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segunda-feira, junho 03, 2013

Homem é encontrado morto e dois são presos em Blumenau
Dois homens foram presos pela Polícia Militar em Blumenau após um terceiro homem ter sido encontrado com sangramento no peito na madrugada deste sábado (1). O Serviço de Atendimento Móvel de Urgência (Samu) foi acionado para socorrer a vítima, mas, segundo a PM, ela já estava sem sinais vitais. Ainda de acordo com a polícia, o homem assassinado e os suspeitos, de 31 e 36 anos, são travestis.

If the RAF can accept my gender transition, why can't the media?
Ayla Holdom is a search and rescue pilot in the Royal Air Force. When she began her gender transition, she was supported by friends and family and by her employer. Yet she, like teacher Lucy Meadows, who killed herself in March, has had to endure articles full of hurt and spite. She argues for all transgender people to be treated with the dignity they deserve

Transgender Dancer From North Shields Set For World Pole Sport Championships
Pole dancer Natasha Payne from North Shields is representing Great Britain in the Masters category of the World Pole Sport Championships in London.
Sex-swap Perfomer Is Aiming To Become World Champion

Anna Grodzka interview: what's it like being the world's only transsexual MP?
Poland's Anna Grodzka is Europe's first, and currently the world's only, transsexual MP. On a recent trip to London, she talked to David Hudson about her life in the spotlight

Very few transgenders have voting rights
It has been nearly 20 years since transgenders in India were granted voting rights but few in the community actually feature in the voters' lists. A conservative estimate states that there are nearly a million transgenders in the country. If this is the case, there should be one of them for every 1,300 males or females. Documents provided by Sunil Gupta, chief electoral officer of West Bengal, reveal that of the 14,47,174 registered voters for the Howrah Lok Sabha constituency, for which a by-election is being held today, only five belong to the category 'others'.

Transgenders demand representation in parliament
Transgender and transsexual people urged the government to allocate particular seat to them in parliament in order to present their problems in the law-making house and find suitable solutions on Saturday.

Austrália reconhece género sexual "neutro" para pessoas
Um tribunal australiano abriu esta sexta-feira caminho para o reconhecimento pleno do género sexual "neutro" no país, ao decidir que os cidadãos não são obrigados a serem identificados como homem ou mulher.
Court says you don't have to be 'M' or 'F'

Suppression rate for transgender patients with HIV improve considerably
Trans people living with the HIV virus today are experiencing a reversal from mostly dismal conditions. A new research study points towards conditions near parity with non-trans people living with the disease.

Movilh denunció brutal ataque a joven transexual en Cartagena
El Movimiento de Integración y Liberación Homosexual (Movilh) denunció un brutal ataque contra una joven transexual, de 16 años, en Cartagena.
Movilh presentó querella criminal contra agresor de transgénero en Cartagena
Joven transexual y Movilh interponen querella por brutal agresión en San Antonio