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segunda-feira, fevereiro 27, 2012

MT: Travesti é encontrada morta no bairro São Mateus, Várzea Grande
O corpo de uma travesti ainda não identificado foi localizado ontem à tarde por populares numa estrada de difícil acesso na região do Formigueiro, que fica próximo do bairro São Mateus, em Várzea Grande, cidade de Mato Grosso. A travesti foi encontrada despida e existe a suspeita de que ela tenha sido executado no final da madrugada. A vitima foi assassinada por espancamento e também pedradas na cabeça, que chegou a ficar achatada.

Homem rouba travesti durante programa e vai preso em MT, diz PM
Na casa do suspeito de 36 anos foi encontrada a bolsa da vítima.
Vítima seguiu o suspeito com um táxi e chamou a polícia.

La gala Drag Queen Gomahara todo un fraude al deporte capitalino
El club de Vóley Bahía de San Sebastián, solicita por escrito el Auditorio Infanta Cristina, a su titular Cabildo Insular, para hacer un acto a primeros de Febrero, cuyo fin es el mismo que el del otro club, recaudar fondos y poder seguir compitiendo y lo más importante, continuar trabajando con unos 50 chicos-as de edades comprendidas entre los 8 a 16 años.

La única agrupación que hace teatro Drag cumple 14 años
Dionisios café-teatro abrió sus puertas como un espacio alternativo y pluralista para las artes escénicas y las identidades GLBT. Hoy más del 80% de su público es heterosexual

Una interna transexual agrede a una funcionaria de la cárcel, y la trasladan modulo de hombres
El sindicato ACAIP denuncia que pese a tener reconocida legalmente su condición de mujer y que ingresó como tal, tras el ataque fue trasladada a un módulo de hombres

Heard The One About A Sex Swap Man Who Replaced A Female Comic?
Green Party chiefs replaced a female comedian with a transgender comic to make a fundraising night more ­diverse.

Mixed-up five-year-olds and the alarming growth of the gender identity industry: 20 years ago the condition didn't exist. Now British children are being puberty suppressing drugs on the NHS
The Tavistock Clinic is based in an anonymous concrete building in North London. Once there, you have to go to the third floor to find the Orwellian-sounding Gender Identity Development Unit.
The unit received £1,042,000 in funding last year from the local healthcare Trust. In layman’s terms, it treats patients who believe they are ‘trapped in the wrong body’.
Few would associate such a place with children barely old enough to attend school.

Brigitte Goldberg: La trans qui vise la présidence
Trans et militante LGBT, Brigitte Goldberg se présente à la présidentielle. Une candidature symbolique pour peser sur la gauche et rappeler au PS ses promesses.
Elle sait qu'elle ne sera pas élue, mais elle aura tenu plus longtemps que Christine Boutin. Pour quelques jours encore, Brigitte Goldberg est candidate à la présidentielle. Sa particularité: elle représente le parti Avenir 2012, issu du collectif LGBT Trans Europe, et elle est elle-même trans. D'emblée, elle balaie tous soupçons de communautarisme autour de son projet: «Notre parti porte des valeurs de respect, de liberté, d'égalité, pour les LGBT comme pour tous. Ce sont des valeurs républicaines.»

The LGBT are living in trauma and crisis
Nothing’s more traumatic than living in uncertainty. And that’s how the LGBT community is living. Psychiatrists report that the sexual minorities are in a traumatised state and are experiencing a crisis due to the government’s back and forth movement on decriminalising gay sex.
‘We want the right to live’

Railways reaches out to transgenders
At 5.30 p.m. on Friday, the tin shed adjacent to the Railway Magistrate Court in the Moore Market Complex was teeming with people, most were seated and incessantly clicking pictures on their cell phones of the officials on the dais. An unusual session was in progress -- a consultation in which persons from the transgender community were provided a forum to interact with officials from the Social Welfare Department to learn about the welfare schemes available to them.

Trans teens turn to YouTube
A new generation turns to the video-sharing site to talk about treatments and experiences, and build a community

'Add the Words' Activists in Magic Valley Say They are Determined to Continue the Campaign
Gay rights activist Cody Hafer cycled through a range of emotions Feb. 10 when the Senate State Affairs Committee killed legislation that would’ve added protections for gay, lesbian and transgender people to the Idaho Human Rights Act.

Group to Lead Discussion on Proposed Salina Non-Discrimination Ordinance
Stephanie Mott, state chair of the Kansas Equality Coalition, will speak at the Salina Public Library, Prescott Room, on Sunday, Feb 26th, from 3:30-5:00. The public will have an opportunity to hear about the proposed ordinance that would add “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” to Salina’s current human relations ordinance.
Salina officials holding forums
"Not a Campaign of Hate"

Transexuales de Guayaquil, Ecuador, realizaran entrevista a mas de 600 personas por incidencia VIH
Lo que quieren saber es hasta dónde llegó el VIH. Quienes lideran este proyecto entrevistarán a 600 personas para conocer la incidencia del síndrome en este grupo; un psicólogo español y dos trans de Guayaquil realizan este trabajo.

Fallece en Formosa, Argentina, la activista trans por Ley Identidad de Genero, Betiana Benitez
Este miércoles 22 de febrero falleció la activista transexual Betiana Benítez tras varios días de estar internada a causa de una enfermedad que la tenía alejada de su labor como coordinadora de ATTTA (Asociación de Travestis Transexuales y Transgéneros de Argentina) en la provincia de Formosa.