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sexta-feira, junho 28, 2013

PM registra sete homicídios na Grande Natal
Quase no mesmo horário, populares do loteamento Santo Antônio, em Extremoz, acionaram a polícia para mais uma ocorrência de homicídio. Desta vez a vítima era um travesti, que não foi identificado. A PM confirmou que quatro homens invadiram a casa onde morava a vítima, próximo à estação de trem, e cometeram o assassinato, atirando várias vezes com ela.

Travesti é morto com dois tiros em frente ao portão de casa
O travesti Paulo Gomes da Silva, de 35 anos, conhecido com “Franciele”, foi assassinado com dois tiros, nesta segunda-feira à noite, em frente a sua residência, na rua Floriano Peixoto, no centro de Rondonópolis.
Conforme consta de boletim de ocorrência registrado pela Polícia Militar, testemunhas informaram que Paulo chegava à sua casa e um homem estava saindo da residência. O suspeito sacou um revólver e efetuou os disparos.

Homossexual é encontrado morto com sinais de violência
O corpo de um homem foi encontrado com sinais de violência no bairro de Bela Vista, em Parnamirim. Ainda sem identificação oficial, a vítima apresentava uma grande perfuração no pescoço. Vizinhos informaram que o homem morto era homossexual e, inclusive, chegava a se vestir de mulher.

UK court ruling: trans people engaging in sex without disclosure may be criminal
I’m still trying to find the handle on this thing, but it appears that an appeals court in the UK has found that a trans person withholding certain facts prior to sex with another person may be charged with committing a criminal act.

Transgender marriage move
Transgender people in Scotland will no longer need to get divorced in order to have their new sex legally recognised.
Scottish Parliament publishes marriage equality bill after introduction

La Commission des droits de l'homme propose l'introduction de la notion de "genre" dans le droit français
La Commission nationale consultative des droits de l’homme (CNCDH) a rendu ce jeudi 27 juin vers midi un avis, dans lequel elle recommande au gouvernement d’introduire la notion d’"identité de genre" dans le droit français, tout en ajoutant une série de propositions pour faciliter les conditions du changement d’état civil des personnes transsexuelles. Des propositions qui, si elles étaient adoptées, constitueraient une avancée majeure pour les "trans".

Transgenders will soon be given right to marry
Now that the second reading of amendments to the Civil Code has been approved in parliament, the bill is set to start being discussed in committee stage on Monday, according to Minister for Social Dialogue, Consumer Affairs and Civil Liberties Helena Dalli.

Russia’s upper house approves ‘gay propaganda’ bill, will become law
Anyone who offends a religious believer could be sent to jail as the Senate also makes it illegal for foreign gay couples to adopt children

Code 9 on census form irks transgenders
Transgenders across Tamil Nadu are completely upset and feel insulted as ‘9’ has been given as the number to identify them under ‘Others’ category in the Sixth Economics Census form.

[New Zealand]
Beyer positive, excited and feeling better
Georgina Beyer says she is doing better, after the frightening revelation she has been diagnosed with chronic kidney failure.

New Westminster approves draft gender policy
Policy recognizes importance of respecting sexual orientation and gender equity among students and staff

Criança trans vence processo de WCs
Uma criança trans, que se identifica como feminina, ganhou o direito a usar o WC feminino na sua escola no Colorado.
6-year-old ‘transgender’ boy must be allowed to use girls’ bathroom: Colorado officials

STUDY: Transgender People Experience Discrimination Trying To Use Bathrooms
A new study from the Williams Institute confirms that transgender people face significant levels of discrimination and harassment simply when trying to use the restroom. The study focused on people who identify as transgender or gender non-conforming/genderqueer in the Washington, DC area and found that an overwhelming majority — 70 percent — had experienced some sort of negative reaction when using a bathroom. The study notes that this is in spite of the fact that DC’s enforcement regulations contain “the strongest language in the country in regard to gender-segregated public facilities” to protect trans people from just these sorts of issues.
Transgender People Are Harassed and Assaulted in Public Bathrooms, Survey Says
Groundbreaking Study to Revolutionize Transgender Issues

Trans March marks 'Decade of Change'
Transgender people and their allies will mark 10 years of marching and celebrations with the 2013 Trans March. The march, which this year is themed "A Decade of Change," kicks off San Francisco LGBT Pride weekend Friday, June 28, beginning in Dolores Park.

Suspect Arrested in Stanton Road Stabbing
MPD announces arrest of suspect in case of a transgender woman stabbed multiple times in Southeast D.C.

Competency Contested in Deoni Jones Case
Trial of suspect in 2012 killing of transgender woman delayed, tentative trial start set for 2014

Bystanders cheer as women attack, beat D.C. drag performer
A male drag performer was punched, kicked, and dragged by his hair on the floor at the Manny & Olga’s pizzeria on 14th Street, N.W., about 2 a.m. Sunday by two female attackers in an incident that was captured on video taken by a bystander who cheered the attackers.

Judge Nixes Deal For Fix-A-Flat Fake Butt Doc
A proposed deal for a South Florida man accused of injecting “super glue” and Fix-A-Flat into the buttocks of women in botched illegal cosmetic surgery procedures has gone flat.
Judge strikes down plea deal for butt surgery suspects
Judge rejects plea deal in Miami-Dade ‘toxic tush’ case
Miami Judge Rejects Plea Deal in Fake Transgender Doctor Case

Gay rights decisions bittersweet for Topeka transgender
Mott: Exciting for country, reminder of difficulties in Kansas, other states

No State Senate Vote on Transgender Rights
More than a decade into the effort to approve a transgender civil rights law in New York State, the 2013 legislative session looked like it could be the charm.