Representante de São Paulo vence concurso de Miss Transex Brasil 2013
Raika Ferraz recebeu a coroa e a faixa na noite desta segunda-feira, 21, durante concurso realizado no Centro do Rio.
Brazil chooses 'Miss' Transsexual
Renata Bastos: “é muito difícil homem assumir relação com travesti”
Quem circula nas baladas mais disputadas da noite paulistana já se deparou com a sua figura imponente nas portas das casas noturnas. Com 1,77m – turbinados, invariavelmente, por um bom salto - a transgênero Renata Bastos exerce com rigor o poder de decidir quem entra ou não nesses lugares. Aliás, ela nem se incomoda com a fama de antipática que a profissão hostess costuma levar.
Amnesty seeking to interview trans people on rights violations
Amnesty International will be in Ireland to research for their European project on Human Rights Violations of Trans People.
Penal code amended to protect against discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity
The government in the Republic of Cyprus has amended the penal code of the country in order to protect people from discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity.
Cyprus Adds Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity to Anti-Discrimination Law
Bulgarian Homosexuals Have to Keep Quiet
Homosexuals in Bulgarian mostly have to live their lives in the shadows. Those who come out risk losing their friends and their jobs. The only freedoms are in the shadows.
Transgender people face strife at the doctor's office
Complaints include insensitive, unnecessary questions and denied treatments
How Bandung’s Transgender Community Is Taking on HIV/AIDs One Test at a Time
Yuli Krisna discovers a group of vulnerable people determined to tackle an alarming health trend
Trans, Dyke Marches bring radical edge to Atlanta Pride
With chants and cheers, the Trans March and Dyke March at Atlanta Pride always bring a more political, edgy feel to the weekend celebration of being out and proud.
Murdered transgender teen’s house firebombed
The former home of Dwayne Jones, a transgender teenager murdered this year in Jamaica, has been firebombed in an attack.
House in Jamaica where Dwayne Jones last lived fire-bombed by mob - four gay men flee for lives

Transexual muere tras ser agredida en Valparaíso
De acuerdo a lo relatado por un travesti, la mujer fue golpeada en su rostro.
Una Transexual prostituta identificada como Katherine Jannett Droguett Silva, murió tras ser agredida esta madrugada en la intersección de calles Chacabuco con San Ignacio, en Valparaíso.
Movilh repudia mortal ataque contra transexual en Valparaíso
Gobernadora de San Antonio interpuso querella
Hasta los Tribunales de Garantía de San Antonio llegó la gobernadora provincial Karen Pichunante Canseco, para interponer una querella criminal contra quienes resulten responsables de las lesiones graves graví-simas sufridas por Sebastián Pailamilla Castro, joven transexual de la comuna de Cartagena, quien fuese agredido el pasado 4 de mayo.
Argentina Grants Lulu, 6-Year-Old Transgender Child, Female ID Card
Argentina's government has granted a six-year-old transgender girl an ID that corresponds with her gender identity.
Argentine authorities grant female ID card to 6-year-old boy who identifies as a girl
Argentina Grants 6-Year-Old Trans Child a Female ID Card
“Hay dos heroínas”
“La vi sufrir como no quiero volver a verla”
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