anteproyecto Ley Igualdad trato, penalizará discriminación por orientación e identidad sexual
El Gobierno da el primer paso para combatir la discriminación
El Consejo de Ministros aprueba el anteproyecto de ley de igualdad de trato para combatir la discriminación
FELGTB celebra la aprobación del anteproyecto de la “necesaria” Ley de Igualdad de Trato y No Discriminación

Gang called me ‘freak’ and started to attack
A transsexual believes she has been the victim of a hate crime after being attacked by a gang.

Nepal introduces transgender census category
Nepal's national census will include a new category for transgender people when counting begins in May, the government said Sunday, in a move welcomed by equality activists.
"Earlier, we had only two categories, men and women. But in the upcoming census, we are including a 'third gender' category," said Bikash Bista, director of the Central Bureau of Statistics in Kathmandu.
Transgender category introduced in Nepal census

Census'11: Transgenders prepare to be counted
When census officials hit the road for the mammoth task of counting the billion plus people, transgenders will ensure they are counted for the first time ever, after the government decided on their inclusion in the 2011 population count as a separate category.

Sex-change man 'cannot be a woman'
The High Court yesterday dismissed with costs the application of a 35-year-old man, who underwent a sex-change operation more than four years ago, to change the gender status on his MyKad, Malaysia's compulsory identity document.
Malaysian transsexual vows to fight for her rights after court refuses to update gender
Malaysian transsexual vows to fight for her rights

Should We Introduce Children to the Concept of Transgender People?
Should we introduce children to the concept of transgender people? The answer is yes according to an article published in the December 2010 issue of the peer-reviewed Graduate Journal of Social Science.

Transgender Actress Alexandra Billings Urges Troubled Gay Teens To 'Hang Around'
In a new PSA, transgender actress, teacher and activist Alexandra Billings urges troubled gay teens to reach out to the Trevor Project, the California-based non-profit that runs the nation's only 24-hour, toll free confidential suicide hotline for gay and questioning youth.

[USA] [Commentary]
26 suicide prevention experts call for end to trans pathologization in DSM-5 by 2013
Lynn Conway notes:
“A panel of 26 leading researchers, clinicians, educators and policy experts have released a comprehensive report on the prevalence and underlying causes of suicidal behavior in lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender adolescents and adults. The report will be published as the lead article in the January 2011 issue of the Journal of Homosexuality. The article is currently available online and will appear in print on Jan. 19.

[USA] [Commentary]
Part Two: Ashley Love And Anti-Defamation
This is part two of a series of essays on self-described transsexual anti-defamation activist Ashley Love. Part one of this series explains why I've written and I'm posting this series of essays.

Victoria Kolakowski, primera mujer transexual de EE UU en ser juramentada Juez de Primera Instancia
Un prolongado aplauso estalló entre los asistentes cuando Victoria Kolakowski, prestó juramento a su cargo el martes 4 de enero, convirtiéndose así en la primer mujer transexual de Estados Unidos al frente de un juzgado, en el condado de Alameda, California.

Tres Asesinatos en Dos Semanas: Reclame por los Homicidios de Personas LGTBI en Honduras
Durante las dos últimas semanas, tres travestis fueron asesinadas en diferentes incidentes en Honduras. En dos de ellos, las víctimas fueron incendiadas tanto antes como después de su muerte. Durante el último año y medio hubo mas de 31 asesinatos de personas lesbianas, gays, transgénero e intersex (LGTBI) en Honduras.
Three Murders in Two Weeks: Protest the Killings of LGBTI People in Honduras