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terça-feira, janeiro 18, 2011

[UK] Kelly Osbourne's ex Luke Worrall 'cheated on her with a pre-op transsexual'
Kelly Osbourne dumped fiancé Luke Worrall when she found out he was having a secret affair - and it has emerged that the woman in question used to be a man.

[UK] [Letters to the Editor]
Sex changed drug-dealer is a woman, not a man
In reference to your article about a transgender woman who is also a drug dealer I would like to point out a glaring mistake in your report.
The person in question is a woman. Continuing to refer to her by male pronouns is plain and simply wrong showing a lack of respect not just for Jean but for all transgendered people out there who are constantly treated the same way through their lives and even in texts talking about their deaths.

[UK] [Commentary]
“Obtaining sex by deception” news update
The Scottish “Obtaining sex by deception” case with Samantha Brooks that I reported on last year is back in the news again, as the defendant was in court on Friday. Although it’s been reported in the usual gay press, their reports are third-hand with the primary sources appearing to be The Daily Record and The Scotsman as their stories were published first and give more detail not mentioned by other outlets.

Aged eunuchs beg to survive
Frail and melancholy-looking white bearded man stopped for a while at the entrance to the room before taking a huge breath: he had already left his walking sticks at the building’s main gate before climbing the stairs in a congested locality in the provincial metropolis.

Encore for transgenders as they walk on the ramp
The stage was set, the spotlights were on and there was a flurry of excitement backstage. It was a big day for the participants. After all, it is not every day that transgenders like Babli, Bebo, Bishakha and Poops walk the ramp for a fashion show.

[New Zealand]
Fest includes doco about trans identity struggle
A film about how New Zealanders define their sex and sexuality and how they deal with people seeking transgender status will be one of the features of Documentary Edge 2011.
Is She or Isn't He? is the work of festival-favourite Justin Pemberton. It follows a self-proclaimed “fat, hairy, woman with a penis”, on her journey from Graham to Ashleigh, as she struggles with her identity.

National GLBT health survey underway
The first Private Lives survey into the health and wellbeing of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender (GLBT) Australians involved more than 5,000 people providing a unique snapshot of our communities.

Chaz Bono Documentary Coming to Oprah Winfrey’s OWN Network
After beginning to undergo a transgender surgery from woman to man back in June 2009, Chaz Bono, the now-called son of music legend Cher and Sonny Bono, has decided to debut his documentary, Becoming Chaz, on the Oprah Winfrey Network (OWN). Born Chastity Bono, this new man came out of the closet almost 20 years ago.
Hijo de Cher, un hombre transexual, presentara documental biográfico en el programa de Oprah

[USA] [Commentary]
The Silent ''T''
Leaders need to overcome their fears and represent everyone in the LGBT community
by Dana Beyer
''LGBT.'' The ''T'' is silent.

[USA] [Commentary]
Your Oppressors Are Not Other Trans People
Ever since I transitioned back in 1994, it seems like at least once a decade we go into this cycle where we have post-op transsexuals screaming the nonsense that pre-ops, crossdressers and everyone else in the trans rainbow are 'oppressing' them.

[USA] [Commentary]
Must-See TV: The Movie "Two Spirits"
The movie Two Spirits will premier on PBS this coming June.
Two Spirits as described on the Cinema Guild website is the story of Fred Martinez who "was nádleehí, a male-bodied person with a feminine essence, a special gift according to his ancient Navajo culture.

Krissy Bates murder: Last voicemail message of transgender victim
Krissy Bates, the first murder victim in Minneapolis this year, was a transgender woman who'd been in town only a few months.

Survey finds S.C. LGBT youth bullied
South Carolina Equality, the Palmetto State’s LGBT education and political advocacy organization, has released a landmark survey of 1,000 LGBT residents. The survey exposes several needs and challenges currently facing the state’s estimated 117,000 LGBT citizens, advocates say, particularly among LGBT youth in the state’s public schools.

Hallan cadáver de transexual en calle
El asesinato de este nuevo transexual en San Pedro Sula es el primer caso que se registra en el año, el último fue el 31 de agosto del 2010 cuando desconocidos a bordo de una moto mataron a Germán Gamaniel Serrano Hernández, 30, conocido como “Gama”
(Photo: El cuepo del transexual encontrado en la residencial Rancho El Coco de San Pedro Sula al norte de Honduras.)
Hallan el cadáver mujer transexual asesinada en Honduras, la sexta en solo 45 días

Tania Luna (27), primera travesti con documento de mujer en Latinoamérica
Es actriz y vedette. Mide un metro 80. Tiene cara de niña y un cuerpo que ya quisiera cualquier chica. Nació hombre, pero siempre se sintió mujer. Hace dos años sentó un precedente, cuando la justicia argentina la autorizó a cambiar de identidad, sin haberse sometido a una operación de cambio de sexo. Ahora es dueña de un DNI, en que figura con su nombre femenino.

La FALGBT expresa su preocupación por el incremento del clima discriminatorio hacia el colectivo LGBT
La Federación Argentina de Lesbianas, Gays, Bisexuales y Trans expresó su "profunda preocupación acerca del incremento de situaciones y dichos discriminatorios hacia el colectivo de lesbianas, gays, bisexuales y trans, que se ha vivido en los últimos días a través de diversos medios de comunicación", dijeron.
Federación argentina LGTB muestra preocupación por incremente clima discriminatorio a trans, lesb y gays

[Argentina] [Opinion]
La cuestión Trans
¿Cómo iremos a plantear la lucha por la Identidad de Género éste 2011? ¿Tenemos potestad para cuestionar el derecho a la identidad de l@s compañer@s trans? ¿Entendemos acaso lo que significa ser trans?. Creo que todavía tenemos mucho que aprender. En lo que respecta a diversidad sexual, la cosa no terminó el 15 de julio de 2010, tenemos que seguir educando para no darle tranco a ciertos sectores sociales, políticos y religiosos a dar un zarpazo contra los derechos adquiridos y permitirnos la posibilidad de seguir alcanzando nuevos derechos.